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In CaSe YoU wErE wOnDeRiNg, ThIs Is My PaGe. It'S nOt YoUr OrDiNaRy PaGe, AnD iT's NOT yOuR oRdInArY tHiNk TaNk. ThIs Is A tHiNk TaNk, As In, It'S a TaNk WhErE yOu AnD aNyOnE eLsE cAn ThInK tOgEtHeR aNd HoPeFuLlY cOmE uP wItH sOmEtHiNg WoNdErFuL. EnJoY.....

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"Try thinking more, if just for your own sake...."
-The Beatles, 1965

"And so, dear friends, you'll just have to carry on...."
---John Winston Ono Lennon

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I Won:
 Lindsey's Cool Site Award