Set inventory
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AA1     Car chassis large (14)          red:    121 (328), 128 (338), 3627  
                                        blue:   134 (344), 137 (347), 3635
                                        yellow: 140 (350), 329, 3626
                                        black:  140 (350), 3629, 3634, 3644, 3662, 3682
AA2     Car chassis medium (12):        red:    3637, 3670, 3678
                                        yellow: 3680 
                                        black:  3638, 3639(3643)
AA3     Car chassis small (8)           yellow: 3641 2x, 3675
                                        red:    3679, 3797 
                                        black:  3682
Careful: not all car chassis are in the right category yet


AB1     Caravan body                    yellow: 3680 
AB1     Caravan front                   yellow: 3680
AB1     Caravan top                     white:  3680

AC1     Tricycle  ( 1 frontwheel)       red:    3628, 3666, 3669  
AC2     Tricycle  (1 backwheel)         yellow: 3665, 3791
                                        blue:   3672, 3781
AC3     Scooter                         red:    324 (3605), 3674, 3782  
                                        blue:   3663, 3664, 3669, 3670, 3683  
                                        white:  3789, 3794
                                        yellow: 3793  

AD1     Skateboard                      red:    3721, 
AD2     Lawnmower                       red/yellow: 3787  
AD3     Stroller                        yellow: 3602
                                        red:    3667
AD4     Wheelbarrow                     red:    325 (3615), 3714, 3787  
AD5     Small handcar                   brown:  3671
AD6     Handcart (wheelbarrow)          green:  3604   
                                        red:    3784   


AE1     Large boat                      blue:   3673 
AE2     Waterradars                     red/yellow: 3673 2x

AF1     Boat                            red:    3622, 3660, 3680, 3683
                                        yellow: 3633
AF2     Steering helm                   red:    3633, 3673, 3683
AF3     Peddle                          yellow: 3622 2x, 3680 2x
                                        brown:  3660 2x, 3683 2x                                      


AG1     Airplane body                   red:    3625 (3630)  
                                        blue:   3671
AG2     Airplane wings                  red:    3625 (3630)
                                        blue:   3671 2x
AG3     Airplane motorblock             red:    3625 (3630)
                                        blue:   3671
AG4     Airplane tail                   red:    3625 (3630) 
                                        blue:   3671

Vehicle additions

AH1     Car door left                   blue:   121 (328), 140 (350), 3635, 3678  
                                        yellow: 128 (338), 3634 
                                        red:    134 (344), 140 (350), 329, 3629 
                                        white:  137 (347)
AH2     Car door right                  blue:   121 (328), 140 (350), 3635, 3678 
                                        yellow: 128 (338), 3634  
                                        red:    134 (344), 140 (350), 329, 3629 
                                        white:  137 (347)
AH3     Car roof (curved)               yellow: 3629
                                        red:    3634
                                        blue:   3635
AH4     Car roof flipable               yellow/red: 3637, 3641, 3644

AI1     Front window (squared small)    yellow: 3629, 3634, 3635  
AI2     Front window (squared large)    blue:   3633, 3671 2x, 3680 2x  
                                        yellow: 3641, 3671 4x  
                                        black:  3662
AI3     Front window (round small)      yellow: 121 (328), 128 (338), 134 (344), 137 (347), 140 (350) 2x, 329, 3678
AI4     Front window (round large)      red:    3625 (3630), 3638, 3641, 3682 2x, 3797  
                                        yellow: 3626, 3637, 3644, 3679  
                                        blue:   3627, 3639 (3643), 3670, 3675

AJ1     1x4x2 bellshaped brick          yellow: 3626 6x, 3627, 3637, 3641, 3679 2x, 3683   
                                        red:    3638 3x, 3662, 3682 3x, 3797 2x  
                                        black:  3644, 3682 2x
                                        blue:   3670, 3675 ?, 3680  
AJ2     1x4x2 bellshaped brick
                with print              blue:   3629
                                        yellow: 3634, 3678  
AJ3     1x4x2 bellshaped brick 
                with headlights         red:    3626, 3662, 3679        
                                        yellow: 3627, 3637, 3638, 3639 (3643), 3641, 3644, 3675, 3680, 3797  
                                        blue:   3670  
                                        black:  3682 2x
AJ4     Seatbox 4x4x2                   red:    3625 (3630), 3638, 3641, 3680 2x, 3682 2x, 3797  
                                        yellow: 3626, 3637, 3644, 3679 
                                        blue:   3627, 3639 (3643), 3663, 3670, 3671, 3674, 3675, 3683   
                                        black:  3644

