The Yoru-Shalem Heavenly Temple Show
By Artist Hannah Omer and Cyber-Architect Yitzhak Hayut-Man.
The High-Or (Living Light) Inc. Designs
John Michell's New Jerusalem Diagram
Meru - Genesis of the Letters of Creation
Barukh Nahshon's Kabbalistic Art
Aerial Map and Art of The Old City of Jerusalem
Dove of Peace by Mordekhay Debi
The Tribes of Judah and Joseph by Leon Saponar
The Dome of the Rock Gallery
Icons for Conversational sketches
The Art of John Michell
Haven Book Art by Yoseph Lasky
The Twelve Tribes - Philip Ratner
Images of Paradise by various artists
The Faces of Humankind - Tammo de Jongh
The Twelve Gates of Jerusalem - Martha Ritmeijer
Twelve Studies for the Design of the Heavenly Jerusalem Mothership - Chuck Henrey |