My name is Tommie Wells. I am deaf and use a cochlear implant to hear. I am active in several organizations that advocate for better access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and for oral education options for children with a hearing loss and for cochlear implants for adults and children who are deaf.
The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Alexander Graham Bell believed that every child with a hearing loss deserved the opportunity to learn to speak. He devoted much of his life to helping children who have hearing loss develop their listening, speaking, and speechreading skills.Bell founded the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf in 1890. Visit the AGBell web site.
The AGBell TX Chapter also has a nice web site. Click HERE to visit it.
HLAA Region VII is comprised of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.HLAA is the world's largest consumer organization dedicated to the welfare of people who do not hear well. It was founded in 1979 by Howard E. " Rocky" Stone. The name was originally Self Help for Hard of Hearing People (SHHH). We are the nation's voice for people with hearing loss.
Click HERE to visit the web site and see what HLAA may be doing in your state.
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Table of Contents!
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DefBird's Cat-alog!
Lots of kitty stuff! Several new items. |
DefBird's Favorite! Warning! I have been practicing all my life to wear purple when I am old! |
Read DefBird's Say! | Check out DefBird's A'musings! Everyone can use a laugh sometimes. |
Visit DefBird's Quilts! Lots of quilts and cats here. More to come! A work in progress. | Take a look at DefBird's Links! |
Check out DIVERSITY! Issues in hearing loss. | Take a stroll through Defbird's Garden. |
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Read DefBird's CI Stories. These are personal stories by people who use CIs, both children and adults. Includes DefBird's own CI story and a Midi of Amazing Grace . |
Click on the MIDI to hear Pachelbel's Canon in D and see some inspirational graphics and verse.
If you are interested in Hearing Loss Issues and live in SHHH Region VII
(TX, LA, NM, AR, OK)
You should belong to the TX Hearing Loss
List (TXHLL)
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