What are Rattlesnake Roundups?
Each spring Sharon Springs in Wallace County, Kansas holds a "Rattlesnake Roundup" to attract visitors to the area. The roundups are advertised as educational and fun for the whole family. However, many herpetologists and other concerned citizens consider them far from educational and good family fun. Follow the links I have provided to learn more about this annual event. I have provided links that will get you to the Sharon Springs site as well as links that will get you to some of the sites that are attempting to get laws passed to ban rattlesnake roundups. Links are also provided to a variety of other environmental and educational sites.
Selected Environmental and Educational Links
- A list of links in regard to rattlesnake roundups and a variety of other topics
- Amphibians Teaching Unit (AMPHIBIANS AS BIO-INDICATORS)
- Excellent for High School and College Biology Teachers
- Ornate Box Turtle Capital of the World
- Information about a turtle and its impact on Caldwell, Kansas
- Kansas Herpetological Society Position Paper on Rattlesnake Roundups
- READ THIS DOCUMNENT! (written by David L. Reber & Alison Smith Reber)
- KANSAS HERPETOLOGICAL SOICETY (main page with many liniks)
- Information about the Kansas Herpetological Society
- Topeka Collegiate School Science Information
- Information about the middle school science department at Topeka Collegiate School
- Kansas Political Addresses
- Use this site to e-mail your views to Kansas lawmakers
- A Rattlesnake Roundup Information Page
- A page with many links in regard to rattlesnake roundups in general (created by Alexandra Reid)
- "Nature, Wildlife, Environmental, Educational, and Portrait Photography"
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