The SweetWater Fan Club!


-- or --

"Idiot's Guide to the Council"

A. D.O.R.K. / Leader

The running of a Fan Club requires a serious dedication and commitment, in time as well as availability, to members and Officers. Every 'voice' of an organization helps to build and strengthen the structure. One must never be so ridged or staunch that suggestions or ideas are not taken and seriously considered. A Leader must be objective as well as firm.

Never forget that it is the 'people' who keep the Club strong and prospering. Always maintain an objective outlook to any idea proposed by members, learn to hear what is not said, and avoid any tendency to abuse or rule your fellow members.

The duties of the D.O.R.K. include but are not limited to :

  1. Delegate responsibility to persons as officers, and oversee them in their duties.

    This involves a working knowledge of every position on the Council; their duties, procedures and responsibilities to the club.

    It is understood that people voted into positions by members are responsible and capable officers, but the DORK must make sure every officer knows not just ongoing duties, but upcoming duties as well. This includes a list of information, or outlines, needed for every meeting or for a future meeting or event. Example: Howl

  2. Organize or see to the fictional continuity of the Club.

    Having a current Handbook is a necessity in this endeavor. The DORK must uphold all Fan Club laws and regulations. This applies to fictional continuity as outlined by the Club's sources and is not restricted to the Core tribe but any new tribe as well.

    A working knowledge of WaRP 's overall concepts and idealism's are vital in the structure of any representation of the "borrowed" WoTM. One must always ask - Does this story or tribe 'fit'? How, why, or why not. Consult with Council on any and all doubts for a wider scope of input.

  3. Responsibly represent WoTM ( World of Two Moons ) Fandom.

    This involves establishing a set of rules and standards that must be upheld by the club. Any and all ideas pertaining to needed advancement on said rules mst always be considered.

    Maintenance and continued updating to insure a happy or content membership involves constant communication and exchange of ideas.

    All copyrights must be observed and respect given for the trademarked owners of any 'borrowed' world. Permission must be sought and achieved, and any guidelines given honored, and incorporated into the structure.

  4. Keep to the purpose and smooth communication of the Club.

    This responsibility can best be described in the following categories. A leader has a guise to be firstly available to all members of the group, and secondly to Council. This includes, but is not limited to, continued and updated input regarding the following:

    1. Membership

      The D.O.R.K. must maintain an updated list of addresses and phone numbers of all paying members. Their Characters ( PC / NPC ) must be on record and the members informed of their responsibilities to the Club. This includes a Character Sheet on file for the Core playing group and any information pertaining to PR justly observed. (Persona Rights)

    2. Fanzine

      The Leader must organize, and incorporate help to organize, any and all material to go to the Editor for the printing of the Fanzine. They must also insure that any and all guidelines are followed, and information is received and delivered, in time for publication. The Fanzine is the second most important responsibility that the Club has to its Members. The first being to the members themselves.

    3. Handbook

      A handbook is not just a fun tool but a necessary one. It must include any and all information needed for a member to understand the rules or standards set by the Club, answer any questions, and responsibly represent what the members are receiving for their Yearly Dues. A regulated outline of every 'playground' that members are offered must have an updated and well formulated set of boundaries. A set of standards must be set by the Core tribe that all can follow easily, and with enjoyment.

    4. New Members' Guide

      The Guide is a courtesy that the Club provides upon payment of membership to get one started. It's contents can change and vary but it must cover a basic understanding of what is expected of, and offered to, a member. The Guide must also include a condensed version of the current Handbook, enough that a member has a sense or feel for material needed.

    5. Deadlines

      The observation and enforcement of deadlines are an important part of keeping to the Fanzine's scheduled publication. The D.O.R.K. ,with the assistance of all Officers, must insure that members are constantly informed of dates for printing and requirements needed to guarantee that a story, poem, or art are incorporated into the SotT Shade of the Tree

    6. Special Activities

      Every event needs special planning. The leader has Officers to insure the timely information and enjoyment of each. Volunteers are also recommended to guarantee that every member is informed or consulted about a special activity wanted or planned. All restrictions must be observed and any requirements made clear and enforced. Example: POA's / Medical Information

    7. Flyers

      The membership has expressed a desire to be informed of the 'theme' as well as time and place for every meeting. It is suggested that a standard meeting day be observed to avoid confusion. Phone, computer, and posted/mailed flyers all help in this regard. Volunteers to distribute as well as design are greatly appreciated.

