OK, for the few of you out there who grew up with pagan parents, Blessed are you! But for the rest of us, we have that horrible time of “coming out of the closet” Some may never do it. But the hard part is when you have children. How do you explain that you do not celebrate Christmas, or any of the other major holiday? How do you explain why you do not go to church every Sunday like their friends may or may not do?
I find this very hard. I am the sole pagan in my house, and I have two children. The youngest is only 4 months, so I have some time before I have to broach questions about “God” with him, however the oldest is going on 5. Her blood father’s family are Christian, and although not church going, they would blow a gasket if they found out that I am Pagan. They are the type of people who when learning that one of their relatives is Wiccan, on a regular basis calls her a tree-hugger.
So what do you do? How do you share the wonderfulness of your religion with your children with out causing major problems for the child? I have been approaching it this way:
I am teaching my daughter to appreciate nature, and all of its creatures. I feel that if she holds nature is reverence, maybe in time she will want to know more, and choose the same path that I have. Or maybe she will choose her own. As a parent I have to give her the choice. I have to be the voice that says to her Yes you CAN do that. And I have to be the path that shows her how and where to go.
Most importantly, I will not force the craft on to her. |