Day 9 - Tuesday, May 19

Coming up in this entry: Our last day in Japan... a temple, more shopping, the plane ride (the "day lived twice!")

Around 8:00 am JST I joined up with the high school group again to walk to a Buddhist temple in the middle of Narita, about a 15 minute walk from our hotel. Tad decided to join us, even though the weather outside had turned to rain and wind. We splashed through the streets of Narita, thoroughly soaking ourselves, and arrived at the temple grounds. The temple itself was surrounded by at least a couple acres of gorgeous gardens and lakes, and of course the necessary tourist shops. We kind of took the long path to the temple, winding up on a lot of twisting trails, but it was OK, because

--stood outside of temple, couldn't go in, wandered around
--Lindsey and I got lost on the way back and had to ask someone where our hotel was
--returned to the store connected to our hotel, got more Hello Kitty stuff, went to the music store, I found Sailormoon singles and a CD, and bought Lindsey some singles 'cause she was out of money :)

--On plane around 4:30, nighttime all the way back, landed at 8:20 the same morning o_O

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