AK1     2x6x5 bricks with door 
         and taxi print                 yellow: 128 (338) 2x
AK2     2x6x5 bricks with door          yellow: 3635 2x, 3669 (red door)        
AK3     2x6x5 bricks with door 
         and cross print                white:  137 (347) 2x
AK4     2x6x5 bricks with door 
                and police print        blue:   140 (350) 2x (blue doors), 3639 (3643) 2x (yellow doors)

AL1     Buspiece                        red:    3662 2x
AL2     Saddlebags                      brown:  3669, 3670, 3781, 3782          
                                        white:  3664
                                        black:  3789, 3791, 3793, 3794          
AL3     Exhaust left                    yellow: 3625 (3630)
                                        red:    3626
AL4     Exhaust right                   yellow: 3625 (3630)
                                        red:    3626
AL5     Tow hook & base             red:    134 (344), 3670
                                        yellow: 3666  
AL6     Fire stairs                     red/yellow: 140 (350), 3638, 3669, 3682


BA1     Garage block                    blue:   128 (338) (with yellow windows/doors)
                                        red:    134 (344) (with yellow windows/doors)
                                        red:    137 (347) (with white windows/doors)
                                        yellow: 140 (350) (with blue windows/red doors)
BA2     House block                     yellow: 132 (341) (with red windows/door)   
                                        yellow: 140 (350) (with blue windows/door)
                                        blue:   134 (344) (with yellow windows/door)
                                        red:    137 (347) (with white windows/door) 

BB1     Cupboard window type 1
        (round symmetric)               yellow: 132 (341) (red windows) 2x, 3636 (red window), 3654 (red window) 2x, 
                                                3667 3x red window, 3668 (red window), 3672 7x (red windows), 
                                                3678 3x (red windows), 3679 (red window), 3681 2x (red window) 
                                        red:    3665 3x (yellow windows), 3672 3x (yellow windows), 3678 4x (yellow windows),
                                                 3679 4x (yellow window), 3681 2x (yellow window), 3682 7x (yellow window)
BB2     Cupboard window type 2
        (squared)                       red:    137 (347) (white windows) (3 present) 4x, 3660 (yellow window) 2x, 
                                        yellow: 3647 (blue window), 3673 4x (blue window), 3674 (blue window), 
                                                3675 (blue window)  
                                        blue:   3664 (yellow windows) 2x , 3666 (yellow windows) 2x, 
                                                3669 2x (yellow windows), 3676 (yellow window), 3678 2x yellow windows), 
                                                3681 4x (yellow windows), 3683 4x (yellow windows)   
BB3     Cupboard window type 3
        (round top 3)                   yellow: 140 (350) (blue windows) 6x
                                        red:    3669 (yellow windows) 3x, 3670 (yellow windows) 3x, 
                                                3671 (yellow windows) 3x, 3678 3x (yellow windows) 
BB4     Cupboard jail door              blue:   3664 (yellow jail door) 2x
BB5     Cupboard large                  yellow: 3668 (large blue window),  3679 (large blue window)
                                        blue:   3675 (large yellow window)

BC1     Door                            yellow: 3654 (red door), 3667 (red door), 3668 (red door), 3672 (red door), 
                                                3673 2x (red door) , 3674 (red door), 3675 (blue door), 
                                                3678 (red door), 3679 (red door), 3681 (red door)
                                        red:    3660 (yellow door), 3665 (yellow door), 3669 (yellow door), 
                                                3670 (yellow door), 3671 (yellow door), 3678 (yellow door), 
                                                3679 (yellow door), 3682 (yellow door)  
                                        blue:   3666 (yellow door), 3676 (yellow door)  
BC2     Mill                            yellow: 3679
BC3     Cupboard with drawers           yellow: 3636, 3674, 3675


