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"When you are tired of the politics and all the other distractions, when you have an authentic attitude . . . call us."
Updated 3-10-07
We re-enactors who honor the citizen soldiers of the 19th Century now pay our tribute to the citizen soldiers of the 21st as our nation faces this grave crisis united.
Maintained by JAMES C. DEDMAN.
The Cumberland Guard is a BRIGADE consisting of several Battalions:
The Cumberland Guard Battalion
The Cumberland Guard Cavalry Battalion
Men Of The Cumberland Guard,
My Brothers,
It is with a sad heart that I announce my retirement from reenacting. Civilian life is making demands that will preclude my continued participation. I wish to thank all of you for the many honors and opportunities which you have provided me. To have served with you has been a truly grand experience of my life. I will sorely miss the fellowship and brotherhood we have shared. I know that I may always count on your friendships. It is that knowledge and the memories of our service together that will fill the void left in me, even as you march off without me. To The Cumberland Guard then. May you cover yourselves with glory and your enemies with shame.
Duty and Honor,
Ric Lemon
a Gaurdsman
I would appreciate your input
and opinion regarding the event for 07 and then again in
09. Fellows, this may be the national event we were
looking for. what do you think? the event is in
Colonel Dave
From: Earl Zeckman
To: 'Dave Shackelford'
Cc: 'Walter Compton' ; 'Walter McCannon' ; wphill2929@aol.com
; John Nash
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: Atlanta Event
Thank you for speaking with me last evening and thank
you for the e-mail you sent. Would you please post the
following on your web pages?
Members of the Guard the Atlanta Campaign Inc. wishes to
thank you for your support of our event in the past
years. You have been a huge part of our success. We want
you to know that the location of the reenactment will be
different the next three years. Instead of using the
Georgia International Horse Park we will be holding the
reenactment on original battlefield. The location of the
land is near Lovejoy, Ga. It is land on which two
engagements were fought. One was a cavalry battle and
the second was the very last action in the Atlanta
Campaign. The event will be held the first weekend in
November in 2007 and 2008 and the 145th Anniversary
event will be held Labor Day weekend 2009. Please watch
our web site for updates and pictures. We are very
excited about this move and believe it will make us work
harder to give you a great event.
Again, thank you for your support. Our toll free number
is 1-877-206-4044 and our web address is
www.atlantacampaign.com Registration will begin in
January of 2007. Thank you for allowing us the time and
space on your sites.
Your most obedient servant,
Earl Zeckman
125th Ohio
Atlanta Campaign Staff
As most of you know, we have an
opportunity to conduct a weekend of living history on
the battlefield at Gettysburg. Having spoken with the
gentleman in charge, he stated he addresses the
scheduling after the first of the year. He did say,
however, the only open dates are in April and October.
With that information:
1. Is there still interest by your group?
2. When would you prefer to conduct this living history,
April or October?
3. April or October what?
Please contact me by email or phone ASAP to let me know
your unit's feelings about this.
Colonel Dave
Gentlemen of the Guard
The annual Cumberland Guard Leadership Meeting was held
November 18th at Conner Prairie. It was, again, a
success with a great turnout and participation.
To summarize the discussions:
1. The schedule for 2007, while not solidified, appears
to be;
A. Conner Prairie, May 18-20
B. Jackson, MI, August 25-26
C. Hartford City, IN, Oct. 12-13
The gap in the events are attributed to the cloudy issue
of Billie Creek, Antietam and Gettysburg.
As to Billie Creek, it was agreed that individual units
will decide what they intend to do about the event. If
enough decide to go, it will become a Guard event.
As to Antietam, there is mixed feelings about which one
to attend, if any. More as developments occur.
Gettysburg-there was much excitement regarding the Guard
conducting a living history weekend on the battlefield.
More details will be posted as they are acquired.
