The Operation of God

The Operation of God:

Links you need to see.

Does God Exist?: John Clayton is a man of God who used to be an athiest. Get his news letter, hear his story.
The church~ are you a part of It?: A look at the church of The Bible.
Noah's Ark: A study on the Ark of Noah
The Long Island church of Christ: A cool page.
God is: A list of What God Is.
Who are the churches of Christ?: An explanation on a lot.
Historical evidence for the bible: Can't get passed the evidence.
The Ressurection of Jesus Christ: Bible reasons to believe in the Ressurection.
Darby Drive church of Christ: This is my church.
WAY FM: 24 hour christian hit radio!
God is revealed to the skeptic:
Restoration: The church of Christ. This is a good page.

Philosophical Questions

1. Who am I? 2. Where did I come from 3. Why am I here? When asking these questions we must keep this in mind: 1. Either someone made the earth 2. or it made itself. A sunset cannot prove the existence of God as some people in the religious world would like to believe and use to pass off doubts. If the Bible is the inspired word of the Almighty God then science should show proof for the Bible and the Bible should not contradict science. Mathematical Argument Introduction A. ‘Big Numbers’ Explained. 1. Some numbers are so large that they can be Understood only through the use of a type of Mathematical shorthand. 2. Extremely large numbers are now written ‘powersof ten’. 3. Powers of ten are written as math exponents. For example: 10^1= 10 or a ‘1’ with one zero 10^2=100 or a ‘1’ with two zeros 10^3=1000 or a ‘1’ with three zeros Got it? A number such as 10^200 is actually a ‘1’ with 200 zeros following it......or~ 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Some Examples 10^17=the number of seconds in 10 billion years. 10^25=distance to the furthest known galaxy in light-years. 10^28=the distance across the universe in inches. 10^44=weight of galaxy in grams. ( A gram is 1/450 lb) 10^80=the total number of electrons, protons, and neutrons in the known universe. *The chance of throwing a coin up and it landing heads up 100 times in a row is 1 Chance in 10^30. This leads us into the science of Probability. 1. Probability Science is a widely Respected Science. A. Pierre Lecomte du Nouy, Human Destiny, (New York: Longmans, Green &Co, 1947) “The Laws of chance have rendered, and will continue to render, immense services to science. It is inconceivable that we could do without them. B. James F. Coppedge, Evolution: Possible or Impossible? p.21 “...rules of chance are now in wide used in industry, government, and especially science.” The Upper Limit Emile Borel, Elements of the Theory of Probability (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1965) p. 57 “ whose probabilities are extremely small never occur.” “When the probability of an event is below(past) this limit (1 in 10^50), the opposite event may be expected to score with certainty whatever the number of occasions presenting themselves in the entire universe.” Probabilities and Life, (New York: Dover Publications, 1962) p. 28. What does this have to do with anything?! I will tell you! Amino Acids are often called “the building blocks of life.” They are, in fact “the monomers from which polypeptides and proteins are made.” S.E. Aw, Chemical Evolution ( San Diego: Master Books, 1982_, p. 19 Proteins are Chains of Amino Acid Molecules. There are 20 different amino acids. They are all composed of 4 kinds of atoms: Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Each Amino Acid has a similar group of atoms made up of two carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. The center atom is always a carbon atom (it is called the alpha carbon and a side group (called the ‘R’ group) is attached to the central atom. That ‘side group’ is the sole difference between the various types of amino acids and varies in size from one to eighteen atoms. (See Coppedge, p. 58.) Amino Acids exist, basically, in two forms. These are called ‘right-handed’ (or dextro) amino acids, and ‘left handed’ (or levo) amino acids. Both are identical in every way except one. No it is not that one writes with its right hand and the other its left :-). The side of the alpha carbon to which the side group is attached. They are what the chemists refer to as stereoisomers or ‘mirror images’. Living things are made up only of ‘left handed’ amino acids. see Revolution in Biology, John Maddox, Molecules and Men, by Francis H. C. Crick, and General Chemitry, by Linus Pauling. The DNA molecules are composed of many smaller molecules. There are phosphates, sugars, and heterocyclic bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine). The structure of the molecules resembles that of a spiral staircase. It is a long, slender thread. The total length of the DNA of one cell is approximately six feet. (Philip Handler, Biology and the Future of Man (New York: Oxford University Press, 1970) p. 34. There are approximately 10 billion base pairs of DNA in the chromosomes of a single cell. The sequence of these bases provide the instructional manual for heredity (See Wysong, p. 99). DNA is the key to reproduction of and by a cell. There is absolutely no way for cells to reproduce in the absence of DNA. DNA directs the cell’s activities as well. There is one act protein molecules cannot do themselves and that is to reproduce. Reproduction is a function of DNA. Only DNA can reproduce itself. So we see that DNA and protein molecules must have existed at the same time. The chance that 400 all left-handed amino acids could form anywhere in the universe by random action is: 1 in 10^114 Now in seeing that lets do a quick review incase you do not see a problem yet. Emile Borel, and the rest of the science world says that once the chance of an even occuring is less (past) 1 in 10^50 it becomes impossible. The two things you should be seeing now are in big letters and obvious. We cannot be here unless created. That does not even give enough dis-credit to the Evolution/Anti God ideas.