BD1     Roof block                      red:    3674, 3682
BD2     Roofpart with hole              blue:   3666 (red top), 3669 (red top), 3678 (red top)          
                                        yellow: 3667 (red top), 3671 (red top), 3672 (red top)
                                        red:    3672 (green top), 3678 (green top)
BD3     Roofpart                        yellow: 3647 2x (red top), 3654 3x (green top), 3667 3x (red top), 
                                                3667 2x (green top), 3668 2x (green top), 3670 5x (green top), 
                                                3671 2x (red top), 3672 3x (red top), 3675 2x (red top), 3678 3x (red top), 
                                                3681 (green roof)  
                                        red:    3660 4x (green top), 3669 2x (green top), 3671 3x (green top), 
                                                3672 2x (green top), 3678 2x (green top), 3679 7x (green roof), 
                                                3682 2x (green top)  
                                        blue:   3664 (red top), 3666 (red top 3x), 3669 2x (red top), 
                                                3675 4x (grey roof), 3676 2x (red roof), 3678 3x (red top), 
                                                3681 2x (red top)   
BD4     Chimney                         blue:   3666, 3667, 3672, 3678          
BD5     Antenna                         yellow: 3669, 3672, 3678
BD6     Wind gage                       yellow: 3671


CA1     Chair                           dark brown: 3601
                                        red:    3623 2x, 3636, 3645 2x, 3647 2x,3662 2x 3663, 3675, 3680 2x, 3792, 3796  
                                        brown:  3646 2x, 3654, 3660, 3664, 3668, 3671, 3672 2x, 3673 2x, 3674 2x, 
                                                3678 4x, 3681, 3716, 3718, 3788         
CA2     Table                           dark brown: 3601
                                        brown:  3646, 3654, 3660, 3671, 3672 2x, 3673, 3674, 3678 2x, 3681, 3718, 3788  
                                        blue:   3680
CA3     Bed:                            red:    3636, 3792
                                        brown:  3672, 3678, 3682
CA4     Bank                            white:  3622, 3659, 3662, 3675, 3676, 3682, 3683, 3719  
                                        red:    3663, 3798 2x   

Large-merry-go-round    3663 (divide in parts)
Ferris Wheel            3681 (divide in parts)

DA1     Merry-go-round top              red:    3668, 3683    
DA2     Large open disc                 yellow: 3668, 3683 3x
DA3     Turnable column                 yellow: 3668, 3683

DB1     Half column                     yellow: 3683 2x
DB2     Ferris wheel support            red:    3681 2x
                                        blue:   3683 2x 
DB3     Ferris wheel seats              blue:   3668 3x, 3681 4x
                                        red:    3683 4x
           (are Ferris wheels and merry-go-round seats the same?)

DC1     Small merry-go-round            red:    3659, 3676, 3681  
DC2     Swing                           yellow/red: 3659, 3676   
DC3     Slide                           yellow: 3676, 3679, 3681
                                        red:    3682, 3683


EA1     Tree                            green:  128 (338), 132 (341), 134 (344), 137 (347), 
                                                140 (350) 
EA2     Tree with print                 green:  3659, 3675, 3680, 3682 
EA3     Flowerset                       white:  3635, 3641, 3654 2x, 3660, 3667, 3671, 3672 2x, 
                                                3678, 3679, 3681, 3715 2x, 3787
                                        red:    3635, 3654 2x, 3668, 3672 2x, 3678, 3681, 3715, 
                                        yellow: 3635, 3654 2x, 3667, 3668, 3671, 3678, 3679,    
                                                3787, 3788
EA4     Flower (new model)              red:    3636, 3647, 3663, 3676
                                        blue:   3674, 3798
                                        yellow: 3674, 3675, 3676, 3682
                                        white:  3659, 3675, 3676, 3682, 3798 2x  
EA5     Flower (new model) base         green:  3636, 3647, 3659, 3663, 3674 2x, 3675 2x, 3676, 
                                                3682 2x, 3683 3x, 3798 3x  
EA6     Watering can                    red:    3627
                                        green:  3707, 3715, 3781  3635
EA7     Rake                            black:  3654, 3707?
                                        dark brown: 3672, 3678, 3715, 3787 (3707?)

