You're Still the One by Bonnie

Chapter 1

February 14, 2008

Elizabeth Webber Spencer sat curled up in a big puffy armchair in her bedroom. She was far away, lost in thought.
''Hey Liz, wanna go grab some grub?'' her husband Lucky said as he came bounding into the room. He stopped short, immediately sensing that something was not right with his wife - especially since she hadn't even seemed to have heard him speak at all.
''Liz? Liz? Elizabeth!''
Shaking her head, as though confused, Liz sat up slowly.
''Huh? Oh, sorry - I -- I...was thinking.''
''About what?''
''Remembering how much I hate this damned holiday.''
''Oh. Baby, that's all in the past. It was ten years ago, sweetie.''
''I know, I know. And I'm over it, I really think I am. Just -- today -- it brings it all back, ya know?''
''I know, Liz, I know.''
She began to cry softly as he stood her up and pulled her into his arms. They stood that way for a long time, clinging together in the memories of their anger and helplessness. Lucky was still enraged that someone had the cruelty to do this to any woman, let alone his Lizzie. Not that she'd been ''his'' at the time, he'd been such a blind idiot. He still felt the guilt over not having been with her and he hated that it took her being raped to realize what he felt for her. For her part, Liz could still feel the fear that she'd carried for years. She shivered at the memories and felt Lucky's arms tighten around her. She was so thankful for this wonderful man, her best friend, who'd helped her survive the worst of her life, who'd seen her at her worst and still loved her, the man who'd shown her love like she'd never known. A love that had given them the most precious gift. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, seeing the guilt in his eyes.
''Don't Lucky.''
''Don't what?''
She smiled gently at him. ''Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault.''
''I know, but ---''
''But nothing. I love you. You love me. That's all that matters now. It's no one's fault. It happened, we deal with it and it brought us together and for that, I'm almost grateful.''
''I guess you're right.''
''Of course I am. Now did I hear something about someone offering to take me dinner?'' She smiled, trying to lighten the somber mood.
''You got it, babe. Anywhere you want.''
''Ummmm, how bout Outback for dinner and Luke's afterward?''
''Sounds like a plan.''
''So that's it for Valentine's Day for me?'' she asked, grinning mischievously.
He pretended to frown in confusion. ''I thought you ''hated'' this ''damned'' holiday?''
''Oh shut up Lucky Spencer. I got something for YOU.'' She pretended to pout as his straight face disappeared and they both collapsed into giggles.
''Ok, ok, so I lied. I have a little something for you but you don't get it till later.''
''Aw Lucky, c'mon, pleeeeeeeeese?''
''Nope! No way darlin.''
''You are so mean. I don't think I wanna be married to you no more.''
''Too bad, MRS Spencer. I love you and you're stuck with me.''
''Oh yeah? Says who?''
''Says me.'' And with that he pulled her close and kissed her. She leaned back, grinned, and said ''Good, cuz I love you too.'' He flashed his killer smile and kissed her again, and so it was several minutes before they finally started getting ready to go out.



''Mr. and Mrs. Spencer! How are you this evening? Is it just the two of you?''
''We're fine, thank you, and yes, it's just us.''
Lucky & Liz followed the waiter to a table and sat down. Liz glanced around.
''I can't believe there's no one here that we know.'' Getting no answer to her comment, she looked at her husband only to find him staring at her.
''Lucky? You okay?''
''Huh? Oh, sorry.''
''What were you DOING?''
''Realizing once again how beautiful you are.''
''Oh stop.''
''Well you are.''
''I am not.''
''Ok, fine, you're a horrible ugly hosebeast. Happy now?''
''Yes, very,'' she said with a grin as he shook his head in mock exasperation.
The waiter appears offering drinks.
''How bout some champagne, Liz?''
''Actually, I think I'd just like some ginger ale.''
The waiter nods and leaves.
''You feelin okay? You did go to the doctor about that flu thing or whatever it was you had last week, didn't you?''
''Yes, I went and I'm fine.''
''Well, that's good to know. Any idea what the problem was?''
''Actually, that's my Valentines present for you -- and I really hope it's not a problem. Lucky --'' she broke off and looked at him, suddenly nervous and not too sure how to say the words and as he looked in her eyes, it suddenly hit him.
''Liz, are you pre--?''
Before he can finish the word, she is nodding as a grin lights up her face. ''Unhuh. We're gonna have a baby -- oh Lucky, can you believe it?!?!''
''I think it's the best news I've had since you agreed to marry me. Have you told anybody else yet?''
''Of course not! Who would I tell before I told you?''
''Sorry -- I should know better.''
She grinned. ''You bet your ass you should. That's why I figured we'd go to Luke's after dinner. You can tell your family and I'll call Gram and Sarah tomorrow -- that cool?''
''You bet. And Liz?''
''I love you babe.''
''I know. I love you too.''
The waiter appeared and took their orders and they proceeded to enjoy their meal as they talked about the baby and how happy their friends and family would be.
They were getting ready to leave and Lucky was helping Liz with her coat when the familiar voice of Audrey Hardy came from behind them. ''Well, if it isn't my lovely grand-daughter and her equally handsome husband!''
Liz quickly turned around to give her grandmother a hug.
''Gram! How are you? I was gonna call you tomorrow.''
''Oh? Is anything wrong?''
''No, not at all -- unless becoming a great-grandmother makes you feel too old?''
Audrey gasped and hugged her again.
''Oh Elizabeth dear, how wonderful!''
And after several minutes of hugs and congratulations from Liz's uncle Tom and cousin Tommy, and a sworn promise to call Audrey in the morning, the Spencers were on their way to Luke's.


"Lucky! Liz! How are you two this evening?"
"Doing good, Mike, how bout yourself? And is my family around?"
"I'm fine, yeah, your mom's watching the bar and your dad's trying to teach Lulu to dance."
"Oh Lord, that's an interesting thought. Thanks Mike."
Laura smiled as her son and his wife approached. They seemed so happy together and so much in love.
"Hey guys. How are you?"
"We're great, Mom. You?"
"Oh I'm fine. Your father seems to have abandoned me to dance with a younger woman, but I guess I'll live." She grinned at Luke as he and Lulu walked towards them from the dance floor.
"Ah, nobody dances quite the same way you do Laura -- not even your beautiful daughter."
"Why thank you Mr. Spencer. You are just too kind."
Lucky broke in. "Before you two get too mushy, Liz and I have a question for ya."
"Shoot, cowboy, what's up?"
"We just wondered how the two of you feel about Lu becoming an aunt?"
It took a moment for the words to sink in and then Laura squealed and hugged her son and then her daughter-in-law.
"Oh! I just can't believe it -- my baby's gonna have a baby! Oh Liz, congratulations -- you must be so excited! If there's anything you have questions or worries or fears or whatever, or if you wanna talk, just give me a call. Or I'll call you and we'll get together or something -- oh, this is just so great!"
Smiling, Liz thanked her and then Luke took her hand.
"Okay, hon, calm down. If I didn't know better, I'd a sworn you were Lucy, babbling like that. So how bout that dance now? Elizabeth -- congratulations. Cowboy, we'll talk later." And with that, Luke swept his wife off to the dance floor.
Liz shook her head. "Your family is something else. But I guess we wouldn't really want them any other way, would we?"
"Of course not."
"Well, I hate to cut this lovely evening short, but do you mind heading home? I'm feeling really tired suddenly."
"Of course not -- you need your rest. Hey Lulu?"
"Can you tell mom and dad bye for us?"
"Sure, no problem -- and hey, congrats, you guys."
"Thanks Lulu. See ya doll."
"Good night, Lu."
"Night you guys."
Lucky slung his arm over Liz's shoulder and they headed for the car and home.


