Samoan workers begin construction of the Lepua
Catholic Church circa 1929
(Photograph on file, American Samoa Historic Preservation Office)

Jobs In American Samoa

There are various employment opportunities in American
Samoa. Positions include, archaeologists, biologists, teachers,
doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists, computer specialists,
accountants, engineers, etc. Below are a list of Human Resource
offices in the Government Sector.


American Samoa Government
Department Human Resources,
Utulei, AS 96799

Attention: Kalela Tuiasosopo

Voice 011-684-633-5357 or 633-4485
FAX 633-1139


American Samoa Community College
Department of Human Resources
P.O. Box 2609
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799

Voice 011-684-699-9155 Ext. 36 or 37
Fax O11-684-699-2062



American Samoa Power Authority
Human Resources Division
P.O. Box PPB
Pago Pago, AS 96799

Contact: Galu Magalei

Voice: 011-684-644-2772
email: Galu Magalei


Mr. Aleki Sene, Director
American Samoa Telecommunications Authority
P.O. Box M
Pago Pago, Americana Samoa 96799

Phone: 011-684-633-1121 FAX: 011-684-633-9032

Web Site American Samoa Telecommunications Authority