EB1     Large stairs                    red:    132 (341), 140 (350)  
                                        yellow: 137 (347)
EB2     Stairs curved                   yellow: 3662, 3682 
                                        red:    3674, 3683
EB3     Stairs straight                 yellow: 3676, 3681
EB4     Ladder                          yellow: 3628
                                        black:  3637

EC1     Parasol                         blue:   132 (341), 140 (350), 3667
                                        red:    137 (347)
EC2     Parasol standard                blue:   132 (341), 140 (350), 3667
                                        red:    137 (347) 
EC3     Umbrella                        yellow: 3601, 3604, 3622, 3663, 3678, 3681, 3798  
                                        red:    3602, 3654, 3659, 3665, 3672 2x, 3673, 3676, 3680, 
                                                3681, 3715, 3718, 3791  
EC4     Umbrella stick                  yellow: 3601, 3604, 3622, 3663, 3678, 3681, 3798
                                        red:    3602, 3654, 3659, 3665, 3672 2x, 3673, 3676, 3680,      
                                                3681, 3715, 3718, 3791  

ED1     Brush large                     brown:  3666, 3667, 3672, 3673, 3674, 3675, 3678, 3679, 
                                                3706, 3784  
ED2     Shovel large                    grey:   3667, 3679, 3706, 3787 
ED3     Fork wrench                     grey:   134 (344), 3666
                                        black:  3629
ED4     Hammer                          grey:   3670, 3671, 3709
ED5     Jerrycan                        blue:   3626, 3673 
                                        red:    3670, 3671
ED6     Adjustable pliers               blue:   3626
                                        grey:   3666, 3670, 3673, 3782
ED7     Saw                             yellow: 3678, 3709
ED8     Filling Knife                   white   3714
ED9     Axe                             black:  3638 2x, 3682 2x, 3797  
ED10    Pickaxe                         black:  3638, 3682 2x, 3797  
ED11    Walkie-talkie                   black:  3639 (3643), 3664, 3789, 3794   

EE1     Columns                         red:    3674 2x
                                        grey:   3675 2x
EE2     Lamppost                        grey:   3662, 3679, 3682, 3719
EE3     Sign                            grey:   3662, 3682
                                        red:    3675 2x
                                        yellow: 3719

EF1     Mailbox 4x4x4                   blue:   3603, 3675, 3786, 3793 
EF2     Mailbox top 4x4x2               blue:   3603, 3633, 3675, 3786, 3793  
EF3     Chest (6x4)                     brown:  3635, 3667  
                                        yellow: 3681
                                        red:    3681, 3683
EF4     Chest lid:                      brown:  3635
                                        yellow: 3681
                                        red:    3681, 3683
EF5     Trashcan                        green:  3634 
                                        red:    3678
EF6     Trashcan lid                    green:  3634  
                                        red:    3678

EG1     Tuba                            yellow: 3631, 3711
EG2     Drum                            white:  3631, 3713
EG3     Drum sticks                     yellow: 3631 2x, 3713 2x
EG4     Accordeon                       blue    3678, 3712

EH1     Jar                             red:    3641, 3673, 3674, 3676, 3681, 3791, 3795, 3796, 3798 
EH2     Pan                             black:  3641, 3646, 3672, 3680, 3703, 3784, 3795
EH3     Soupspoon                       yellow: 3646, 3672, 3703, 3795
EH4     Frying pan                      red:    3672, 3701, 3784, 3795
EH5     Cauldron                        blue:   3646, 3675, 3795
EH6     Refrigerator                    white:  3646
EH7     Bread                           beige:  3667 4x, 3672 2x, 3708 2x  
EH8     Basket                          brown:  3708, 3786

EI1     Coffeemug                       yellow: 3601 2x, 3622 2x, 3647, 3673, 3676, 3680, 3681
                                        blue:   3636, 3641, 3646 2x , 3654, 3660, 3665 2x, 3671, 
                                                3672 2x, 3674 2x, 3678 2x, 3680, 3681 2x, 3718,  
                                                3791, 3795 3x, 3796 2x, 3798 2x   
EI2     Cabinet 2x3x2                   yellow: 3623, 3645, 3646 2x, 3674
                                        blue:   3675 2x
EI3     Drawer                          red:    3623 2x, 3645 2x, 3646 5x, 3674 4x, 
                                        yellow: 3675 4x
                                        white:  3680: 4x
EI4     Photocamera                     grey:   3669, 3782 
EI5     Telephone                       red:    3664, 3674, 3675, 3716, 3793
EI6     Vacuum cleaner                  red:    3674, 3704, 3788  
EI7     Carpet beater                   brown:  3678, 3704
EI8     Birdcage                        white:  3788

