Magical Enchantments on Larger Vehicles & Phase World TW Equipment:

Magical Enchantments on Larger Vehicles:

The magical costs and price payed to purchase techno-wizard additions to larger than normal vehicles is more than from standard sized vehicles. These are for both Rifts Earth and for the Three Galaxies. Enchantments on vehicles larger than 1000 feet are limited to those from the United Worlds Warlock in the Three Galaxies because they will not share the methods that they use for larger vehicle. All costs are subject to addition costs. A normal rang for this can be from 10 to 90 % beyond listed cost.

Impervious to Energy:
Vehicle LengthP.P.E. Cost to CreateP.P.E. Cost to ActivateCost to Create
25 to 120 feet75020750,000 Credits
120 to 250 feet1500401,500,000 Credits
250 to 700 feet3000803,000,000 Credits
700 to 1200 feet60001606,000,000 Credits
[1] 1200 to 4000 feet1200032012,000,000 Credits

[1] Restricted to ships built by the United Worlds Warlock.

Invisibility Superior:
Vehicle LengthP.P.E. Cost to CreateP.P.E. Cost to ActivateCost to Create
25 to 120 feet45020450,000 Credits
120 to 250 feet90040900,000 Credits
250 to 700 feet1800801,800,000 Credits
700 to 1200 feet36001603,600,000 Credits
[1] 1200 to 4000 feet72003207,200,000 Credits

[1] Restricted to ships built by the United Worlds Warlock.

Shadow Meld:
Vehicle LengthP.P.E. Cost to CreateP.P.E. Cost to ActivateCost to Create
25 to 120 feet80010800,000 Credits
120 to 250 feet1600201,600,000 Credits
250 to 700 feet3200403,200,000 Credits
700 to 1200 feet6400806,400,000 Credits
[1] 1200 to 4000 feet1280016012,800,000 Credits

[1] Restricted to ships built by the United Worlds Warlock.

P.P.E. Generators:

Because of the high need for magical energy in large vehicle, P.P.E. generators are available to give vehicles a constant store of P.P.E. energy. This magic can be used for techno-wizard additions to the ship, crew spell casting, and other equipment on the ship. The magical generator is keyed to specific individuals and cannot be used by others. As far as it is know, no one other groups other than the United Worlds Warlock can produce these magical generators.
Cost for the P.P.E. Generator equals P.P.E. per hour x 50,000 credits + maximum P.P.E. storage x 10,000 credits. The generator weighs one ton for every million credits of cost of the generator.

The generator on an Arcane MK II Patrol ship costs 45,000,000 credits
(500 * 50,000) + (2,000 * 10,000)
25,000,000 + 20,000,000 = 45,000,000

The generator on a Dwarven Iron Ship costs 500,000,000 credits
(6,000 * 50,000) + (20,000 * 10,000)
300,000,000 + 200,000,000 = 500,000,000

Techno-Wizard Enchantments for U.W.W. Starships:

T.W. Teleporters:
An amazing device based on the level 15 spell Teleport: Superior. The device is a cage constructed of silver, gold, and large collection of various gems. This device is used to transport cargo as well as marines onto enemy ships. The person must have a good image of where the person is being transported to or the transport will usually fail and often kill the people involved in the transport. The advantages is that the system can teleport through force fields and starship hulls. The teleporter can only be used to transport objects from the teleporter to another location not back to the teleporter. The teleporter is assumed to be created by a tenth level. This means that the teleporters have a maximum mass of 10,000 lbs (4500 kg). Techno-Wizard. U.W.W. destroyers carry 2 of these teleporters, cruisers carry 4 of these teleporters, and battlecruisers carry 8 of these teleporters. The P.P.E. used in the teleporter can come from mages of from P.P.E. Generators.
Chance of Successful Teleport:
1. Teleporting to another T.W. Teleporter is automatic
2. Teleporting to a familiar location: 99%
3. A place only seen a few times before (two to six times): 85%
4. A place seen in a photo or other image (the image is being looked at during the moment of teleportation): 80%
5. A place never seen before, but described in detail: 58%
6. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief description
Results of an unsuccessful teleport:
01-40 Appears in the wrong location. 3D6x100 miles off course (can be in any direction)
41-75 Appears in the wrong location. 1D6x100 miles off course (can be in any direction)
76-98 Appears in the wrong location. 1D6x10 feet off course (can be in any direction)
99-00 Teleports into solid object, Generally means instant death
P.P.E. Cost: 12,000 P.P.E. to create and 600 P.P.E. to activate
Range: 3000 miles (4830 km)
Cost: 10 million credits each

[ Phase WorldTM and United Worlds Warlock are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

Copyright © 2000, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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