Pennsylvania Friends
Web Ring

We are honored to be chosen
December 18, 1999

Welcome to the Pennsylvania Friends Web Ring made especially for residents of Pennsylvania. Both personal and business pages are invited to join the Pennsylvania Friends Web Ring.

This is the NEW look to the PA Friends ring. Under the new Yahoo system you must have or get a yahoo ID. Click the *Join now* and follow instructions to enter the yahoo system by entering with your present yahoo ID or obtaining a new one.

This new system although it seems overwhelming at first is simpler in the end. Your page will load faster because of the smaller graphic and coding. :)

Help pages
Current Webring Users
New Webring Users

"Pennsylvania Polka"
A very special thank you to Myron for providing me with this music.

Joining the Ring Rules

1. You must be a Pennsylvania resident to join the ring. (Your page must show you are from PA. Don't just tell me you live in PA.)

2. You must have a page with a url address so others can visit like this one.

3. You must place the exact code on your page so the ring looks like above.

4. Absolutely no pornography pages, pages showing racism, hatred of any kind, or any pages deemed by me as being unacceptable for the eyes of whole family will be accepted into the ring!!!

[Ring Mistress HOME]

Pennsylvania Friends Web Ring created on 01/25/98
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