Welcome to the virtual holt of the SweetWater fan club!The Sweetwater fan club (SwFC) is an association of Elfquest fans, organized to further enjoyment of the World of Two Moons and to promote the ideals contained therin, while providing an atmosphere of fun and friendship for all involved. SwFC is based in Spokane, Washington, although we have members nationwide. This site is designed as a reference for current members, offered as entertainment for fellow Elfquest fans, and designed to show prospective members what we have to offer. Elfquest and the World of Two Moons are copyrighted and trademarked by WaRP Graphics. It is only by the grace of WaRP Graphics and Wendy and Richard Pini that we are allowed to play in their world, within certain copyright limits. Thank you, Wendy and Richard!
How do I contact SwFC? This site is still in it's infancy, and more is being added all the time. Check back soon!
Meeting Information