    8. Meeting dates

      The Club has designated that every 3rd Saturday of the month be put aside for a meeting date. Since times usually vary, and are only limited to 'afternoon', members must be informed as to time, place, and requirements. ( food, $$$, materials etc.... )

B. Duties for Council

All officers of the Council have a responsibility to the members and the club, both outlined and implied. Some of the duties will evolve as the group progresses, and grow as needed. Listed below are the main duties and a short outline for each. Officers may incorporate descriptions or duties to their own outlines as needed.

The duties of the Council include but are not limited to:

  1. To temporarily assume leadership at a meeting or of the Club should the D.O.R.K. be unavailable or s/he should resign or become incapacitated. Meeting procedures, in order, are as follows:

    1. Call to order
    2. Treasury Report
    3. Secretary reads highlights of last meeting
    4. New business
    5. Member idea's or questions
    6. Productive work toward last or current meeting goals
    7. Distribution of Fanzine or flyers

  2. To be available to consult with the members regarding questions or needed revisions of any policy.

    It is the Councils responsibility to assure that members are happy with procedures and activities. A member has the right to request a private meeting with Council or to openly converse a statement or question at a scheduled meeting. Council should be objective and opened minded in regards to any information from a paying member. Procedures on this depend on perceived problem and available avenues of solution. If a problem cannot be solved through Council it must be brought before the Group and voted upon.

  3. To generally assist with the operations of the Club.

    This includes volunteering to help with Fanzine and any other activities that the club has to offer. The council must also follow and enforce all laws and regulations in an objective manner, with a kind hand, and at an appropriate time.

C. Editor

D. Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer include but are not limited to:

  1. To be responsible for all tribe funds, and keep records of and be accountable for, at all times.

    A treasury report of what our current holding are at each meeting is an essential responsibility to members. Recorded documents of Club costs, receipts, and available funds must be obtainable at all times.

  2. To maintain membership records and make these available to the Council.

    A document of paid membership, date of joining, Fanzine's owed, funds for out-of-town, and possible volunteers for "Buddy System" recorded. The records must be available at all times for Council and members.

  3. To establish and keep a budget of the Club funds.

    Designate what the club can spend, and for what. Design and maintain a system of budget that will take care of our necessities (fanzine, etc...), and use what funds are left over in a system that will not exhaust funds for the year.

  4. To save us money.

    To search for discounts of copies, printing, supplies, etc. To save the Club money, and incorporate the discounts into the system of budget, as well as keeping track of the deals, discounts, and coupons.

  5. To incorporate the American Barter System into our budget and trade.

    To find a system of barter based on early practices of America to use for our benefit as well as whomever we trade with. Also must keep records of trades with business, as well as trades with other clubs.

E. Activities Director

The duties of the Activities Director include but are not limited to:

  1. To oversee development of Club activities and take steps necessary to assure the each is successful and enjoyable.

    1. Distribution of flyers
    2. P.O.A.'s for minors and medical information on all members needed for cases of emergency.
    3. See to the distributions of prizes
    4. Organization of games for Special Activities.
    5. Consult with members for any ideas regarding a more fun structure or interesting meetings

  2. To consult with Treasury for available funds regarding games and prizes, or notify s/he of donations.

    Present ideas for money making.

  3. To act as host or appoint a host for individual events

    1. Event location
    2. Things needed for events
    3. Distributions of information for activities
    4. Inform Council Members of any idea from Club Members

F. Secretary

The duties of the secretary include but are not limited to:

  1. To record notes at meetings.

    To document all important discussions, decisions, and events at meetings and to keep available records of same. This involves a working outline submitted for publication in the next Fanzine and copies of all meetings notes to be given to the DORK.

  2. To assist and ensure that the D.O.R.K. has timely information for changes.

    To provide records of meeting notes upon request, along with recent information discussed or decided at meetings.

  3. To assist members, and Council, with correspondence for out-of-town possible/future members.

    To provide by mail/computer, information to possible new members, consisting of a flyer and more data if needed. Work with Treasurer regarding funds & Communication regarding "Buddy System"

  4. To act as an advisor and assistant to the D.O.R.K. and the other Council members regarding Council positions and the ways of the Club/Tribe.