At home, Later that evening

"Wow. What a night."
Liz smiled at her husband. "You could definitely say that."
"I'm gonna grab a shower -- unless you want one first?"
"No, I'm too tired to think about anything but sleep."
"Okay. You get some rest then." He reached out and pulled her close, just holding her for a long minute. Then with a quick, soft kiss, he released her.
She grinned. "I love you too, Luck. G'night."
He shook his head as he watched her walk into their room. Sometimes he wondered if she knew him too well!
Elizabeth smiled as she thought of her husband. She always joked that she was the "lucky" one. Still smiling, she dozed off.
Lucky entered the room as quietly as possible. He smiled at the sight of his seemingly dead-to-the-world in sleep wife. He sat down on the bed and, feeling a little silly, but also feeling like this was important, he lay his head on his wife's tummy and began to speak softly.
"Hey there little person in there. I guess you don't understand what I'm saying to you, but if you do, I just wanted to say hi. I'm your daddy. That makes me kinda important, mostly because I love you and your mommy more than anything in the world and I'm gonna protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you -- not now or ever again."
Liz lay still, not wanting to disturb the outpouring of emotion. But she couldn't stop the happy tears that rolled down her face. She must've made some sort of sound because suddenly Lucky sat up.
"Lizzie? You okay?"
"Of course. I'm just so happy."
"Me too, darlin, me too." And he wrapped his arms around her and they drifted off to sleep.


That evening, Luke & Laura's house

Laura was sitting up reading when Luke finally got home from the club that nite.
"Babe, what are you still doing up?"
"Too excited to sleep. I just can't believe it Luke. Liz & Lucky parents, us grandparents..."
"Better get used to it, if you plan on gettin any sleep between now and what? October?"
"Luke Spencer, how can you --"
He laughs. "Laura, baby, relax. I'm as happy as you are."
"Well that's good."
"Laura --"
"What Luke?"
"Nothing -- I love you."
"I love you too. Now come to bed."

The next day, Luke's office at the club

Luke looked up from some paperwork as his son walked in.
"Lucky! What brings you by today?"
"Mom, Lulu, Audrey, Sarah, Aunt Bobbie, and Carly have descended upon my wife. She told me to get out alive while I could."
Luke laughs. "Smart woman."
"I know."
"So you're gonna be a father."
"Sure looks that way dad."
"You ready for that?"
"Were you ready for me?"
"Hell no. But the second you arrived, everything changed."
"I think as long as I do the best I can, like you did, then I'll be just fine."

Lucky is walking to his car when a feminine whistle catches his attention.
"Hiya cowboy, how's it goin?"
He'd know that voice anywhere.
"Emily!" He bear hugs her and swings her around. "God, I haven't seen you in ages! How've ya been?"
"Pretty good. I've got some things to tell you."
"What's up?"
"I'm moving back to Port Charles."
"Really? That's great! I've missed having you to talk to sometimes. And it works out wonderfully for a plan I've got."
"Yeah, I've missed you too. But the plan?? That sounds ominous. Well, here's the other thing -- I'm getting married."
"Whoa. Congratulations. Who's the lucky guy?"
"His name is Eric Stewart -- oh Lucky, he's so great. I can't wait for you to meet him. So how's Liz?"
"Wonderful. In fact, she's pregnant Em."
"Oh my God. You?? A father??"
"Yeah, pretty cool, huh?"
"I was thinking more like kinda scary, but okay, sure, whatever," she teases.
"Very funny Em. But this is why it's so great that you're moving back. We were gonna ask you anyway, but it's so much simpler with you in town. We want you to be the baby's godmother."
"Oh Lucky. It means a lot that you asked me and I'd be honored. Are you heading home now?"
"No, actually, I was informed when I left the house that I'm going grocery shopping."
Emily laughs. "You've got one smart wife there. Is it cool if I run over on my own?"
"Yeah, sure. I know she'd love to see you. And God knows I'd never hear the end of it if I told you not to go over. She could probably use a break anyway -- as we speak she's got my mother, sister, aunt and cousin, plus her own sister and grandmother hovering over her."
"Fun, fun, fun. I'll see if I can rescue her for a few minutes. See ya Lucky."
"Bye Em." And after another quick hug, they're both gone.


Chapter 6
Liz & Lucky's house

Liz heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it, grateful for the chance to slip away from her sister & grandmother and her mother, sister, aunt, and cousin-in-law. She loved them all dearly -- knew they all meant well, but they were driving her insane. She opened the door to reveal Emily Quartermaine.
''Emily, hi!''
''Hey Liz!''
They hug each other.
''What are you doin here, Em? What's going on?''
''I'm moving back to PC. But what about what's going on with you, Liz? I saw Lucky -- congratulations!''
''Oh, thanks, you're moving back? Why? And did he ask you about being godmother?''
''Yes he asked, yes I said yes -- and I'm moving back to get married.''
''Oh Emily! Congratulations!''
''Thanks Liz. Gosh, good news is just flying at us isn't it?
''Tell me about it. So who's the lucky soon-to-be Mr. Quartermaine?''
She grins.
''Very funny. Trust me, I'm taking his name, which is Eric Stewart, by the way.''
''Has he met your family yet? Do they even know?''
''They know we've been dating, but they don't know just how serious it is. And no, he hasn't met the Q gang yet -- you know I'm dreading it.''
''Maybe Lucky and I can be at dinner that night? Would that make it any easier?''
''Oh Liz, that'd be great. Oh! I can't believe I almost forgot. I wanted to ask if you'll be my matron-of-honor.''
''As long as it's before I turn into a whale, I'm all yours.''
''Definitely. We're thinking end of May?''
''That's perfect. I'll only be like 4 months by then. When do you need us for dinner?''
''Is tonight too soon?''
''Not at all.''
''Great. Well, I better let you get back to your guests.''
''You're welcome to stay if you like.''
''Thanks, but I really need to get home and tell them that there's three extra for dinner.''
''Alright. We'll see you around 6ish?''
''Yuppers. See ya then! And congratulations again!''
''Thanks -- you too!''
Laura looks up as Liz returns to the living room.
''Who was that, hon?''
''Emily Quartermaine. She's come home to announce her engagement.''
There are exclamations of surprise and happiness from the group gathered in the junior Spencers' home. They spent the next few hours discussing the baby and now the wedding. Lucky arrived home around 5 and shooed them all out so they could prepare to face the Quartermaines.
Sarah is the last to leave and Liz suddenly realizes how quiet she's been all afternoon.
''Sis, you okay?''
''Yeah, I'm fine Lizzie. Just tired -- I guess Nik and I were out too late last night.''
''Okay....well, if you're free tomorrow, would you like to have lunch?''
''Yeah, that'd be nice.''
''Okay, I'll pick you up at one tomorrow?''
''Sure, see ya then. Bye Lizzie.''
''Bye Sarah.''


