Temple of Aphrodite
A little about myself...I was born November 4, 1975...which makes me, at this date, 26 years old. I graduated from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama...where I obtained a degree in laboratory technology. On June 16, I graduated from the Baptist Medical Center's School of Medical Technology. That makes me an official medical technologist (they are the ones who do all the tests on the blood and body fluids that the doctor orders. Think of ER and when that doctor yells I need a CBC stat, the med techs are the one preforming this test). I also had to do phlebotomy which really sucks and should you ever think of going into that field, let me just say that that is the absolute LAST thing I would ever spent my time doing. You get paid very close to minimum wage and I, personally, would rather work in a fast food restaurant or something comparable. Though, I'm not from Alabama. I came here all the way from West by God Virginia...I almost went to West Virginia University..but hey, the distance was TOO tempting...*lol*
Please note that this page was created because I used the handle Aphrodite to chat once upon a time. I have gotten several not very nice guestbook entries because people found my page trying to do a school assignment on Aphrodite. NOT EVERYTHING ON THE WEB is there to give you information about some school project. Do not be nasty to me because I use Aphrodite to chat and continued the theme to my webpage.

The Hot Tub....a dcent place to chat
Galaxy Chat
A List of Chat Servers
The page of a VERY cool game

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And for those of you who have not found it already....Here's me