The purpose of the Tetworld Project is to bring this inspired view into an operational reality.
The Tetworld Project and Game are presented for your consideration.
(NOTE: Tetworld Game is currently being developed by team members, to participate or to just observe, join the Tetworld discussion list--the second listbot option below.)
(NOTE: Links to Tetworld Nodes: A,B,C,D will be found near the bottom of the links section.)
Diagram 1 above, is of a tetrahedron (a geometric polyhedron with 4 faces), and it is the Tetworld conceptual "gameboard"---also look at the "quadtet" link which is to be found at Node D (near the bottom of the links section on this page). Once at Node D, use the "quadtet" link.
Explanations of how the information vectors operate in the Tetworld Tetrahedron System Design, will be found at the bottom of the page at the "Tetworld Story" link in the links section below--and also at Node D.
While Tetworld's: The Quadtet Systems Design for Organization and Operations (QSD), was first designed and developed by the founder of the Tetworld Project in 1980, it had not been possible to provide at the Tetworld site, an animated, fully dimensional representation of the system, until late August, 1999, when it was learned that a tetrahedronal system design animation existed at the Lufthansa Systems Design Group webpage. While the Lufthansa tetrahedronal system design is recent and tailored to be of use at Lufthansa, its geometry, systems design and system behaviors, seem virtually identical to the Tetworld's until we are able to present the Tetworld system at the Tetworld website, at the same exquisite levels of detail, animation and complexity as shown at Lufthansa, we can provide the next best thing...i.e., an invitation to you to visit and view the system on display at the Lufthansa Systems Design Group webpage. The Lufthansa System Design is virtually identical to Tetworld's: The Quadtet Systems Design for Organization and Operations (QSD), so you need only substitute the Tetworld node and/or function designations (e.g., Nodes A,B,C,D) at the appropriate place(s), and you will be able to see in detail, how the Tetworld QSD works. (You may also note that Tetworld and Lufthansa both employ the "quadtet"--as can be seen at Tetworld Node D link.) Many thanks to the Lufthansa Systems Design Group for providing the happy coincidence for an internet opportunity for us to "demonstrate" Tetworld's: The Quadtet Systems Design for Organization and Operations (QSD) "in action".
To view the Lufthansa Java animation, go to the "Animation of the Tetworld Tetrahedron Design" link at the bottom of the Links section on this page, and click it on--please be patient, the page takes a while to load--once loaded, you can make the animated tetrahedron system move around by putting your mouse pointer on one of the vectors (lines) and moving the pointer--and you can "explode" the details at any node, by clicking your mouse directly on a node. The animation uses ultra slow motion to enable the viewer to gain an understanding of how the system works.
While Tetworld's: The Quadtet Systems Design for Organization and Operations (QSD) has new and unique application across the spectrum of humanity's undertakings, it is used here to address the critical problem of "Making the World Work for Everyone".
***(Please click-on the Tetworld Story link at the top of the links section below.)
Over the next several months, several new pages relating to "game" startup are planned:
1. Why is it important to begin playing Tetworld today?
2. How to play? Players will select 1 of 4 teams. Team 1 is responsible for Goals and Policy; Team 2 will be responsible for developing and conducting problem solving Strategies; Team 3 will be responsible for developing and contextualizing Data and Information Resources; Team 4 will be responsible for 2-way Communications between the Game and the external world.
3. Each Team will communicate with co-members and the other Teams via the Internet.
4.. "Think Globally, Act Locally." Using General Systems and systems theory perspectives, teams will focus their efforts locally, i.e., on a single country--Belize, Central America.
5. Why Belize? Belize shares the same fundamental attributes as other countries, large or small--yet, its smallness (in terms of territory and population); its rich cultural and ethnic diversity; the relative transparency of the public and private sectors; its principal language (English); Belizean national development issues/levels of development; and levels of personal freedom; combine to suggest an excellent and "manageable" model for study with an eye to assisting in, "Making Belize Work For All Belizeans"--and by extension provide insights and strategies for applications elsewhere in the world and the larger goal of, "Making the World Work for Everyone".
*(Below find several links to Belize Country Profiles.)
*** (Please click-on the Tetworld Story link below to see further discussion and rationale for Tetworld and the Tetworld tetrahedron system.)
* Please return to Tetworld often, as developments are ongoing. Thank you for visiting! If you would like to join the Tetworld discussion list about Buckminster Fuller's global game idea, please click-on the ListBot button below.
If you would like to join the discussion list for the Tetworld Peace Through Development Project and Game, use the LISTBOT subscribe button below. (You may join either or both discussion lists)
* Tetworld: Peace Through Development Project is a Research and Development Project of The International Journal of Humanities and Peace (IJHP), a nonprofit 501(c)3 Arizona corporation. United States donations are tax deductible.
* (Tetworld diagrams provided to Tetworld by Rick Marriner and Mark Siegmund, Tetworld logo by Philip Cyr)
* (Tetworld version: October/November 1999)
* (The popups and banner ads appearing here permit us to "do more with less". Thanks for your patience and understanding.)
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