Chapter 7
Liz & Lucky walked towards the front of the Q mansion later that evening.
''Remind me again WHY we're subjecting ourselves to Quartermaines?''
''Because Emily needs our support and she was your friend before I ever met her so hush and be nice.''
''Yes, mom,'' Lucky teases.
Her face breaks into a smile.
'''Mom.' I still can't believe it.''
''Believe it baby.'' She opens her mouth to reply, but whatever Liz might've said is lost forever as the door opens and Reginald escorts them in.
Emily looks up as they enter the room. She hurries over to them and says in an undertone, ''Thank God you two are here.''
Lucky hugged her and whispered, ''They driving you crazy already?''
''It's what they do best,'' Emily replied with a grimace.
Just then the doorbell rang.
''I'll get it Reginald!'' Emily yells as she runs to the door.
Monica looks at Alan. ''Seems like this IS more serious then you'd like to think.''
''Nonsense, Monica. She is only 24 years old.''
''Well now that's a ridiculous argument if I ever heard one. Look at these two. How old were you when you got married, Elizabeth?''
''I was not quite 21 and he was almost 22.''
''There. You see, Alan?''
''All I'm saying is don't jump to conclusions just because you feel like being mother of the bride.''
''Alan! That is the most ---''
Her words are cut off as the door opens and Emily enters, with a tall, handsome man behind her.
Liz looked at him and did a double-take. It couldn't be him. How could it be him? This man's name was Eric Stewart. But yet -- it was the same dirty blond hair, the same sky blue eyes.
But there's no way it's him, Liz told herself. She shook herself and tried to pay attention to the introductions.
''Everyone, this is Eric Stewart. Eric, this is my mother Monica, my father Alan, and my friends Liz and Lucky Spencer.''
''It's very nice to meet all of you.''
''Well, we're always glad to meet one of Emily's friends.'' Monica smiled warmly. ''Now, shall we have dinner?''
As they all exited towards the dining room, Lucky stopped Liz, saying, ''You okay, babe?''
''I'm fine, why?''
''You just looked a little pale, that's all.''
''Actually, I guess I do feel a little nauseous. Evening morning sickness or something.''
''You want to go?''
''No, Em needs us. I'll be fine.''
They entered the dining room and sat down across from each other, Lucky next to Emily and Liz next to Eric.
They were nearing the end of the meal when Emily stood up and said nervously, ''I have an announcement to make.''
Alan's head jerked up as Monica flashed him a ''Look'' and said, ''Yes? What is it, dear?''
She swallowed and without thinking about it, Lucky reached over and squeezed her hand. She smiled gratefully and continued, '', I don't know how to say this so I guess I just have to be blunt about it. Eric and I are getting married.''
As expected, all hell broke loose. Monica was thrilled, Alan was blustering about pregnancy and being too young, Emily was trying to reason with her parents, and the other three young people were trying to help.
Suddenly, Liz, overcome with nausea, ran from the room. Lucky followed her.
In the silence that followed her departure, Emily's voice seemed very loud to her as she said, ''Thanks a lot, you guys. Liz does NOT need to be upset right now. And Daddy, I am NOT pregnant. But Liz is.''
''Exactly, Alan. Now, are you going to give our daughter your blessing or should we all just be miserable forever?''
Reluctantly, Alan agrees. ''If this is what you want, then I guess we can't stand in your way. I just hate feeling like I've lost my little girl.''
''But you haven't lost me, you can't lose me. In fact, you didn't give me a chance to tell you the rest. We're planning to live right here in Port Charles.''
Both parents express their happiness and Emily goes to check on Liz. She finds Lucky sitting in the living room and Liz still locked in the bathroom.
''She okay?''
Lucky is startled by her voice. ''Yeah, I think so. I just worry about her.''
Emily smiles. ''It's okay. I know how much you love her. Try not to worry so much. Everything will be okay.''
''I know. Thanks Em. Your dad calmed down any?''
''Yeah. Thanks for being here, both of you.''
''No problem.'' He stands up and hugs her tightly, just as Liz emerges from the bathroom. She smiles shakily and tries to keep the edge out of her voice as she asks, ''Am I interrupting anything?''
Lucky and Emily break apart and hurry over to her. ''Not at all, honey. Are you okay?''
She nods. ''Yeah, I'm alright.''
''I think I should take you home though anyway. Will you hate us forever if we leave, Em?''
''Of course not! Things seem to be under control here. I'll talk to you both later. You've gotta take care of my godchild!''
Emily smiles and hugs them both and they head home.


The next morning

Liz lay in bed watching Lucky get ready for work.
"So, you just gonna lie in bed all day?"
"No, I'm having lunch with Sarah. She seemed kinda down yesterday."
"Probably because that brother of mine still hasn't married her."
"Maybe. I dunno. I hope she'll tell me."
"I bet she will eventually. Well, I'm outta here."
Liz sat up as he walked towards the bed and leaned over to kiss her goodbye.
She wound her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The kiss deepened as they lay back on the pillows and finally Lucky pulled himself away with a groan.
"If I didn't know better, I'd swear you didn't want me to go to work today."
Liz laughed. "My, you're brilliant. How did you ever figure that one out?"
Lucky grinned. "I'm just smart like that. But tempting as the offer is, we do have a baby on the way and his or her dad should probably be working to support it."
"I know, I know. So go. I'll miss you -- but there's always tonight," she said with a wicked grin.
"Exactly. Have a good day, darlin." He kissed her quickly this time and then he was gone, leaving her smiling both in memory and anticipation.


Sarah and Liz at lunch

"So how ya doin, Lizzie?"
"Oh Sarah, you have no idea how happy I am. I mean, there was a time when I couldn't let anyone get close to me. I didn't think I'd ever even fall in love, let alone get married or have children. And now it's all happening and it's wonderful. It's almost scary, like it's too perfect but I try not to think about that. I'm just so lucky Sarah. No pun intended of course."
They laughed as Sarah said softly, "Good. You deserve this Liz. You've been through so much and I'm glad you're happy -- I just --"
"What is it Sarah?"
"I feel like a horrible person to even say this, but -- I'm jealous of you. I mean, you're only 24 and you've got a great husband and you're gonna have a kid. And I'm 26 and got nothing."
"Sarah, that's not true. You have Nikolas. He loves you, doesn't he?"
"I dunno. If he does, then why hasn't he asked me to marry him?"
"Because, if I remember correctly, when he did ask, you weren't ready or didn't want to deal with being a Cassadine or something."
"That was six years ago. I'm ready now."
"So why does he have to ask? Why can't you ask him? This is the 21st century, you know."
"Like I could really do that."
"Oh why not?"
"Well, it's an idea anyway. I'll think about it. Thanks Liz."
"Hey what are sisters for?"
"Something like that. So Emily's getting married?"
"Yeah, his name's Eric Stewart and he's really nice. There's just something really familiar about him."
"Where would you know him from?"
"Actually, he looks like a guy I knew when I did that one year of college in North Carolina."
"I will never understand why you went that far away for school. You and Lucky were miserable the entire time you were gone."
"I know. But I -- needed that brief time of -- independence or something. I dunno."
"So what was the guys name from down South?"
"Brian Oke. But this isn't him, it's just not possible. Eric's much taller than he was. It's just weird, I haven't thought about anyone from North Carolina in years. Oh well. Just one of those strange coincidences, I spose."
Sarah nodded her agreement and the sisters went on to talk of other things, especially the plans for Liz & Lucky's fifth anniversary party that was fast approaching.


