On December 9, 2000 I went to see the Squirrel Nut Zippers play, live at the Roxy Theatre in Atlanta! I had so much fun! My friend Erin and I got there early so we could be front row center, and we were!
The band entered by playing a jazzy tune and dancing and marching all around the theatre. It was so personal and exciting it got the entire audience psyched. My heart was racing. Throughout the entire show I was dancing and singing my heart out! The instrumentals were fun and lively, Katherine's ballads were soothing and mystical, and Jim's vocals were exciting and energetic. The music was more real than ever, all around me, and I was surrounded by those as enthusiastic as me! My favorite part of the show was during the encore--they turned out the lights and played the cartoon to "The Ghost of Stephen Foster"! Jim was jumping around and singing, then he held out his microphone to those in the front. I yelled at the top of my lungs, "If we were made of cellaphane we'd all get sticking drunk much faster!!!" The guys around me apparently didn't know that line, so I ended up doing a solo. Oh well. I hope the band appreciated it!
Finally, the best part: I met the band! There wasn't any formal introduction or anything. I just went up to them one at a time to get their autographs. I chatted with Je, the trumpet player, about our matching leather pants. The others I just kinda babbled at. Much to my dismay, however, Katherine was nowhere to be found. So I saved Jim for last--my hands were trembling. Finally I got the guts to talk to him right as he was saying, "Okay guys, we've got to jet soon..." I got his autograph, told him how in love I am with the band, and that it really meant a lot to me to finally see them play. He said, "aww, how sweet!" and gave me a hug! I wish I had my camera! I felt so special.
These guys are great. I love them so much, and I am extremely pleased with their continuing success. So I ask all of you reading this to help out and support them. If you love them, if you love their music, spread the word! Thanks!
Okay, I've been wanting to make a homepage about this band for several reasons. First of all, THEY'RE MY FAVORITE BAND! Second of all, a lot of my friends haven't heard of them, and it makes me mad. Not at them, but at the fact that the Squirrel Nut Zippers haven't been getting the credit that they deserve.
The Squirrel Nut Zippers have been around for a while now, even before the Gap Khaki's commercial that sling-shotted America into the rebirth of the hottest dance-Swing.
Ever since I first heard "Hot" on the video on MTV, I was addicted. My first thought was like, this is a joke or something. They're just being silly. So I went straight to the mall to listen to the CD. And I was shocked but relieved to find out that yes, the entire album was like this. So I bought it. "Hot" is an enhanced CD, that means it's a CD-ROM too. It has a biography and pictures, interviews, and clips for every song. I discovered that they had another album before that, "The Inevitable". So I rushed out and bought that too! Well, actually my sister got it for me for Christmas ('98), but I made sure she knew that's what I wanted.
Anyway, so then I started playing that CD non-stop. Then, one day I was listening to my favorite local radio station, and they said that they were having a "Win it before you can buy it" for the new SNZ album, "Perennial Favorites" I knew I had to win. And I did. My friend called in for me and won it. Thanks Ali!!! Anyway, "Perennial Favorites" is also an enhanced CD. So, once again, I checked out the CD-ROM part of it. It had links to other SNZ homepages. I looked them up and was ecstatic to find out that they have more albums than I even knew about!
So, to get to the point, ever since "Hot" I've had a lot of fun surfing the net looking for more facts, pics, and listening to audio files. I've learned so much, and had so much fun doing it, I just decided to get off my butt and make a kick-ass page. I don't know how cool it is, but I'm trying my best! Hope you like it!
*Thanks Erin for being such a great friend! Erin is sooo damn awesome, because she is going to the concert with me. This is an EXTREME sacrifice for her to take money out of her own pocket, provide a place for us to stay (her apartment in ATL, but STILL!), all a few days before FINALS! I mean, she COULD be studying that Saturday night (yeah, right!) Erin, I love you so much. You are pure money.
*Thanks to The Tiger for putting the SNZ concert date on your website. Without seeing that, sadly enough, I might not have found out that they were playing only an hour and a half away until it was too late. You guys rock!
*Last but not least, thanks Paul for e-mailing me that picture of Katherine from a show you went to. And thanks in advance for the pictures you're going to send me!
*Thanks Erin for using your employee discount to buy me "Sold Out"! I saved a whole $.50! And now the only SNZ CD I don't have is "Roasted Right". Any takers on buying me that CD?????? Oh well. It was worth a try!
*Thank you Joni for buying me Christmas Caravan!! (See, I had been looking everywhere for the CD, then as soon as she found it she bought it for me and didn't even tell me. What a doll!)
***And also, a big, BIG thanks for Travis, because he made me a SNZ care package (two live and legal? CD's, a t-shirt, and pictures). You're too sweet!
~*~*~And, for those of you who want to be special and get thanked right here, BUY ME A PRESENT! =o)
And don't you even THINK about not signing my guestbook!!!
Click here! Please! This is a great deal--Get 7 CDs free, then buy 1 and get 4 more! I signed up the other day and got free cd's that I was going to buy. If you are a fan of my site, or even if this if your first time here, please just do me the favor and sign up. It will take only a few minutes, and in a couple of weeks you'll have 7 free cds!
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I can't wait until they come in the mail!!
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