EJ1     Fuel pumps                      yellow: 3670 2x, 3675 
EJ2     1x6x2 Fence (rounded)           brown:  3659 2x, 3675 2x 
                                        red:    3662 4x
                                        white:  3663 3x, 3676 5x, 3683 2x
                                        yellow: 3682, 3683 6x
EJ3     2x6x5   Fence part?             white:  3676 3x, 3683 2x, 3798 2x  
                                        yellow: 3683 3x
EJ4     6x6x1 square box                yellow: 3627
                                        white:  3637
                                        blue:   3639 (3643)
                                        red:    3641, 3670
EJ5     6x8x1 square box                red:    3680
                                        yellow: 3634

EK1     Hair brush                      dark brown: 3623, 3623, 3710, 3792
EK2     Washbasin                       white:  3623, 3646
EK3     Hair dryer                      yellow/blue: 3623
EK4     Paint brush                     white:  3637
                                        brown:  3637, 3678
EK5     Tub                             yellow: 3637, 3663, 3717
                                        red:    3683
                                        brown:  3710
EK6     Jack                            grey:   3670
EK7     Signboard (small)               red:    3664, 3675 2x, 3712, 3789, 3794
                                        grey:   3669, 3671 2x
EK8     Fishing rod                     yellow: 3680, 3701, 3717, 3781
                                        dark brown/black: 3660


FA1     1x2 tile                        white:  3646 4x  ?
FA2     2x2 tile                        white:  3795 2x
FA3     2x2 tile bag print              white:  3679 2x
FA4     2x2 tile letter '1' print       white:  3603, 3716, 3786 3x, 3793 2x  
FA5     2x2 tile letter '3' print       white:  3793 2x
FA6     2x2 tile print                  white:  3673 2x
FA7     2x2 tile apple print            white:  3647, 3675  
FA8     2x2 tile orange print           white:  3675  
FA9     2x2 tile pear print             white:  3675, 3646

FB1     2x2 tile grapes print           white:  3675, 3646   
FB2     2x2 tile music print            white:  3631
FB3     2x2 tile alarm clock print      white:  3636 
FB4     2x2 tile with map print         white:  3645
FB5     2x2 tile with spot              white:  3646 2x, 3795 2x   
FB6     2x2 tile with eggs print        white:  3646
FB7     2x2 tile with milk print        white:  3646
FB8     2x2 tile with corn print        white:  3646
FB9     2x2 tile with lettuce print     white:  3646

FC1     2x2 tile with 
        strawberry print                white:  3646
FC2     2x2 tile with book print        white:  3647 2x
FC3     2x2 tile with '1' print         white:  3659, 3683  
FC4     2x2 tile with '2' print         white:  3659, 3683  
FC5     2x2 tile with '3' print         white:  3659, 3683 
FC6     2x2 tile with '4' print         white:  3659, 3683 
FC7     2x2 tile with '5' print         white:  3659  
FC8     2x2 tile with '5' print         white:  3668
FC9     2x2 tile with '5' print         white:  3681
??       2x2 tile with '5' print          white:  3668 2x

FD1     2x2 tile with '6' print         white:  3659?
FD2     2x2 tile with '1' print         white:  3676
FD3     2x2 tile with '2' print         white:  3676
FD4     2x2 tile with '3' print         white:  3676
FD5     2x2 tile with '4' print         white:  3676
FD6     2x2 tile with '5' print         white:  3676
FD7     2x2 tile with 'ball' print      white:  3683
FD8     2x2 tile with 'arrow' print     white:  3683
FD9     2x2 tile with 'house' print     white:  3683

FE1     2x2 tile with 'bear' print      white:  3683
FE2     2x2 tile with 'ball' print      white:  3676
FE3     2x2 tile with '6' print         white:  3676
FE4     2x2 tile with music print       white:  3676
FE5     2x2 tile with raccoon print     white:  3664, 3794
FE6     2x2 tile with 
        crocodile print                 white:  3664
FE7     2x2 tile with pie print         white:  3718, 3796 2x  
FE8     2x2 tile with cookie print      white:  3796 2x  

