25 Ways to Sink the Titanic

25 Ways to sink the Titanic Created by Amy , Casie , and Jenna .

What do you get qhen you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic? Halfway.

1. Hit a sofa.
2. Put Jack and Rose on the Titanic.
3. 3 words, "Full speed ahead!"
4. Another 3 words, "Hard to Starboard."
5. Put Cal in charge
6. 2 words, "I'm flying." Let Rose fly.
7. Let Hanson sing, "My Heart Will Go On."
8. Let Godzilla breathe on the Titanic.
9. The astroid from Deep Impact hit her!
10. Have a 4th of July party, envolving cannons held at the bottom of the ship.
11. Dig a hole, to China, when you get bored sailing.
12. Flush the toliet.
13. Put Molly Brown on Titanic's bow.
14. One word, "Twister."
15. Let Darth Vader take charge.
16. One word, "Jaws."
17. Leave the water running.
18. One word, "Pirates."
19. One word, "Aliens."
20. Let the band play, "Ship nearer to sea."
21. Read this list.
22. One word, "T-Rex."
23. Give the lookouts no binoculars.
24. Let Spicer Loverjoy take over.
25. Don't let Jack takeover.

25 Ways to Save the Titanic, and her passengers!

1. If the ship didn't sail at all.
2. If the first maiden voyage date wasn't cancelled.
3. If you could have kept Bruce Ismay away from the captain.
4. If the ship was more sturdy.
5. If the captain would have slowed down or even stopped for the night during the icefields.
6. If the Californian could have went to check out where the Titanic was signalling rockets.
7. Have you heard of enough lifeboats, who cares if you have already surpassed the law with more lifeboats than it requires!
8. Forget the passengers messages and give the captain ALL the iceberg warnings, after all, aren't the passengers lives worth it?
9. If they had iceberg detecting equipment.
10. Keep Jack and Rose off the ship.
11. Put Molly Brown in charge of the ship!
12. Too bad computers weren't invented yet.
13. Spend more money on the exterior of the ship, not the interior, sturdier metal was needed.
14. No one really cares if you have the fastest ship, how can anyone enjoy their time if it goes by like that?
15. Too bad people can't see into the future and actually have people believe them.
16. Maybe if the Titanic had the right color rockets the Californian would have come to their rescue.
17. If the lifeboats were filled to full capacity, maybe more people could have been saved.
18. If the Titanic had hit the iceberg head on, she could have stayed afloat, and could have been saved.
19. It took the greatest vessel ever built (at that time) 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink, the only thing i can say is doesn't that make you wonder?
20. Let Molly Brown go on slimfast.
21. Get a new Captain
22. Keep Hanson away from anything to do with Titanic.
23. Let *N SYNC sing, "My Heart Will Go On."
24. Kick Cal off the ship.
25. Sink Spicer Loverjoy, instead of the Titanic
Got any funny way to save/sink the Titanic,or any jokes if so, e-mail them to Amy.

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