Hello. My name is Tara Farmer and I am 16 years old. I am currently the Honored Queen of Bethel Number 23 in Tacoma, Washington. I joined Jobies in January of 1993. Job's Daughters or Jobies as it's members call it is a wonderful organization for girls. Jobies has a sister organization called Rainbow Girls. We have a have really cool brother organization called DeMolay.

I am also active in other things besides Jobies. I am currently on a Saturday morning bowling league that I have been on for 11 years now. I am also a member of my schools concert choir.

Thank you for checking out my page. I really appreciate it. Please tell everyone you know and check it out regulaarly because I will be updating it as often as I can. If you have any comments or questions please E-mail me. Don't forget to sign my guest book.

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