Hello null, how are you doing today? Well null, I guess you've stumbled onto this webpage of mine huh? =Þ I don't really know if you've arrived onto my webpage accidentally or not but then there's something I should tell you. It's too late to turn back now, null. I'm really sorry to say this to you null but I guess you gonna be here for a very long time. =Þ Just joking null, you can always click the back button to go back where you came from. To whatever site you were on and enjoy whatever you were doing. I surely hope you wouldn't do that though, at least not before you've seen my page and tell me what you think of it. Well, I would like to say something now. =Þ Welcome to my homepage null, I really hope that you'll enjoy your stay here and yet I'm not really sure whether you wanna know more about me or not, but I would like to warn you something. The pictures inside this page...Uh, I don't think you would want to look at them null. =Þ Just kidding, I'm just scarying you that's all. Well, please sign my guest book or write to me if you have any comments or anything you would like to say to me. Feel free criticize my page if you want, I'm very open to changes you know. =Þ Anyway, if you want to enter my page please click on the word "Enter" as you finish reading this nonsense message I have on this page. Thank you for visiting my page and I would really appreciate it if you would drop me a line or two telling me what you think of the page. Okie, I better stop now before you click that "Back" button, that's a pretty evil button you know. We should tell Netscape and the Microsoft people to remove that evil button or something. Agree with me null? Anyway, enough with that, enjoy your stay at my page and thank you for stopping by...=Þ