    To offer assistance, and be advisor to D.O.R.K and other council members in completing publication, activities etc.

  5. To keep records of documented materials of the club.

    To keep record of meeting notes for organization of Archivist and D.O.R.K.

    To keep records of mail regarding previous duty, and records of "wills" and "Hiatus notices"

G. The Duties of Archivist

According to the Constitution of the Sweetwater Fan Club the duties of the Archivist include, but are not limited to, to make oneself available to proofread for member, to oversee continued updates of the Tribe Timeline, and to maintain all Fan Club rules and regulations. The following is a detailed description of the Archivist, including the additional responsibilities.

  1. To make one self available to proofread for members.

    Some members, though talented in their writing, will need stories proofread to find spelling/punctuation errors they might themselves miss. As well, proofreading means making sure the fictional continuity of Sweetwater or other tribes is not violated. The Archivist must be well versed or able to research accurately the information necessary to maintain fictional continuity in stories.

  2. To oversee the continued update of the Tribe Timeline.

    This applies only to the Core tribe (Sweetwater elves of "Newfounder's Holt") If the Archivist wishes, and if the creators/operators of the other groups desire, volunteer Apprentices may be assigned to the other groups to maintain their Timelines.

    This duty involves making sure the events of all stories affecting Sweetwater elves are recorded accurately on the Timeline in the order in which they occurred. A notation will be placed at the end of each of these story entries stating the title of the story in which it occurred and in which issue of The Shade of the Tree the story appeared. These are to be updated after each issue and hard copy be made available upon request.

  3. To maintain all Fan Club rules and regulations.

    The Archivist must be well versed in the rules and regulations of the Sweetwater Fan Club as it states in The Constitution of Sweetwater Fan Club. A copy of the Constitution must be available at all regular meeting. The Archivist must also be able to recognize when the Constitution has been violated and state it in an objective manner.

  4. Maintain Archival Copies of the Documents of Sweetwater Fan Club.

    Archive copies, which are made available at each meeting to the Membership, are to be assembled and maintained by the Archivist. Volunteers willing to sponsor the cost will be accessed so that one person need not handle the cost of the Archives.

    Documents which need to be maintained in an organized manner included: The Constitution of Sweetwater Fan Club, an updated copy of the Timeline, the Handbook of the Sweetwater Fan Club, the Newfounder's Holt Family Tree, and pasts issues of the Shade of the Tree.

    These Documents will not be held by the former Archivist when a change of Officer occurs. The Archives will be considered Property of Sweetwater Fen Club and will change hands with the Officer responsibilities.

  5. Hold for future use copies of previously printed art.

    The Archivist must obtain from the Editor copies of previously printed artwork in an organized manner. Each series of pieces must be maintained in a fashion which makes it easy to research when a particular piece was printed and where. The Archivist will make these records available to the Editor upon request for possible reprint. These records must also include whether an artist has specified if a piece may or may not be reprinted if that specification is made known.

H. Communication Tree.

The following is a detailed outline for the responsibilities the Communications officer has to the Club members and the Council. C

  1. Bring to attention all questions regarding activities and upcoming Conventions.

    Communication must organize and have available any information on meeting dates: Where, When. Plus any Conventions or Activities that members may be interested in.

  2. Volunteer for out-of-town Buddy System for mail and correspondence.

    This involves matching senior members with out-of- town members for a "Pen Pal" System to keep them informed of upcoming Special Activities or meeting dates without direct cost to the club.

  3. Bring to the attention of the Council Officers any adjustments needed to our purpose or structure.

    You must obtain meeting notes from the Secretary and appraise if any members idea or requsts need to be added to our handbook or information/answers needed in our New Members Guide.

I. Writer's Conclave

The duties of the Writer's Conclave include but are not limited to:

  1. Upholding of "The Way" as outlined in our Club sources.

    All proofreading that is done among fellow members at a (WC) should they have any questions must be brought to the attention of the C if they can not be answered by the Officer.

  2. Assignment of "Vanity Titles" to ensure fictional continuity as set by WoTM.

    The Core tribe of Sweetwater has many positions available for members to enjoy a little taste of power in a story or at a Howl. Some positions are permanent and cannot change: But others can change from moon to moon.

  3. A voice to share a story idea for non-writers who want to "Howl"

    The officer must be aware of writers who are willing to volunteer their time to help a fellow member evolve/write a story idea for print.

