I had a look round on the web and there
are still plenty of places for Highlander fans to go.
There are selected links on the page
you are looking at now, but the majority are on the links
Duncan MacLeod, the
Highlander, born in 1592 in the Highlands of Scotland and he is still
What can I say about DM: he's a dude. The smoothest, best looking,
most honourable Highlander of them all. He's not my favourite character,
but an Immortal universe is just not an Immortal universe without
a dark, sexy hero. (And here's a little flag waving for the Evil Duncan
from the episodes Something Wicked and Deliverance). |
Now Richie Ryan is the character
of whom I am most fond. He's been in the show since the very first
episode, but his role has changed considerably over the five seasons
I recognise as good TV :-). He started out in the Gathering as an
every day street punk, who of all things was robbing MacLeod's antique
shop. Throughout the first season he was the mortal side kick: there
to ask all the right questions and be kidnapped every now and then.
Then, a few episodes into season two, a revelation: Richie is killed
and voil la, we find out he is Immortal. Since then he's been through
pupil, to fledgling Immie, right up to fellow, sword carrying, full
grown, Immortal friend of Duncan's. |
Methos is the oldest living Immortal and has
been wandering the earth for over five thousand years. He's also goes
by the name of Adam Pierson, a Watcher
researcher in charge of the Methos chronicles, so he makes sure
he never finds himself. Watchers were introduced at the beginning
of season two, Methos came along at the end of the third year.
The Darling old man, as he has become known in certain circles, is
played by Peter Wingfield, a very talented British actor. I always
fall for the sidekicks in a show and Methos comes a very close second
to Richie. He has a wicked sense of humour and a love of beer: a truly
great character.
Now, how to explain Amanda? Duncan once described
her as a "bad habit", and she has a tendency to land the
Highlander bang in the middle of trouble. A reformed thief, she has
been known to use her cat burglar talents to assist Mac when the need
has arisen. Amanda is 1175 years of age and she's seen a lot of the
world in her time. Her relationship with Duncan is complicated, in
that sometimes it's on, sometimes it off, but it's always amusing
when she meets up with any of his other flames. She has a piece of
the Methuselah crystal which her mentor Rebecca gave her when she
had taught her about her Immortality. The complete crystal is said
to make an Immortal invincible or a Mortal immortal and has caused
some interesting interludes.
Amanda is played by Elizabeth Gracen, a very talented actress who
was once Miss America.
Since Highlander the series finished Amanda got her own show.
It only lasted a season but what a ride. Click here
to find out more.