A few weeks later

The phone rang as Liz was entering the house.
"Hello?" she said, slightly out of breath.
"Liz? Is this a bad time?"
"No Em, hi. I was just getting in the door. What's up?"
"Gosh I feel so rude but I promised I'd ask. Um, Eric apparently has this cousin that he's really good friends with and he needs a change of pace or something, so he's gonna come stay with us till the wedding. I've never met him, I don't think I even know his name, but anyways, I know this is horribly short notice, but would it totally throw things off if we brought him to the party on Friday??"
"Of course not, the more the merrier, right?"
"Oh thanks, you're the best."
She laughs. "If you say so. Listen, I'd love to chat, but I've got ice cream in the car."
"No problem, I'll see you Friday. We'll pick what's-his-name up at the airport and come straight from there."
"Ugh, he has to fly? Hope it's not a long flight."
"You and flying -- no, he's only coming from North Carolina."
"Oh okay. Well, see ya Friday."
"Kay, bye."


March 7, 2008

Liz turned to face her husband, dressed in a simple, short, black velvet dress.
"Well? How do I look?"
"Thanks -- you don't look half-bad yourself."
"There's something missing tho........why aren't you wearing a necklace?"
"I don't have one that I like with this dress."
"Well, that works out really good, cuz I realized today -- and I feel so bad -- that I never gave you your Valentine's Day present. What with the baby news and then wedding plans, I --"
"It's okay," she said, laughing. "I forgot too!"
He handed her a small box which she opened to reveal a small silver heart on a chain with EWS inscribed on the front. On the back was "L - Tenderly, L." The word was the title of a Sherri_ Austin song that she loved.
"Oh Lucky, it's beautiful. Thank you."
He turned her around and fastened it around her neck. She turned back around and he smiled. "Now, -- now you look perfect."
"Oh Lucky."
"Happy anniversary, babe."
"Happy anniversary."
He kissed her and then grinned and asked, " ready to party?"

They entered Luke's and were immediately surrounded by well-wishers. They spent a wonderful hour talking and dancing.
"I wonder why Em's not here yet," Lucky wondered.
"They're getting Eric's cousin from the airport, remember?"
"Oh yeah."
"So how about a dance?"
Liz smiled widely as she recognized the opening notes of "Tenderly."
Lucky held his hand out and together they moved to the dance floor.

"The air is cooling and the sun's going down
The day's been grueling in this dusty old town
My body's aching for what you do to me
Tender, tenderly
Tender, tenderly

The words are easy when the language is love
You know exactly what I'm thinking of
My heart is hungry for what you do to me
Tender, tenderly
Tender, tenderly

I've had lovers go up in flames
Been with others who've had no names
God I've waited patiently for someone who really touches me

I've had lovers go up in flames
Been with others who've had no names
God I've waited patiently for someone who really touches me

I feel your fingers and their touch is like fire
Sensations linger then they turn to desire
My body's aching for what you do to me
Tender, tenderly
Tender, tenderly
Tender, tenderly
Tender, tenderly"

As the song ended, over Liz's shoulder Lucky caught sight of Emily and Eric entering, followed by another man who bore a strong resemblance to Eric.
"Hey they're finally here."
"It's about time. I guess the cousin's plane was late."
She looked up and got her first look at Eric's cousin. She stopped dead in her tracks.
"Oh my God," she whispered.
Lucky looked oddly at her. "You say something?"
"What? Oh. No. I didn't say anything."
Emily catches sight of them and waves them over.
"Hey! C'mon I want you to meet Eric's cousin. Brian, these are the guests of honor tonight."
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Brian Oke." He and Lucky shake hands.
"Lucky Spencer and this is my wife Liz."
"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Spencer. Quite a shame that such a lovely young woman is already married."
"Yes, well --"
"Liz, are you alright?" Lucky asked in alarm. "You're as white as a sheet."
"I'm fine. I just need some air. I'm gonna go outside for a minute okay?"
"Want me to go with you?"
"Thanks, but no, I'll be fine. I'll be right back."
Liz slipped out the door and paced for a few minutes. She looked at the sky and sighed heavily. "Oh God. What am I gonna do?"

Chapter 12
The three men and Emily stood gaping as Liz hurried outside. Emily broke the silence, saying, "What in the world --?"
Lucky headed for the door. "I'm going after her. She shouldn't be out there alone."
Emily grabbed his arm. "Lucky wait. Maybe she just needs a minute to herself."
"Okay. But more than a few minutes and I'm going out there."
He proceeded to pace nervously until the door opened and Liz came back in and he rushed to her side.
"Baby, are you okay?"
"Of course, Lucky, I'm fine. I just needed some fresh air."
"Trust me Lucky, I'm okay. Let's go sit down okay?"
As they headed to their table, Mindy McCready's song, "Ten Thousand Angels" began to play.
"Speaking of the devil
Look who just walked in
He knows just where to find me
Here we go again
I can tell he's gonna ask me to dance
But that's not as far as he wants to go
I need ten thousand angels watchin over me tonight..."

They had just sat down when Brian came up to them.
"Excuse me Lucky, but would you mind if I had a spin around the dance floor with your lovely wife?"
"I don't mind if she doesn't. Liz?"
"Oh - I -- I don't think so -- I mean, it's our anniversary, I should stay with you."
"Since when have we been glued at the hip? One dance is no big deal."
"Well --"" At a loss for words, Liz realizes that Brian has taken her hand and they are headed for the dance floor.
As they begin to dance, Lizzie whispers angrily, "Okay Brian. You wanna tell me just what in the hell you are doing here?"


Chapter 13
"Why whatever do you mean, Mrs. Spencer?"
"Cut the crap Brian. You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"You don't think I planned this, do you darling?" He laughed. "No, of course I didn't. It's purely luck that my cousin wants to marry your husband's best friend. Come on, Lizzie, aren't you the least bit happy to see me?"
"No. Nothing has changed Brian. I still love Lucky. Only now he's not just my boyfriend back home, he's my husband, here, live and in person." She held up her left hand. "These rings mean something to me. And I expect you to respect that."
"Okay, okay. Can we at least be friends?"
She sighed. "I suppose. But that is all." She walked off the dance floor as he stood watching her.
"All right then, Lizzie Webber. We'll do it your way for a while," he thought. "But one day -- we will be more than friends." He watched as Lucky stood up and they walked to the dance floor. He fought to control his jealousy as Lucky held her close to him. She was right. Nothing had changed. She was still blindly in love with Spencer. But he'd figure something out.

Liz breathed a sigh of relief as she slipped in Lucky's arms and they began to dance.
"Liz are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. I promise."
"Yeah, right. Liz, I know you better than that. You're shaking for God's sake!"
"Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay?"
"No, it is not okay. Elizabeth, you're scaring the hell out of me! Please, don't shut me out, tell me what's wrong. Did that guy do something? Talk to me baby, please!"
She sighed heavily. "Okay Lucky, let's go talk."