BASIC parts

GA1     3x4 33' slope                   black:  3646
GA2     4x4 round disc                  white:  3713
                                        white:  3683 (number print)
GA3     2x2x2 cone                      yellow: 3721 3x
GA4     Brush (small)                   brown:  132 (341), 134 (344), 325 (3615), 3628, 3634 
GA5     Shovel (small)                  grey:   132 (341), 325 (3615), 3634
GA6     1x4x2 Fence                     blue:   132 (341) 3x, 3678 7x
                                        red:    3654, 3662, 3673 6x  
                                        yellow: 3670 2x, 3671 2x, 3672
GA7     1x4x1 Fence                     yellow: 3631 2x, 3675 2x, 3681 4x, 3682 3x, 3717 2x
                                        red:    3660, 3668 2x, 3674, 3675 4x, 3679 2x, 3681 2x
GA8     1x6x1 Arch                      red:    3662, 3679 2x
GA9     Turntable 4x4                   red:    3638, 3683
GA10    Stick                           black:  3626, 3631, 3633, 3639 (3643), 3644, 3645, 3647, 
                                                3662 2x, 3668 2x, 3681 2x, 3682 2x
                                        grey:   3789, 3794  
GA11    Flag                            Yellow: 3631, 3633, 3662 2x
                                        red:    3631, 3721 3x
                                        blue:   3644, 3668 2x, 3681 2x, 3682 2x
        Baseplate 8x16                  green:  3623, 3631, 3636, 3645, 3681, 3798
        Baseplate 8x24                  green:  3683
        Baseplate 16x16                 green:  3647, 3660
        Baseplate 16x24                 green:  3654, 3659, 3663, 3664, 3666, 3667, 3669, 3670, 
                                                3674, 3681 
        Baseplate 16x32                 green:  3668, 3679
        Baseplate 24x32                 green:  3672, 3675, 3676, 3683
        Baseplate 32x32                 green:  3682
        Baseplate T-road                green:  3671
BASIC bricks

HA1     2x4 brick                       yellow: 121 (328) 4x, 128 (338) 6x, 132 (341) 3x, 134 (344) 20x,    
                                                3629, 3647 10x, 3654, 3666 2x, 3667, 3668 3x, 3669 3x, 3675 3x, 3678, 
                                                3679 2x, 3683 5x
                                        yellow with headlight print: 134 (344)
                                        blue:   121 (328) 5x, 132 (341) 11x, 134 (344) 7x, 3629 ?
                                        red:    3635 2x, 3638 4x, 3662, 3664 4x, 3665 2x, 3669, 3678 7x, 3679 10x
                                        black:  3662
HA2     2x2 brick                       blue:   121 (328), 132 (341) 7x , 134(344) 2x, 3629, 3664 18x, 
                                                3675 2x, 3676 2x, 3681 15x, 3712 
                                        red:    132 (341) 4x , 329, 3665 2x, 3671 4x, 3673 2x, 3674 2x, 
                                                3678, 3679, 3683 2x
                                        yellow: 128 (338) 12x, 132 (341) 32x, 329 2x, 3634 2x, 3645 2x, 3647 7x, 
                                                3654 3x, 3665 2x, 3666, 3667 4x, 3673 12x, 3675 3x, 3683 4x, 3793 2x
                                        black:  3673 8x
                                        white:  3679 2x
HA3     2x2 brick with pin              red:    3679
HA4     2x3 brick                       red:    132 (341) 2x, 329, 3623, 3668, 3675, 3678 10x, 3679 2x, 
                                                3681 4x, 3796 2x
                                        yellow: 128 (338) 2x, 132 (341) 3x, 134 (344) 7x, 329, 3665 12x, 3666 8x,
                                                3667 14x, 3668 2x
                                        blue:   132(341), 3669 2x, 3675 4x, 3681 2x
HA5     1x1 round brick                 blue:   3623
                                        red:    3631 2x, 3712, 3715, 3717 2x, 3792, 3794 2x
                                        white:  3646 4x
                                        black:  3713 2x
HA6     2x2 round brick                 blue:   3683
HA7     1x2 brick                       yellow: 121 (328) 2x, 134 (344), 329, 3631 4x, 3641 4x, 3645 2x, 
                                                3547 4x, 3660 8x, 3665 2x, 3668 2x, 3673 8x, 3675 5x, 
                                                3678 20x, 3681 4x, 3714 4x , 3715 2x, 3795 6x, 3796 10x
                                        blue:   132 (341) 4x, 3631 6x, 3664 6x, 3668, 3675 8x, 3680 2x, 
                                                3681 2x, 3711 2x
                                        red:    132 (341) 17x, 3662, 3664 5x, 3667 6x, 3670 4x, 3673 2x, 
                                                3678, 3679 11x, 3681 4x, 3683 2x, 3788 4x
                                        white:  3622 2x, 3683 2x
HA8     1x3 brick                       yellow: 3631 2x
                                        red:    3670 2x
                                        white:  3794 4x
HA9     1x3 brick cash register         red:    3623, 3668, 3675, 3679, 3796  
HA10    1x4 brick                       blue:   121 (328), 134 (344) 2x, 3635 2x or 3x, 3675, 3716 4x, 
                                                3717 2x
                                        red:    132 (341) 4x, 329 6x, 3637 2x, 3662, 3664 6x, 3678 2x, 3683 2x
                                        yellow: 134 (344), 3626, 3634 2x, 3636 4x, 3645 4x, 3646 4x, 
                                                3647 4x, 3668, 3671 4x, 3675 2x, 3678 3x, 3792 2x
                                        black:  329 5x, 3646 3x
HA11    1x4 brick red stripes           white:  3794 2x
HA12    1x6 brick                       red:    132 (341) 2x, 134 (344) 3x, 329 2x, 3668, 3683
                                        black:  3645 4x
                                        yellow: 3623 3x, 3634 2x, 3636 3x, 3678 2x, 3792 3x
                                        blue:   3627, 3665 3x, 3670 2x
HA13    1x8 brick                       blue:   3631
                                        yellow: 3795