Other significant topics;
Scott Cummings of the 5th Michigan, a longtime loyal
member of the guard, proposed an email chain so
information can be sent out to the masses. Will Ott is
in charge of creating this so we can get data out to the
individual soldiers as well as to the unit leaders.
Everyone is urged to check the Guard websites on a
regular basis but this technique will speed up the
information highway. First, though, Will, or Wont as he
is called, needs your email address. It will not be sold
or revealed to anyone else. Send it to Will now at
Dave Downing announced the annual Michigan Reenactors
Roundtable is January 20, 2007, at 1:00 PM in Lansing,
Michigan. This is where nearly every unit in Michigan
sits down and discusses the upcoming year. I plan to
attend and urge you to consider it as well.
Historic Fort Wayne in Detroit, Michigan will be the
site for a drill weekend on April 21 and 22 and the
annual reenactment is July 7 and 8. The Michigan
contingent of the Guard is an important element to our
success and I urge you to support their efforts to save
the beautiful, 5 sided, Vauban fort in Detroit.
Other topics included the creation of a Military
Artillery camp near the non-military artillery camp.
This would facilitate those artillery folks that want a
camp that has a military atmosphere. It is recognized
that a great many artillery folks camp and eat with
their civilians. But, the current situation prevents a
purely military enviroment. So, at events wherein the
Guard has direct input, there will be a military
artillery camp and a civilian artillery camp.
Hartford City was discussed and it was announced that I
am the overall Union commander for the 2007 event. While
it has somewhat fallen off the "radar screen" for some
units, I urge you to support the 2007 event. There is a
likely chance of moving the date in 2008. But, that
would be more likely if they hosts see support from
Guard units. Please give this event your sincere
consideration. Things that occurred in the past that may
have led to the event being dropped from your schedule
will not occur again. This will be a great event and
even greater with your support.
The meeting included my heartfelt personal thanks for the
overwhelming contributions to my new uniform and to the
personal sacrifice and exertions of each and every
member of the Guard. An update on the improving health
of Jim Dedman raised everyone's spirits.
The meeting concluded with my closing remarks that seem
to always include my amazement about how this wonderful
organization seems to operate a smoothly as any in the
hobby. The greatness of the Guard is directly attributed
to the greatness of the men and their leaders. I just
happen to have the honor of saying, "Forward, march". It
is the rank and file, the company commanders, the
battalion and brigade staff officers, that make it work.
And, boy, does it work.
To the Guard
Colonel Dave
Thanks from the Colonel
As the days pass after receiving my new, completely
authentic uniform, information is trickling in that
many, many of the Guard units and individuals made a
significant financial contribution to the project.
Not having the privilege of knowing who contributed to
the uniform, I want to be certain that you know I am
forever grateful to those individuals and units that
generously gave to the fund. There are no words that can
express my thanks.
But, I will try...........THANK YOU . . .
Colonel Dave
You will note the guidon no longer
flashes thanks to BRUCE ROBERE.
Special Orders- 2006 -updated 5-15-06
Please note that events marked
with a Blue Ribbon {}are
Cumberland Guard Events, that the others are only events to which Cumberland
Guard units are invited or are planning to attend and are listed so that if your
unit goes you might make some contact with the other Guard unit(s) in
BLUE RIBBON (maximum. effort)
Official Cumberland
Guard Event with David Shackelford in
command of Guard Brigade
Shackelford in Command of Union Army at Event
Napoleon Club to meet.
January 14, MI Re-Enactor Conf., Lansing, MI
29-30: Fort Wayne,
10-11: Conner Prairie, Noblesville,
July 15-16: Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit, MI
29-30: Merrillville, IN
It appears this event is on track and will be the
usual good time.
Jackson, MI
Chickamauga will be portrayed this year. Watch for
a certain officer to reenact a heart attack. Film at 6.
November 18th is the Cumberland Guard Leadership Meeting at Conner Prairie. Please email Dave with your attendee's names.
18-20: Conner Prairie, Noblesville,
Jackson, MI
October 12-13, Hartford City, IN
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