"Once I bunked of school for five weeks.I only intended to have a couple of days off but it was so good that I kept having one more day!!"
"If the band changed their image and I had to cut my hair I would die."1994
"I hope we'll still be together in five years."1995
"I always smell my socks first and if they don't smell too much then I'll wear 'em." 1995
"While I'm very emotional at the moment I know that it's the best time now to finish at the top. We've always said that we would finish on top and it's very good for our careers ahead of us so I think we're making the right move." 1996
"Take That will be hard to top."1996
"I'm going to carry on writing songs and if I feel that I want to do a solo career, you know if anyone's up for offers....!"1996
"The fans have grown up with us. In three years time even though they'll be fans of another group, they'll never forget Take That...."1996
"Robbie's got great talent, but he's said some silly things about members of the band and I don't understand that....Y'know I miss that lad."1996
"The good thing about doing my own stuff is you make all your decisions and record all of your own songs. The downside is obviously I miss having all the other lads around me. It's weird being the sole focus of attention."1997
"As an ex-member of Take That, I suppose I'm bound to be compared to the others. But there's really no comparison cos I've got longer hair and a bigger packet! Am I worried about it? Am I shite!"1997
"When my mum first saw my hair she wouldn't speak to me for two days. Even now she keeps telling me how lovely I looked when I was a little boy. I think she wants to get me pissed and shave me head."1997
" The break-up was very traumatic for me, it was like a divorce and I was stuck in the middle of it. Even now I haven't got over it. " 1998
"I've learnt to weed the garden and play golf because I was getting so depressed. I really miss Take That. It makes me feel sad when I think back. I miss the others"1998