Who are The Plumbers?


Read this article on The Plumbers

What are the Plumbers?

A secret group of agents sent to spy
on the Democrats at the Watergate hotel.

Oh, those Plumbers! They're a ska band.
'Nuff said


Where are the Plumbers?

Lovely, sunny California in the San Francisco
Bay Area. If you want to get specific, they're in
Milpitas (Sam y Matt), Freemont (Kai y Jai), or
various cool places (Jonas o Brownie).


When are the Plumbers?

Well, they're on vacation (at least some of them) right now, so I'm not quite sure...


How are the Plumbers?

Oh, they're just fine, thanks. And you? Oh,
you wanted real answers? Well,

Ask them yourself


How come it seems like I keep seeing the same
people at every show I go to?

Well, I'm really glad you asked that question. Take a look
this page and see if it answers your questions.


Hey, how can I get out of here and go somewhere real fun?

Well, since you put it so nicely, I'll let you know you can link to the IBOPA homepage.

These pages created by Adam Weinstein