Chapter 14
They walked into the office and Lucky sat down while Liz began to pace.
"God Lucky, where do I start? Okay, I guess it all goes back to six years ago, when I spent my sophomore year in North Carolina. I knew a few people on campus but not many. I was lonely and I missed home and Sarah and Gram and you especially......Anyway, one night, my room mate took pity on me and invited me out with a bunch of her friends. It was fun -- we ended up just a bunch of us sitting around talking and there was this one guy who seemed really interested in me. He ended up asking me out and I said no, I've got a boyfriend back home. And he seemed to accept that and I forgot about it -- until he called a few days later. But I turned him down again, but he kept calling and calling and I kept saying no all the way to Christmas break. And I guess I should've said something while I was home but I was hoping that the break would make him forget about me. I was wrong. He started calling again when I got back and finally I agreed to go out with him after Spring Break. I figured maybe he'd leave me alone then. So we went out, to a movie or something, and then to a little coffee shop and we talked and I -- I actually started to like him. And I knew it wasn't right or fair to you but I --" she paused and took a deep breath -- "I went out with him twice more. And then, just before I left for our fourth date, you called. And, oh Lucky, I felt so awful and guilty. And he knew. As soon as he talked to me, he could tell. And he tried to convince me that it was okay, that he could make things better but I didn't want him, all I could think about was you and the week we'd just spent together and finally I couldn't take his pleading anymore and I just left, I walked back into my dorm and he just stood there yelling that he loved me and he'd always love me and one day I'd see and I'd forget about "that Spencer guy" and I just -- left -- and cried and cried -- my room mate must have thought I was crazy but -- " she broke off and took another deep breath. "Anyway, I saw him once more, the day before I left. He hugged me, told me never to forget what he had said, and I never saw him again -- until Brian Oke appeared in here less than an hour ago. And -- I don't know what it is, Lucky, but something about him scares me." She looked at him sitting silently on the couch. "Lucky?? Lucky?? Lucky, say something! Please."
He looked up at her and the hurt she saw in his eyes almost broke her heart.
She barely managed to whisper.
"This is probably not what you want to hear me say, but I think I have to know --"
"Know what?"
He looked her dead in the eye and in a very quiet, terrible voice said, "Did you sleep with him, Liz?"


Chapter 15
The room was dead quiet as he waited for her answer. She walked slowly over to him and then slapped him square across the face.
"How dare you Lucas Spencer! How dare you even suggest something like that? You know better than anyone how afraid of physical intimacy I was back then. My God, I wasn't even able to let you kiss me until I was 16 years old! And further more, you know as well as I do that we'd only just slept together for the first time a week before that day. Geez, Lucky, it took over four years after the rape before I was ready to make love with a man I knew, a man I loved and trusted with all my heart. And you really think I could've just hopped in bed with some random guy a week later? How can you say --" she broke off as she started to cry.
Lucky sighed, feeling horrible. "I'm sorry Lizzie. I guess my jealous streak is stronger than I thought."
She laughed bitterly through her tears. "Yeah, damn that quick Spencer temper."
"Something like that," Lucky said with a sigh as he pulled her to him and she cried against his chest. "I just hate the thought of you and some guy -- he never pressured you for sex, did he?"
"No -- but, Lucky?" She mumbled into his chest.
"Yeah?" He said, a little warily.
"He, he did try to kiss me once," she said, the words rushing out of her mouth. "I didn't kiss him back or anything but -- Lucky, I'm sorry."
"What the hell for? It's not your fault he can't control himself."
"You mean you're not mad?"
"Not at you. I mean, I kinda wish you'd told me about this back then, but I guess it don't much matter anymore. Now him --" he said in a menacing voice.
"Lucky, please. Don't spoil the party."
"Alright. I'll be civil."
She smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Lucky. But he still worries me. I mean, I don't wanna sound conceited but I think he's still in love with me. And he's not one to give up on what he wants."
"Yeah, well, he tries anything with you and I'll kick his ass all the way back to North Carolina."
"Lucky, that's not nice," she said in mock reproval. Then she sighed. "I told him I was married, that he better respect that, and he agreed, just friends, but......"
"Well, I guess just avoid him as much as possible and definitely don't let yourself be alone with him. And if anything happens, tell me, okay??"
"Okay. Well, we better get back, we're totally missing our own party!"


Chapter 16
May 2008 ~ A few days before Emily's wedding

Life passed by easily and smoothly for the next few months. Wedding plans were in full swing and Liz and Lucky were busy both with those and with the planning of their nursery and poring over tons of baby name books. (Especially the L section! )
"What about Laurence?" Lucky asked.
"NO! I refuse to have a son who could end up being called Larry!"
"Like it's any worse than Lucky?"
"Hey, *I* like your name. Honestly, I think if it's a boy he should be Lucas Lorenzo III."
Lucky groaned. "Do you know what a pain that name is? Besides, how many Lucas's can we have in one family?"
"I like it though.......and I think it would mean a lot to your dad."
"And your father? What is he, chopped liver?"
"Okay, what about Lucas Jeffrey?"
"Now, that, I could live with."
He walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. "C'mon, get up. We've gotta get goin. We've got some parties to go to!"
"You better behave yourself at that bachelor party, Lucky Spencer. I don't want to hear any stories about you!"
"I'll be good, I promise."
"What?? You don't trust me?" he teased as he ran up the steps.
"But of course not!" She teased back as she laughed and followed him.

Chapter 17
Emily, Liz, Sarah, and the rest of the women of Port Charles sat in the Quartermaine living room having a great time as they laughed and talked about their lives, loves, and families.
Sarah sighed and whispered to Liz, "I still think you should've hired a stripper. This is boring."
"Oh, Sarah, hush. Please don't spoil the party just because you're still in a bad mood."
She sighed inwardly. She wanted to be sympathetic to her sister but she really felt like Sarah had sulked for long enough. Ever since she and Nik had split up, spending any amount of time with her had become miserably unbearable.
"You could at least pretend to be happy for Emily. You're supposed to be a bridesmaid in three days, for God's sake!"
"Oh gee Liz, you're awfully sympathetic. I've lost the love of my life and you want me to be happy?"
"For the wedding, yes. Once it's over you can return to your previously scheduled bitchiness, already in progress."
"Thanks SO much for the support, Liz."
"Please Sarah? For Emily's sake?"
Sarah sighed. "Okay, okay." Inwardly though, she was seething. She hated being here while her own heart was still breaking.
She still couldn't believe it. Everything had seemed so perfect between her and Nikolas. And then one night, she'd decided to try Liz's suggestion. She'd casually asked him what he thought about their future and marriage and he'd told her that he didn't think he loved her anymore, that he was staying with her mostly because it was comfortable. She was mortified and heartbroken and dreaded seeing him at the wedding.
"Sarah? Sarah? You awake in there?"
She snapped back to reality and pasted a smile on her face. "Yeah, I'm here."
"Just checking," Robin said.
"So what do you suppose the guys are up to?" Carly asked.
Laura grinned. "Well, one thing's for sure. With Luke there, they've probably all got a cigar!"
They all laughed at that as........


Chapter 18
......Eric, Lucky, and the men of PC sat in a thick cloud of cigar smoke at Luke's club. There was a knock at the door and Mike went to answer it.
"Hey guys," he yelled. "Bambi's here!"
The guys whooped and hollered as Bambi began to dance.
Luke and Lucky leaned against the bar.
"You won't tell your mother about this, will you Cowboy?"
Lucky grinned. "As long as you don't tell Liz, it's a deal."
As they stood observing the antics, Brian wandered over.
"Hey Spencer. See you managed to detach yourself from the little woman."
"My wife and I are none of your business," Lucky said coldly.
"Geez, just a friendly comment. Don't get all bent out of shape." Smiling calmly, he walked off as Lucky wondered just what his deal was.