  4. A meeting artist can attend to offer time and/or share ideas/techniques.

  5. Security for your rights of your 'Character Persona".

    All new characters must come before the authority of Writer's Conclave for the assistance of developing characters persona so as not to conflict the individually of existing characters. If conflict arises it must be brought up at a non-official Writer's Conclave meeting. Where the officer will decide the verdict depending on evidence and statement. If the Officer finds the conflict can not be resolved, the matter must be brought up in Council with a "plaintiff/defendant" case.

Temporary positions include but are not limited to :

Temporary Officer

In the course of the running of Sweetwater Fan Club it may become necessary to fill an officer position with a Temporary Officer. When this happens the Temporary Officer must be willing and capable of fulfilling any of the established council positions for a short time until a new officer can be elected. While in the temporary position the person holding it has no voting power on the council. However, if after a time a willing member cannot be found to fill in the position the Temporary Officer may apply to become the new permanent officer.

The duties of the Temporary Officer include but are not limited to:

  1. Being well versed in and able to carry out the duties of any position on the council.

    Having a current copy of the idiots guide will help very much. If the Temporary Officer does not wish to purchase one the Archivist copy is always available for consultation.

  2. Having the ability to train the new officer when elected to a position.

    The Temporary Officer must have the time and the ability to train any new officer elected into the position that is currently being filled. This involves training them in the position and making sure they understand fully all the duties they have gotten snookered--I mean elected into.

  3. The ability to recognize and outline needed duties in an existing position

    While filling an existing position the Temporary Officer may notice that there are duties which fall under that position that have yet to be identified or outlined. When this is noted it becomes the Temporary Officer's duty to outline said duty and inform the D.O.R.K. of the addition. The position will then be updated in the following printing of "The Idiot's Guide to the Council".

  4. The ability to recognize and write up the guidelines for any new positions needed.

    If the sucker--I mean volunteer or volunteers who have been performing the duties of Temporary Officers recognize a need for a new council position it should be brought to the attention of the council with a detailed reasoning of why the position is needed. If the council decides that the position is indeed necessary and it is voted in the Temporary Officer which brought it to their attention is responsible for writing up the guidelines and duties for the new position. The Temporary Officer will then fill in the position until such time as a vote among the membership can be called to elect the new officer.

Duties of the Art Editor

The general duty of the Art Editor is to provide assistance to the editor for layout and arrangement of the Fanzine. These duties include, but are not limited to, assistance in layout, collection of the artwork for the issue as well as keeping an archive of past art, choosing a cover, and regulation of the amount of art to ensure it is well balanced with the amount of written material printed in the Fanzine.

  1. Assistance in Layout- This means helping to ensure the artwork that is assigned to specific stories is placed in a manner that coincides with the story and it's proper scene. This also ensures that current artwork is used whenever possible and that overused art is placed in an archive for retirement. This includes the placement of filler art in empty spaces. If there is insufficient art that is assigned to specific stories then submitted art that does not fit with stories may be placed between stories and in non-story sections.

  2. Collection Of the Artwork- This includes gathering together all the artwork submitted for the current issue as well as maintaining an archive of previously used art work and in which issue(s) it was printed. If a particular piece has been, in the Art Editor's opinion, overused it will be placed into a retirement file to be replaced by more current art.

  3. Choosing a Cover- It will be the duty of the Art Editor to make sure a cover is chosen from all submissions and that the unchosen cover pieces will be kept in a file of Unused Covers while the used ones will be placed in the archives. The unchosen pieces will be kept as possible future covers if the need arises. The covers will be chosen by the Art Editor or by a committee chosen by the Art Editor or by some other means set up by the Art Editor.

  4. Regulation of the Amount of Art- This is to ensure that the amount of art does not subvert the amount of writing and vice versa. The Fanzine is for both writers and artists and both should be recognized.

  5. Assignment of Artists- When stories are sent to the Art Editor asking for art, it is the duty of the Art Editor to track down a willing and able artist to do artwork appropriate to the story. However, an outline of the story to be illustrated must be turned in before the deadline of the previous issue.

In Fandom and Fandom publications it is acceptable to print art in a story even if it does not belong. Because there are just as many artists in Fandom as there are writers they must be given the same printing considerations as writers or a risk is run of driving them out of your branch of Fandom entirely.