The 3rd World Scholar-Athlete Games (WSAG), was held on the campus of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island on June 22- July 1, 2001. Finswimming competition was included in the Games, as a direct result of their inclusion and popularity at the 1st United States Scholar-Athlete Games held in 1999. 3 events were held for both male and female competitors at URI's Tootell Aquatic Center, (50 yard Apnea. 50 yard Surface, 100 yard Surface). In addition, a finswimming clinic was held for other competitors at the Games on "New Activities Day." Approximately 50 new "finswimmers" were introduced to the sport during the clinic. There were also over 80 swimmers competiting in the Games from 29 countries. A total of 6 WSAG records were set, along with 5 Tootell Aquatic Center records. Below are results, photos, and a commentary on the Games.
Women's 50 yard Apnea (Breathholding) Monofin WSAG Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :21.53 6/30/01 IIS Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :21.53 6/30/01 Pool Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :21.53 6/30/01 1. Kristine Kelly USA (Texas) :21.53 2. Tiffany Davis USA (Texas) :24.20 3. Alyson Grench USA (Arizona) NTR Men's 50 yard Apnea (Breathholding) Monofin WSAG Record: Michael Parsons-USA :20.70 6/30/01 ISS Record: Michael Parsons-USA :20.70 6/30/01 Pool Record: Michael Parsons-USA :20.70 6/30/01 1. Michael Parsons USA (Texas) :20.70 2. Christopher Mudd USA (Virginia) :21.30 3. Brian Cato USA (Georgia) :22.07 4. Michael Propst USA (Flordia) :25.94 Justin Green USA (Ohio) DQ Geoffrey Powers USA (Flordia) DQ Albert Perez USA (Texas) DQ Women's 50 yard Surface Monofin WSAG record: Kristine Kelly-USA :22.80 6/27/01 IIS Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :22.80 6/27/01 Pool Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :22.80 6/27/01 1. Kristine Kelly USA (Texas) :22.80 2. Tiffany Davis USA (Texas) :25.71 3. Brenna Pease USA (Pennsylvania) :27.17 4. Tanya Dorflinger USA (Texas) :27.31 5. Stephanie Kimmey USA (California) :27.32 6. Kathryn Sexton USA (Texas) :29.32 Men's 50 yard Surface Monofin WSAG Record: Christopher Mudd-USA :20.82 6/27/01 IIS Record: Christopher Mudd-USA :20.82 6/27/01 Pool Record: Christopher Mudd-USA :20.82 6/27/01 1. Christopher Mudd USA (Virigina) :20.82 2. Michael Parsons USA (Texas) :21.41 3. Justin Green USA (Ohio) :23.39 4. Brian Amundson USA (Minnesota) :25.60 6. Erik Dondero USA (Florida) :25.64 7. Michael Propst USA (Florida) :26.40 8. Albert Perez USA (Texas) :26.52 9. Geoffrey Powers USA (Florida) :29.43 Women's 100 yard Surface Monofin WSAG record: Kristine Kelly-USA :50.90 6/28/01 IIS Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :50.90 6/28/01 Pool Record: Kristine Kelly-USA :50.90 6/28/01 1. Kristine Kelly USA (Texas) :50.90 2. Tiffany Davis USA (Texas) :59.95 3. Tanya Dorflinger USA (Texas) 1:00.51 4. Stephanie Kimmey USA (California) 1:03.15 5. Amanda Robar USA (Texas) 1:08.29 6. Kathryn Sexton USA (Texas) 1:11.65 Men's 100 yard Surface Monofin WSAG Record: Christopher Mudd-USA :47.38 6/28/01 IIS Record: Dylan Jones-USA :45.25 7/1/00 Pool Record: Dylan Jones-USA :45.25 7/1/00 1. Christopher Mudd USA (Virginia) :47.38 2. Michael Parsons USA (Texas) :51.88