The    Bible~Is    It    Written    by    the    Almighty?

We cannot be here unless created. Who? Who created us? How can we know if the bible is correct? The Flood Atheists do not attempt to deny that EVERY part of the earth was once covered by water. They admit that this was so. The key issue is WHEN it happened, NOT IF it happened. 1.Marine fossils on top of the world's mountains testify that a flood covered the earth after life existed. a. Fossilized coral has ben found at the 4,000 foot level on a mountain chain in Timor. b. Fossilized whale skeletons have been found high atop Mt. Sanhorn, in supposedly glacial deposits in Michigan, in Quebec--600 feet above sea leve, in Vermont, near Lake Ontario, etc. c. Velikovsky, p. 74: "Scientist in the ninetenth century were dismayed to find that, as high as they climbed, the rocks of the massifs yielded skeletons of marine animals, fish that swim in the ocean, and shells of mollusks...At some- time in the past the azure waters of the ocean streamed over Mount Everest, carrying fish, crabs, and mollusks." d. Inland Lake Nicarauga contains ocean sharks that remained behind when the oceans were cut off by rising land areas. (Daly, p. 114) * Alaskan "muck" defies evolutionary interpretations but is consistent with the biblical flood account. See Velikovsky, p. 14f. He asks: "What could have caused the Arctic Sea and the Pacific Ocean to irrupt and wash away forests with all their animal population and throw the entire mangled mass in great heaps scattered all over Alaska?" Worthy of note: The disaster occurred during the age of man because stone tools and implements were found, frozen in situ, in the muck. Amimals not on the Ark It was shown long ago that the Ark was not required to carry every species of Kingdom Animalia. Oblivious to this, recent critics of the Ark account E.G. Moore, McGowan and Futuyma continue to repeat the old canard that it did. For instance, Moore fantasizes that the Ark carried deep-sea fish. McGowan not to be outdone, puts whales and sharks on the Ark. Futuyma adds to the farce by repositing all the millions of plant and animal species on to the Ark. Fantancies and straw-men of the Ark aside, we can examine what Scripture actually says concerning the types of animal life taken on the Ark. The Hebrew terminology in the Genesis account rules out invertebrates having been taken on the Ark. The same holds true for marine and amphibious vertebrates. It is clear that the contents of the ARk were limited to all living and extinct land mammals, birds, and land reptiles. Possibly the more terrestrial amphibians were on the Ark. But since they were few in number and were mostly small in size their presence on the Ark would have had a negligible effect on calculations. For this reason, they are not considered further. At the same time, it must be remembered that I have erred on the side of amphibious animals by virtue of the fact that I have included entire extant and extinct terrestrial families on the Ark, even if some of their members were amphibious. This is necessary because of the fact that many amphibious animals do not show obvious skeletal features reflecting their capability for living in water, making it virtually impossible to know for certain which extinct genera were semi-aquatic and therefore not taken on the Ark. The Tower of Babel This story if you are not familiar with it can be found in Genesis 11. This group of people wanted to build a tower to the heavens kindof to prove to God they were great so God blows up this tower and makes them all speak different languages. See the bible claims in Genesis 11:1 that the whole earth spoke the same language before this time. ? I find it interesting that Max Mueller, who knows 32 different languages and is a very respected Scientist of Language, stated in his book, The Science of Language: "We have examined all possible forms which language can assume; and we now ask, can we reconcile with these three distinct forms, the radical, the terminational, the inflectional, the admission of one common origin of human speech? I answer decidedly, Yes." If that was not all: Joseph S. Roucek, The Study of Foreign Languages (New York: Philosophical Library, 1968), p. 7: "Scholars speculate that most languages originated in one universal parent language." There are many more....but you get the idea. To do more research on the Historical Accuracy or the Bible Historical Evidence for the Bible try clicking on that ^. Ok I could go on and on.....but you don't want I will close with this. God is real. The Bible is his word. There is no other name by which we MUST be saved. The bible tells us what we MUST do to be saved. We must Believe (John 3:16, Acts 16:31;8:37 John 8:24, Hebrews 11:6. Repent~Luke 13:3, Acts 3:19;17:30, 2Peter 3:9. Confess~Matthew 10:32, Acts 8:37, Romans 10:9 and be Baptized~Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38;22:16, 1 Peter 3:21, Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:12, etc. I will never bow to someone elses opinion! I only go by what the bible says about salvation. I see what it says and "all scripture is inspired by God." That is that God inspired all the Bible says. I hope you will take the necessary steps in accepting Christ's salvation. I do not care what anyone tells you...we are justified by works (James 2:24), and by faith. Apart they are worthless. Ok thankyou for your time....I hope I have changed your life in a small way. Speacil thanks to Dr. Barfield and John Clayton for making me think!

