Pictures Of Alex Rodriguez
Baseball Card add featuring alex. Cute!
A pic of Alex and Derek laughing
A poster of Alex, good pic!
A pic of Alex in a suit admiring himself in a mirror
A nice pic of Alex that shows off his green eyes
A hazy pic of Alex, nice smile!
A baseball card w/ dual images
Another baseball card, Alex in a serious pose
A pic of Alex golfing
Alex posing w/ a bat
A flying shot of Alex, cool pic!
A baseball card of Alex wearing a muscle man shirt and holding a bat
A jogging pic of Alex
A baseball card w/ a shot of Alex's backside
A mag. cover, alex must have thought something was really funny
Alex on the cover of Hard Ball mag
Alex standing on base w/ his gold necklace in his mouth
Pic of Alex from People's 50 Most Beautiful People
Another pic of Alex posing w/ a bat
The pic of Alex from Pacific Mag. where he's praying w/ a blue plaid nike hat on
A black and whit baseball card of him squinting
A sad pic of Alex from the end of last season when they lost in the first round of play offs
A cute pic of Alex smirking from seventeen mag
Another cute pic of Alex checking something out
Anice pic of Alex holding a bat w/ a pink background
Alex on the cover of Sporting News
A sunburst pic of Alex from Cosmopolitan Mag
Another cute pic of Alex wearing a teal uniform and eye gunk
A pic of Alex from high school
A pic of Alex dunking a basketball at Key Arena
A baseball card featuring a pic of Alex getting ready for warm-ups
A pic of all the great shortstops shirtless!!!!!
Sports Illustrated cover featuring Alex and Derek
Sports Illustrated cover featuring Alex, his first major mag article
Have Any Pictures Of Alex Rodriguez? Send Them To Me At