Chapter 19
May 17, 2008
Wedding Day

Liz and Lucky arrived at the church and quickly headed to their respective places. Liz entered the bride's room to find Monica fussing over Emily, Emily on the verge of freaking out, Sarah sulking in the corner, and Robin looking pale.
"You okay Robin?"
"Oh, hi Liz. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just this new medication they've got me trying. It's fighting the virus but it makes me really weak. Hey what's with your sister?"
"She's still pissed about Nikolas. Ignore it."
"Oh okay."
Emily finally caught sight of her and hurried over.
"Liz you look great."
"No, you look great. I feel fat."
"Nonsense," Monica cut in. "Just wait another four or five months. THEN you'll feel huge. Right now you can hardly tell unless you know."
"Well, that's good. So, you ready Em?"
"As I'll ever be."
Just then, Alan stuck his head in the door. "We need the wedding party please."
They headed out and stood at the back of the church, lined up in pairs -- Jason and Robin, Lucky and Sarah, then Liz alone (she was so glad Brian was waiting at the front of the church!) and then Emily and Alan.
The familiar wedding music started, they marched down the aisle, the vows were said, the rings exchanged, the bride kissed, and finally the minister announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stewart!"
Beaming the couple led the recessional and then headed for the reception.
The wedding party posed for some pictures and as they were walking to the reception, Lucky caught up to Emily.
"Congratulations, Em."
"Thanks, Lucky."
"This guy better treat you good -- you let me know if he doesn't?"
"Of course." She grinned. "You're the best, Lucky."
"Yeah, so I've been told. Hey thank God it's dinner time, I'm starving."
"You goof," she said laughing, as she punched his arm.
He laughed with her and put an arm around her and the other around his wife as they headed to dinner.

After the dinner tables were cleared away, the DJ announced, "Okay, could we please have the bride and groom come to the center of the floor for their first dance as husband and wife?"
Everyone applauded as Eric led Emily to the dance floor.
Mariah Carey's "When I Saw You" began to play as Eric held Emily close to dance.

"Soft, heavenly eyes gazed into me
Transcending space and time
And I was rendered still
There were no words for me to find at all
I could see you and no one else
When I saw you 
When I saw you
I could not breathe, I fell so deep
When I saw you
When I saw you
I'd never be, I'd never be the same"

"Could the best man and matron of honor please join them?"
Reluctantly, Liz got up to dance with Brian, who was more than willing to hold her close. She tried to step back but his arms were too tight around her.
"Brian please! Don't hold me so tight!"
He smiled. "Hush, Lizzie. I'm sure you don't want a scene, but trust me, I'll make one if I have to."
Unable to do anything, Liz reluctantly let him hold her.

"Only once in a lifetime, love rushes in Changing you with the tide And dawn's ribbon of light Bursts through the dark Wakening you inside And I thought it was all untrue Until there all at once I knew When I saw you When I saw you I could not breathe, I fell so deep When I saw you When I saw you I'd never be, I'd never be the same"

"Can we have the rest of the wedding party, please?"

"With no beginning and
Without an end
You are the one for me
It's evident
Your eyes told me so
Your eyes let me know...
When I saw you 
When I saw you
I could not breathe, I fell so deep
When I saw you
When I saw you
I'd never be, I'd never be the same
When I saw you 
When I saw you
I could not breathe, I fell so deep
When I saw you
When I saw you
I'd never be, I'd never be the same........."

Finally the song ended and Liz stepped back gratefully as Brian slowly let her go. Lucky was right behind her and together they went to sit down.
Brian watched sadly and jealously as they left. He'd finally gotten to hold her, touch her again, smell her perfume. But now he wanted more. And now, it was only a matter of time.


Chapter 20
A couple weeks later

Liz sat in her living room watching CMT. It was her biggest legacy from her mother, an inexplicable love of country music. An old Trisha Yearwood song was playing, one of her favorites, because she'd always thought that it was so perfect for her and Lucky.

"Sunday mornin when the paper comes
Let's read it front to back and see what's going on
Drink our coffee by the flower bed 
And talk about the stuff that's running through our heads
When you look at me the way you do
I can't help but look right back at you
Yeah, this is a perfect love
We're doin nothin but what a perfect love does
We're not trying to make history
It's just you and me in a perfect love
Hey let's drive to the edge of town 
See what there is to see and then turn back around
Stop by and see your mom and dad 
And hear 'em talk about the busy week they had
Then let's take a walk beside the lake
See what kinda fun we can make
Yeah, this is a perfect love
We're doin nothin but what a perfect love does
We're not trying to make history
It's just you and me in a perfect love
Oh ain't it a perfect love
I know you love me just because
Yeah, this is a perfect love
We're doin nothin but what a perfect love does
We're not trying to make history
It's just you and me in a perfect love..."

The doorbell rang as the song was ending and Liz went to answer it. She was surprised to find a florist standing there with roses.
"You Lizzie Spencer?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Sign here please."
She signed and took the flowers inside, curiosity driving her crazy. She found a card and tore it open to read:

"You were a vision of loveliness at the recent wedding. As always, you took my breath away."

It wasn't signed. "Who in the world could've sent these?" she wondered aloud. Then it hit her, they must be from Lucky, it would be just like him to do something like this. Smiling, she picked up the phone.
"Hey handsome."
"Liz! What's up? You okay?"
"Of course! I'm fine, I just wanted to thank you for the flowers."
"Flowers? I didn't send any flowers."
"Are you sure?" She read him the card.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Wish I had thought to send 'em, but those aren't from me."
"Well, that's weird. I wonder who did."
"Beats me. I guess I've got a rival. I should watch out, huh?"
"Like you have anything to worry about."
"Yeah, I know."
"Oh well. They're pretty anyway. Well, I'll let you get back to work."
"Okay, I'll be home in an hour or so."
"Kay, see ya soon. I love you."
"Love you too. Bye."
"Bye Lucky."

Chapter 21
A few hours later

"I'm headin home dad."
"Okay, see ya tomorrow. Send the family's regards to Liz."
"Same to Mom and Lulu -- see ya dad."
Lucky got in his car, his mind totally on home and Liz. He drove out of the lot and sped down the street, driving faster than he should. Suddenly, a car pulled out in front of him. He slammed on the brakes, but they went straight to the floor, offering no help at all. Frantically, he swerved and managed to miss the other car, but the car, unable to stop and barreling out of control, slammed right into a tree. His head hit the steering wheel and he blacked out.

The other driver called an ambulance and Lucky was rushed to GH.
Bobbie was on duty in the ER when the call came.
"Okay, everyone, get ready. We've got a car accident victim on the way -- massive head injuries."
The surgeons were scrubbing up and Bobbie was headed that way when Lucky was wheeled into the ER. She went over to check the patient and about fainted.
"Bobbie? You okay?" another nurse asked.
"Janie, I can't operate. That's my nephew -- oh my God, Liz. And Luke -- I've gotta call them -- I can't --"
"It's okay, I'll take your place. Go make your calls. Go on! GO!" Janie said as she helped get Lucky to the OR.

"Luke's.....slow down Barbara, I can't understand you when you talk that fast.....what? Oh my God.....will he be okay?.....okay, I'm on my, we'll tell Liz.....okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.....bye."

