only mortals have breached the Masquerade


" you Kindred or Kine...Camarilla or this place...this new Elysium...within the confines of these walls no harm can is one of few places our kin can enjoy each others exchange ideas...and relax, without fear of punishment...I alone claim that sole right...if you deign break the rules set here...I will break you...or will others at my beck...I tolerate only minor infractions...this is my home...and those gathered , my guests...know this and remember..."


Things to look at...

The Premise: "...alot of ideas and thoughts concerning the premise of ELYSIUM...hoping to update it soon..."
The Rooms: " are the various pages containing a brief blurb describing the various rooms...and their links...I hope you enjoy them..."
Characters and Credits: " I haven't forgotten this page...I've just been busy...I still plan to post characters of merit...but for now I figured I'd be a little egocentric and post a few of my characters that I play...or will play in WW..."
Guestbook: "...send any comments...criticisms...and suggestions here...I'd like to know how to make this page better..."
News & Updates: "...another brief update posted here as of March 21st concerning how disappointed I am in my rooms...'nuff said..."
Message Board: "...I finally dragged my carcass from the earth and posted a message board...I may move it elsewhere...but until it is..."

Links to the World of Darkness

White Wolf Chat
"...anyone with an interest in the World of Darkness will find something here to whet their appetite...when it's not down that is..."
The Black Rose Tavern
"...a chat room based on's downloadable chatroom by a Toreador named Dominion..."
"...a very slick looking White Wolf role-playing site...but you have to pay to have full access...but well worth a look if you're a serious WW player..."
Broadview by Night
"...a Geocities page...of another who has a similar interest in developing their own places and ideas on role-playing with White Wolf's game system...take a look..."