Muggsy Bogues is my favorite basketball player. Even though he is the shortest basketball player ever, he has been a key part of the Charlotte Hornet's, and now is the point guard for the Golden State Warriors. He doesn't score many points,and he has never been an All-Star, but he has changed NBA's perception towards people under six foot.

Muggsy Index
If you want to read more about Muggsy Bogues you can buy or checkout:
            "In the Land of Giants" By:Muggsy Bogues
            "Sports Great Muggsy Bogues" By:George R. Rekela
            "Muggsy Bogues: Tall on Talent" By:Howard Reiser

Some good Muggsy webpages you should check out for more information are Taz's Muggsy Bogues Page or Mam's Muggsy Bogues Page.

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