In Loving Memory
Lady Diana Frances Spencer
Princess of Wales
July 1st 1961 - August 31st 1997

Accompanied by Dodi Fayed she left the Ritz in Paris, France around midnight this day. Their black Mercedes was driven by an employee of the Ritz. Less than half a mile from the Eiffel Tower, the car slammed into a wall of a tunnel along the Seine River while freelance photographers chased them on motorbikes at a high speed. The car crashed into a concrete post in the center divider and then ended up bouncing into the left wall. The car was crushed at the impact.

Dodi al Fayed and the driver died immediately, and it is said that a body guard survived terribly injured. Diana was rushed to hospital and was undergoing emergency surgery. It was said that she had multiple internal injuries and the major vessel in her heart ruptured. While she was in surgery, she had a lung hemorrhage followed by cardiac arrest. The doctors attepted heart massage superficially and internally for nearly two hours in an effort to get circulation to her heart. Their attempt failed. Diana died at 4 a.m. Paris time on 8/31/97.

I am saddened by the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, who once worked in the same profession as myself. This tragic incident should have never happened. It is a great loss for the world and for all the good causes she stood for and which she supported. She held a great love for humankind, she cared and showed so much consideration to the ones in need. This will never be forgotten.

Her life was not easy considering all the problems she had encountered. She was a gentle soul who deserved much better. She was caring and loving and how did some pay her back? May all those responsible for her misseries repent deeply and be sorry that they did not treat her as she had deserved!

I would like to give my greatest sympathies and condolences to Prince William and Prince Harry for the unexpected death of their Mother. May God guide her and her beloved into the realms of paradise and grant them eternal happiness.

All my sympathies to you, Lady Diana. May your soul finally rest in peace. The world will miss you but your greatest deeds and influence will always be in memory.

There is something to be done....these people should not be able to invade the personal life of others. They should not get away with murder!
NEVER buy another tabloid magazine again!

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In Memory of Diana, Princess of Wales
A Memorial to Princess Diana
Diana, 1961-1997
Princess Diana's Death
Princess Diana: In Loving Memory
Farewell, Princess Diana
Princess Diana, A Tribute and Protest
Homepage of The British Royal Monarchy

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