"Lulu, it's dad. Can I speak to your mother please?"
"Sure. (yelling away) Hey Ma! Daddy's on the phone! (Back into the phone) She's on her way."
"Thanks honey."
"Luke? What's going on?"
"Laura, sit down."
"Luke, what's wrong?"
"Laura -- there's been an accident. Lucky's at General Hospital."
"Oh my God. Oh my God -- is he okay?"
"I don't know. All I know is that he's in the OR."
"Oh my God, Liz! Was she with him? Is the baby--"
"They're fine. She's at home."
"Does she know yet?"
"No. I told Bobbie we'd take care of it. Honey, I need you to go get her and take her over. I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?"
"You're right, she doesn't need to be driving. Okay, I'll see you soon."
"Alright. Be strong, baby. He'll be okay -- he's a Spencer, he's tough. Just keep the faith. I love you."
"I love you too. And for God's sake drive carefully!"
"I will -- and you too! Bye."
Laura hung up the phone, grabbed her coat, yelled "Lulu, I'm going out, I'll call you later!" and she ran out the door.

Chapter 22
The doorbell rang for the second time that day and again Liz wondered out loud, "Who could that be?" Then she smiled. "I bet Lucky decided he'd send flowers too." Still smiling she hurried to answer the door and opened it not to find a florist or her husband, but her mother-in-law. Laura's eyes were red and puffy and she appeared to be in a frazzled state.
"Laura? Are you okay?"
"I'm alright Liz, but --"
But somehow, she already knew.
"Oh my God, Lucky. What's happened to Lucky??"
"Lizzie --" she took a deep breath "-- he was in an accident."
"Oh my God." She sat down slowly on the steps and began to cry. "Please tell me he's okay?"
"Oh sweetie, I wish I could -- God, I wish I could. But I don't know. We don't know anything except that he's being operated on at GH."
"Well, what the hell are we waiting for?? I have to be there, I have to be with him, he'll need me -- Oh God --" she broke off and started to cry harder.
Her own tears starting again, Laura guided her to the car and they sped off.


Chapter 23
Luke rushed out of the club, running right into Brian Oke.
"Club ain't open yet, sorry," Luke snapped as he hurried past him.
"Something wrong?" Brian asked casually.
"Yeah, my son's been in a car accident. I'd love to stand around and chat, but I think I'm needed elsewhere!"
"How awful. Is there anything I can do?"
"You're related to Emily, right?" he asked as he got in the car and Brian nodded. "Then call her!" he called out the window as he drove off.

Luke rushed into the hospital to find Bobbie, Carly, and Amy sitting together in the waiting room, their faces tearstreaked.
"How is he?" he barked.
Bobbie shook her head.
"We don't know. The doctor says he can't release any information to anyone but Liz."
"You've gotta be kiddin me, right?"
"I wish I was. It's so unfair."
"What the hell kinda crap is this?" Luke exploded. "The three of you work here for God's sake and no one can tell you what's going on?? This is crazy!"
Luke would've continued raving except that at that moment Laura and Liz hurried in. Laura fell into Luke's arms and began to sob.
For her part, Liz wasn't crying anymore. She just looked shell-shocked. But her eyes were red and puffy and her face was blotchy.
Bobbie hugged her tightly, trying not to start crying again herself.
"How is he?" Liz asked in a shaky voice.
"We don't know sweetie," Bobbie replied. "They won't release information to anyone but you."
"Well, for God's sake, where is the doctor then?" Liz demanded.
"I'm right here. You are Mrs. Spencer?"
"Yes, I am."
"Come with me, please."
Liz followed the doctor to his office as the family continued their vigil.


Chapter 24
Hours later, Lucky was settled in a room and a huge group was waiting for their turn to see him. They all finally knew what was going on; Liz had returned from her meeting with the doctor and explained to them , in a slow, trembling voice, what the situation was.
For the most part, Lucky was okay. No major bones were broken, no internal injuries. But he had suffered a massive head trauma. He was in a coma and the doctors and no idea when -- or, should he remain comatose for a long time -- if he'd wake up. They had all been encouraged to visit and talk to him, in the hope that the familiar voices would bring him back. So now, before visiting hours ended, they were all taking turns going into the room separately to talk to him.


Chapter 25
Liz was the last to enter Lucky's hospital room. She shivered at the sight of him, hooked up to all those machines. She crossed the room in about two steps and sat down by the bed, took his hand, and began to speak.
"Hey Luck. Gosh I feel silly talking to you when I know you're not gonna answer, but I'll do anything if it'll help you wake up. You have to wake up Lucky. I love you!" She laughed, suddenly and without emotion. She stood up and began to pace.
" 'I love you.' So what? You and I throw those three lousy words around like they're going out of style, do they really mean anything anymore? They're only words, why do we let them matter so much? I know you love me, why do I need to hear it all the time? Why do I have to say it all the time?" She stopped her pacing and ran a hand through her hair.
"I know, I'm babbling. I guess it's so I don't have to think about you lying there and -- oh Lucky, God, I may say it all the time but I don't care. If they ever meant anything, they mean everything now -- I love you Lucky Spencer. I need you so much and you damned well better come back to me because I have no intention of rasing this baby without you."
She sat down by the bed again, grasped his hand, and bowed her head. "Please Lucky," she whispered. "Please come back to me."


Chapter 26
Bobbie opened the door.
"Liz?" she said softly.
Liz lifted her head and managed a weak smile.
"It's amazing, isn't it?" Liz said. "You'd think he was only sleeping."
"Really, that's all it is. Just a very deep sleep."
"Then why won't he wake up, damnit?"
"He will. When his body's ready."
"How do you know?"
"Lucky wouldn't leave you and the baby like this."
Liz spoke in a voice that was barely a whisper. "But what if it's not his choice?"
"Then we'll deal with that when the time comes. It's only been a few hours, that's much too soon to tell anything. Right now, we should all go home and get some sleep."
"You mean I can't stay here?"
"Sorry Liz. Hospital rules."
"But --"
"Besides, you're pregnant. Sleep is important right now."
"I know, I just hate leaving him..."
Her voice trailed off as she leaned over and kissed him. "G'nite Lucky."
"He'll be fine," Bobbie said reassuringly.
Laura stood up to hug Liz as they emerged from the room.
"Liz," she said, "if you'd rather not be alone tonight, you're welcome to stay with us."
"Thank you Laura, but I think I need some time to myself, to collect my thoughts."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'll be okay, I promise."
Brian spoke up. "I'll give you a ride home Liz. I'm taking Emily and she lives near you."
Liz nodded as Luke helped her with her coat. She hugged all of the family and she, Brian, and Emily headed for the car.


Chapter 27
Emily and Liz got into the back of the car and Brian asked, "So who goes home first?"
"I guess I do," Emily said. Then she added, "Are you sure you'll be okay alone, Liz? Cuz Eric's gone back to Arizona for the night to settle up some final things and I don't mind staying --"
Liz smiled, weakly, but gratefully. "Thanks Em, but I think I need some time alone."
"Okay well, if there's anything I can do, let me know okay?"
"Just keep being the good friend that are, to me, and to Lucky. And pray."
"I already am."
They reached Eric and Emily's house and Emily hugged Liz and said, "Good night you guys. Thanks Brian!"
"No problem., Em. Bye!"
"Bye," Liz echoed quietly as he pulled back out onto the road and headed for her house.


