TYB Books -- Twi

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What I did on my summer vacation 1998...  Twi is a term used to describe collectively two dialects of the Akan language spoken in Ghana: Akuapem and Asante. Another written dialect of Akan is Fante.  There are many others that are not written.  Some of these books listed below are in Asante, some Akuapem.  The dictionary is in Akuapem. They are all reasonably similar to each other.  (But think of a forgeigner trying to understand Texas-English when they learned Midland Standard.)  Which dialect you learn will depend on what native speaker you can get to teach it.  Books are hard to find on this subject, if you know of any others, please let me know.  In the near future I hope to be adding a website address of where you can learn more about Twi online, or even learn Twi.  (Incidentally, the name is pronounced something like "chwee" but a little further back, like where the final sound in German "ich" is.)  It also seems like my Field Methods class this year is doing Luo, so I may be adding another African language page here soon.  Have fun!  

And for your reading pleasure: Indiana Maakye!


Twi-English English-Twi Dictionary

Spoken Twi

The Akan Language: Its Sound System and Tonal Structure

Twi Basic Course

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