Bacchus - The New Grey on the Couch!

Bacchus is our 5th grey. His racing name was Sir Buckwheat, and his kennel name was "Bucky", due to his rather large overbite. We decided a more dignified name was needed, and since we already had an Athena and a Zeus, we investigated more Greek names. Not finding any that we felt fit him, we decided on Roman names.... hence Bacchus, Roman God of Wine and Pleasure!

Bacchus' racing career was an interesting one. He injured one of his rear hind legs and was "retired" when he was around 2 yrs old. He retired to live with an elderly lady but as these things do happen, she took ill and could not care for him anymore. One of his co-owners decided to put him back on the track and he took off running.... literally! He ran like never before and became a big winner. When he finally retired in April of 1997, it was as an AA racer.

Bacchus is now 6 yrs old and has fit into our family well. He's very sweet and loving, and the Alpha. He and Athena have also become fast friends and he has been caught once or twice kissing TC on the head.

The Finish Line!

The Non-Rooers!: Daisy Mae and the Kitties