Church    Doctrine

The church of Christ. "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves." (2 Corinthians 13:5) Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you are a member of a certain church? Can you give a bible reason for the faith you hold? If not, are you sure you have proven all things and are hold fast to that which is good? Didn't the Lord say, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone into the world." We must constantly examine ourselves to see wheter or not we are in the faith, isn't it possible that the final day we might be surprised to learn that we were following false teachings? The Bible says, "Many false prophets are gone out into the world." Your view can be wrong. Lets let the bible speak shall we?: Being a member of a certain church because parents, relatives or friends are members is not a sufficient nor logical answer. I am a member of the church of Christ because of Its teaching on how to become a Christian. The Bible states in clearity,"For by grace you are saved through faith, and it is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works so that no man may boast." (Ephesians 2:8,9) What is meant by,"not of works, so that no man may boast"? Does that mean that no action is required on man's part? NO, "for by grace you are saved through faith..." Doesn't the bible say faith is a work? (John 6:29)? It is the work of God. What does the bible mean when it says, "not of works"? Further more can you harmonize this passage with James 2:24? "You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone." James 2:24 It is not by the works of man's righteousness, but by the works of God's righteousness that one is saved. "In every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness is accepted with him." (Acts 10:35). Faith is a work of God's righteousness. What about repentance? Doesn't God demand men to repent? (Acts 17:30, 3:19, Luke 13:3, and 2 Peter 3:9) Is repentance a work of man's own righteousness or is it a work of God's righteousness? What about baptism? Doesn't the Bible tell us that baptism saves us? (1 Peter 3:21). Doesn't The Bible teach us that it is Christ's blood that cleanses us?" Isn't it through baptism that we put on Christ?(Galatians 3:27). Doesn't the Bible teach us that we cannot walk in newness of life until we are buried and raised with our Lord in baptism? (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12). Isn't it then a definite part of the new birth? (John 3:5). Jesus plainly tells us that baptism is a part of God's righteousness (Matthew 3:15, Colossians 2:12). When one is scripturally baptized, he is not, by his/her own merit earning salvation, but he is simply submitting to the work of God. This is the arrangement of God's grace! In this way, by Faith, which is the work of God, we obey the gospel~Colossians 2:12. (Romans 1:5, 1 Peter 4:17, Romans 10:16, Hebrews 10:36, Hebrews 5:8, Luke 11:28). Baptism is not for infants. The Bible gives NO example of an infant being baptized. Infants do not need to be baptized because Jesus said, "of such is the kingdom of Heaven." The church of Christ does not believe in infant baptism simply because the new Testament does not teach it, and it does teach that baptism is for beievers, an infant does not have the ability to believe. (Acts 8:37,38). There is not example of anyone being voted into the church, the Bible says God adds to the church those who are saved (Acts 2:47). We believe that one must be a member of the Lord's church in order to be saved, and be saved in order to be a member of the Lord's church. It is by one Spirit we are baptized into that one body. (1 Corinthians 12:13) The churches of Christ have no headquarters on earth. Each congregation selects its own elders to oversee the flock as is suggested in Acts 14:23. The Bible also says an elder should not "lord over God's heritage" (1 Peter 5:3). Placing on person over another (like the pope) is departure from the bible. Plain and simple. We must respect the organization that God has set up and because the church of Christ does respect this, I today am a member of it. The church of Christ has only one written Creed~the Bible itself. Man has NO authority to draw up some creed or dogmas of faith and bind ourselves to the same, when God's work give us "all that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). God's word is sufficent in the church of Christ. (Titus 2:1, 1 Peter 4:11). God's word is so clear. We should not simply dismiss obvious verses that contradict an opinion or belief. If the bible says it, accept it. Come to the church of Christ's choice, the church of Christ. Its where you belong.