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Ainley, Anthony: 8x10 color SP, ISP, HLS, ISC
16 days / Received 15 October 1997
c/o Incoming Mail, BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W1R 7RJ, England
"See that the Doctor burns slowly! Yours humanely, Anthony Ainley"
This is easily one of the best responses I have received, and I just don't really question the authenticity. One of the pictures he sent was a still from a Doctor Who episode (the inscription is a line from that episode). This is one of the few pictures I have framed.
I sent a picture for him to sign. I think he does send his own pictures, but I wanted him to sign a picture from the MASH series. The signature matches others I have seen: it's authentic.
Ms. Aldred is known as a good signer--which is definitely nice for Dr. Who fans. I sent one photo, a color 8x10, which she signed and returned along with a smaller photo. Both photos were signed with a gold paint pen, and her short letter was written with a black pen. All signatures match in-person scans and are authentic.
This is another one of those responses that just blew me away. It's a very generous one, but don't take advantage of it! The photo (he sent an amazing photo) is signed with a gold paint pen.
I sent two pictures and they were both signed in blue sharpie and returned. What I am not sure of is the authenticity. I've been to several web sites and seen some people report these as secretarials, and some as authentic. I'm not sure either way! Since this address no longer works, here's another one you can try: 31342 Mulholland Highway, Malibu, CA 90265.
This was easily one of the fastest responses I've received, and it was a great one. Mr. Ansara sent a picture which appeared to be scanned onto a piece of paper. It's an excellent scan, which he signed in black in the upper right corner. The signatures on the index cards are also signed in black, and all differ from each other, ruling out an autopen. I'm fairly certain it's authentic, but I'm still looking for a scan to compare it with.
This was a great Doctor Who success. I sent Mr. Baker a picture and a gold pen for him to use. He signed the photo with the pen I sent, and returned the photo to me. He kept the pen, as I asked him to do. He also sent me a letter giving me information about a newsletter discussing his current and past work. The signature on the letter is signed with a black pen, and both autographs match up to an in-person scan.
This is another response from a Doctor Who celebrity. With Mr. Baker, as with other people who portrayed the Doctor, I was advised to send a picture. I did, and also sent a blue sharpie. I don't think any other color would have shown up very well. He signed it and kept the pen (as I asked him to do). The signature matches others I have seen.
This is another significant addition to my Doctor Who collection! I sent two pictures I scanned (one in character, and one not), and they were both signed, inscribed, and returned to me. I don't question the authenticity. The only strange thing about this is that I sent a silver paint pen for him to use: he kept the pen (as I said he could), but signed both pictures in black. I'm not complaining, though!
This is a very obvious fake. It's a picture of her sitting down, with her legs crossed at the ankle. The pre-printed signature is on the back of the picture.
This is a nice response; I love to have celebrities inscribe the item to me. The picture had double sided tape on the back, and so when it was put in my SASE it stuck to the cardboard backing I included. It stuck at an angle; I guess that makes it more artistic!
I sent Ms. Berkley a photo: this was another long wait, but it is authentic. I always enjoy getting that SASE that says, "Photo Enclosed: Do Not Bend!" because then I know I'm getting back a picture I sent, and it becomes a fun guessing game for the three seconds before I open it! She signed the photo with a blue sharpie, and it matches on-line scans.
I was a little surprised by this response, although I'm not sure why. She was the first person to sign and return one of the index cards I sent, and both items were inscribed. The autograph matches in-person signatures I've seen. This address may now be an RTS. If you want to use a different address, try this one: 10866 Wilshire Blvd. #1200, Los Angeles CA 90024. I can't guarantee its success, but it might be worth trying.
I first received a signed card from Ms. Binoche on 16 October 1997, after waiting 173 days. She drew a smiley-face on the card as well. She is one of my favorite actresses, so this was a great success. I later sent her a photo from one of my all time favorite movies. She signed this as well--she is clearly a gracious signer.
This is another great success! I sent the picture for her to sign because she doesn't send out pictures. She will send a card, though. She is a great signer. In July 1999, I heard from a collector who received his envelope back unopened, with a statement on the outside explaining that Ms. Black no longer accepts fan mail because of the wide publishment of her address on the internet. She no longer signs autographs through the mail.
This was a surprise; when so much time elapsed and I hadn't received a response, I stopped expecting to get one. This success renews my optimism, especially for the ones I've been waiting a while to receive! (Check out my Still Waiting . . . page.) The photo is a promotional picture from Baywatch, which Ms. Bleeth signed in black. It is not a pre-print or autopen, and the signature matches in-person scans. It's authentic.
The picture is a nice close-up, and she signed in a felt tip pen. She also sent a typed letter. The signature on the letter looks photocopied, but the one on the picture is authentic.
He sent a color promotional picture from Hamlet (a movie I want to see but haven't seen yet). It's a wonderful picture, and he signed in a gold pen. Since the address I used no longer works, I'm including a different one that has been reported successful: Patricia Marmont, Marmont Management Ltd, Langham House, 308 Regent Street, London W1R 5AL, ENGLAND.
Ms. Bryant sent a lovely black and white photograph, which she signed in a silver pen. On the back of the photo, she wrote, "Thank you for your letter & your kind words." The signature is authentic; it matches scans I've seen.
3 September 1997: In-Person: Lucy Lawless
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