This page is devoted to the Backstreet Girlfriends! You wont find anything mean on this page Cuz I support the Boys girlfriends! This information isn't 100% for sure it's a bunch of rumors and stuff from other peoples pages! I Don't know how some of you can call yourselves fans after making rude comments about the boys GF's! and actually throwing stuff at these girls. If I were one of them I'd fight back. but they don't cuz the boys care so much about you. Your only making it so the boys don't want to share stuff with us cuz they think we'll freak out. This is definitly why they didn't tell us they had GF's sooner. Fans should want the boys to be as happy as they've made us for the past 6 years!! I know I do and I wish them all the best!
Mandy Willaford
Mandy Willaford - THE RAVING LUNATIC!!! Nick and Mandy were supposed to have broken up in November. The thing is I'm not buying what their selling!! Mandy has been touring with BSB under the stage name Willa Ford (her last name split in two) what a geek! She now sports brown hair! My friend Harmony met the air-headed Mandy or should we say WILLA (WILLA-BEAST) when Mandy was trying to find "PORKKKKK RINNDDSS" for Nick. Let's just say she's definitly not a scholar. Here's what Nick said about the possibly staged break up in November."I really don't like talking about my personal life on the web site but there have been some vicious attacks, and I feel this needs to be set straight. I have had one serious relationship in the last year with a girl named Mandy (not Mandy Moore as many have suspected.) Many of you have seen pictures of her in magazines. Mandy and I broke up several weeks ago. The breaking point with Mandy was when she slapped my best friend Brent for listening to a BSB song. Mandy was also physically abusive to me and my fans; she just couldn't handle it. It really turned ugly after I helped her sign a record contract and she started recording her first album. When we broke up, she and her family took my big screen TV -- a gift from Jive Records. She has my regards, my pity, my love but also my goodbye." I got this from Nick's official page!
I can't believe she'd do that. So now you can see why I'm not supporting Mandy Anymore.
This pictures says it all my friends!
Obviously a candid shot
Mandy with BJ, Aaron and Angel
Leighanne Wallace
Leighanne Wallace is Brian's FIANCE: I met her at one of the boys concerts. She was incredibly nice to me, she took time out to talk to me. She is very pretty despit of what these pictures seem to depict! She's the exact oposite of Mandy! and I wish her and Bri the best of Luck in their lives together :) She is Lil' Tyke's mom! Leighanne is 30 and she is going to soon be 31 on the 20th of July! You can see her on Wild America she's one of the college girls and her name is Tana. She has been in 2 BSB music video's As Long As You Love Me and I'll Never Break Your Heart (version:2)
Brian and Leighanne on the set of As Long As You Love Me!
Brian and Leighanne in I'll Never Break You Heart! (No the doggy is NOT Lil' Tyke!)
Amanda Latona was AJ's Girlfriend and some say fiance!? They broke up because of fans. I heared recently that Aj maybe back together with amanda.She's exactly like AJ. Aj even refers to her as him with boobs. She's a singer and she was in a group called INNOSENSE.
Amanda performing with Innosense
Amanda - a pic from a photo shoot for Innosense
Well AJ's been seeing another girl (Christina? may be her name I dunno)lately she's one of the Millenium Dancers!! I dunno her name! Here's some pics of them together in spain
AJ's new GF?
Another one
AJ's New GF(the one with the hat!) with Nick's GF Mandy
Well here's Kev and his FIANCE. He's been dating Kristin on and off for the past 7 years so you know their for real.I wish you the best of luck Kev and Kristin! :)
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