BASIC plates

IA1     2x2 plate                       red:    3713
                                        blue:   3721 3x
IA2     2x3 plate                       red:    3646
IA3     2x4 plate                       blue:   3633, 3647 2x, 3675
                                        red:    3646, 3662      
                                        yellow: 3641 2x, 3645 2x
IA4     2x6 plate                       white:  3622, 3683
                                        red:    3623, 3667 2x, 3788 2x
                                        blue:   3647 2x, 3664 , 3675, 3680, 3683
                                        yellow: 3675 2x, 3715, 3793, 3795
IA5     2x8 plate                       red:    3645
IA6     2x10 plate                      yellow: 3795
IA7     2x12 plate                      yellow: 3675
IA8     4x4 plate                       red:    132 (341) 2x, 3662, 3663, 3676, 3683
                                        yellow: 128 (338) 329, 3663, 3665, 3683 
                                        blue:   137(344), 3663, 3683
IA9     4x6 plate                       yellow: 121 (328), 3636, 3664, 3675, 3678, 3681 3x , 3792 
                                        blue:   134 (344), 3716
                                        red:    329, 3635 2x, 3667, 3681 2x, 3792
IA10    4x8 plate                       red:    128 (338), 132 (341), 3646
                                        blue:   3631, 3717
IA11    4x10 plate                      yellow: 132 (341), 3660, 3668, 3673 2x, 3678, 3679 2x, 3796
                                        blue:   134 (344), 3664 2x, 3675, 3719
IA12    4x12 plate                      blue:   3683 3x
                                        red: 3678 2x

IB1     6x6 plate                       blue:   3683
IB2     6x8 plate                       black:  329
                                        yellow: 3680
IB3     6x10 plate                      yellow: 132 (341), 3667, 3671, 3673, 3678  
                                        red:    3660, 3678 2x, 3679 2x   
                                        blue:   3666, 3669, 3678 
IB4     6x12 plate                      green:  3646 2x, 3681 
        6x14 plate                      red:    3676
IB5     6x16 plate                      red:    3662, 3665 2x, 3669, 3670, 3671   
                                        yellow: 3667, 3678 2x

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This page was made by Sybrand Bonsma. Last revision: Februari 24, 2001 Copyright Sybrand Bonsma