Chapter 28
Brian pulled into Liz's driveway and called softly to the back-seat, "Liz? We're here."
When he got no response, he turned around to discover that she was fast asleep. He chuckled and got out of the car. Opening the back door, he leaned in and touched her shoulder.
"Liz? Lizzie, wake up."
She stirred slightly and then sat straight up, wide awake. "Am I home?"
"Yeah. C'mon, I'll walk you in."
She smiled gratefully and got out of the car, taking the arm he offered her. She tried to unlock the door but her hands were shaking so much that he had to do it for her.
"Liz are you sure you want to be alone tonight? I wouldn't mind staying with you."
"No. I'm sure. I'll be okay. I'm fine, really."
"Well, you certainly are fine," he said with a leering grin as he walked up behind her and rubbed her shoulders. "Are you SURE you won't change your mind? I bet that big bed of yours will be awfully cold and empty tonight. I'd be glad to snuggle up and keep you company."
She whirled around and backed away as she stared at him in shock.
"What did you just say?? That is the rudest, most insensitive -- my *husband* is in the hospital and you're trying to hit on me?? What kind of a jerk are you?"


Chapter 29
"Liz, I --" He took a step closer.
"Shut up. I don't want to hear it. I thought we could be friends, I thought we were friends, but you have just blown that straight to pieces. Just stay the hell away from me, okay?"
He took another step closer and grabbed her arm, pulling her against him. "Come on Lizzie. I know how good we could be together."
She wrenched away from him, the fear evident in her eyes. "Brian, please! Don't do this!" she cried as she ran up the stairs. She'd had an idea, maybe the only thing that would stop him from what she knew he wanted.
It was ironic, really. She'd always hated the fact that Lucky kept a gun in the house, but as she rummaged frantically through his dresser, she was suddenly grateful. She heard the stairs creak and felt herself beginning to panic as she yanked open the bottom drawer. Her hand closed on the gun as Brian's voice came from behind her, as smooth and cold as ice. "You can't run from me forever, Elizabeth Webber."
She stood up and turned around, slowly and deliberately. She pointed the gun right at him.
"Really?" she said, with a coolness she didn't feel. "Then isn't it just too bad that my name is Elizabeth Spencer?"
"Liz --" His own fear was now obvious.
"Shut up. I don't need this crap, I didn't need it ten years ago and this time I'm not gonna take it. Now get the hell out of my house and stay the hell away from me before I call the police! Or --" and she cocked the gun "-- before I have to do something else."
"Okay. Okay!" A wave of emotions -- fear, guilt, sadness -- all washed over his face in a matter of seconds. "Okay," he said, dully this time. It was as if a light bulb had finally gone on. She didn't love him and she never would. Suddenly overcome with guilt and shame for what he'd tried to do, he fled the house and sped off into the night.


Chapter 30
Liz sighed heavily and collapsed on their bed, shaking all over and trying not to let the tears start again. Finally she was alone. Just then the baby kicked her and she realized, no, she wasn't alone. No matter what happened with Lucky, she wouldn't be totally alone. She rested her hands on her ever-expanding stomach and began to think out loud.
"Poor baby. You've had a rough day, too. Mommy's been pretty emotional, huh? It's all gonna be okay though. I hope. God I hope so." Suddenly she realized the comfort talking to her baby gave her. She'd been wrong. She didn't want to be alone but the only person she wanted with her couldn't be there. "Damnit Lucky, why'd this have to happen? Why?" But there weren't any answers.
She sighed and got up and went downstairs to check the answering machine. Three messages. She pushed play.
"Lizzie? It's me Sarah. I've got important news. Call me, right away! Bye!"
"Lizzie? Me again -- where are you? Anyway, call me, bye!"
"Liz? Okay, I just can't wait, I gotta tell you -- me and Nik got back together! How cool is that?? Aaaaahhhhh! I'm so happy. Call me when you get this, I don't care what time. Bye!"
Liz sighed and reached for the phone. "This should be fun," she thought.


Chapter 31
After her shaky hands screwed up the number three times while trying to call Sarah, Liz gave up. Letting out a frustrated yell, she cried, "I don't care! I don't want to listen to Sarah babble about how wonderful Nik is. She'll call again tomorrow. I'm just going to bed."
She climbed the stairs slowly, put on a T-shirt, sweats, and Lucky's ancient gray shirt that he always gave her to wear when she was upset. After putting her Trisha Yearwood CD in the player and setting the first song on repeat, she crawled into bed and curled up into a ball, hugging Lucky's pillow. As the music started, tears filled her eyes, slid down her cheeks and she slipped into a restless sleep.

"How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kinda life would that be
Oh and I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything good in my life
Without you there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no love left for me
And I, baby I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I
Oh how do I live
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby 'cause you know that you're everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I
Oh how do I live
How do I live without you
Without you baby........"


Chapter 32
Liz was awakened at 8 AM by a ringing phone. She was almost grateful, for she'd slept horribly. She'd had the same nightmares that had plagued her for such a long time after the rape. Such vivid, awful memories, images that she hadn't really thought of in a long time. The episode with Brian the previous night had brought them all back to the forefront of her mind. What had really made the dreams of the night before so bad was that in the past, she'd never pictured a face on the rapist. They never had figured out who did it and her imagination had always pictured a dark, shadowy, non-descript face. But last night, she'd dreamed that Brian had been her rapist. And she knew he wasn't, there was no way possible, but the whole thing had unnerved her. More than once in the past night she had awakened and reached out for Lucky, only to have the whole horrible memory of his accident come rushing back.
And as the phone rang again, she remembered that Bobbie was working the day shift at GH and had promised to call if anything about Lucky's condition had changed. She grabbed the phone.
"Bobbie? Is he okay?"
"Huh?" came Sarah's voice.
"Oh. Sarah. Hi."
"Hi?? That's all you can say? Didn't you listen to your machine last night?"
"Yeah," Liz said dully. "Congratulations."
"Well, geez, don't try to sound happy for me or anything."
Liz sighed, wishing she could feel happy. "I'm sorry, Sarrie. I just --" her voice caught "-- kinda had a rough night last night."
"Liz, what's wrong? You never call me Sarrie unless you're really upset."
By now, Liz was crying again and couldn't speak.
"Liz? Lizzie?? Lizzie, I'm on my way over, okay? I'll see you in a minute okay??" She didn't wait for an answer as she rushed to her sister's home.


Chapter 33
Liz was slightly more composed by the time Sarah arrived. The phone rang again just before she walked in.
"Hi Emily. What's going on?"
"Two things actually. First, how's Lucky?"
"No change as far as I know."
"Okay. Well, there's been an interesting development. Late last night, or really, early this morning, Brian came back to the house with a letter for me. He didn't really say anything, just told me to read it in the morning and then he left. Then, when I got up this morning, I get this call from the police, looking for Eric. Liz -- Brian killed himself last night. He drove off a bridge."
Liz was speechless. She looked like she was about to faint as she sank into a chair and Sarah grabbed the phone.
"Emily? It's Sarah. What the hell is going on around here? Liz is acting like a train hit her, she was like that even before you called, could you please tell me what happened??"
"That's right, you don't know. We couldn't find you last night. Sarah, Lucky was in a car accident. He's in a coma."
"Oh my God. Well, she certainly makes more sense now."
"Yeah," Emily said grimly. "But there's more. Eric's cousin Brian committed suicide last night. That's what I called to tell her."
"Oh my God. You know she knew her from college, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but honestly, I'm almost glad he's gone," Emily said with venom in her voice.
"Wha--? Why??" Sarah asked incredulously.
"Because -- because he left me a letter -- and -- and he's -- he's -- responsible for Lucky's accident. He cut the brake lines in his car."
"Oh God. Are you serious?"
"I wish I weren't. Apparently he had some confused notion that if he got rid of Lucky, then Liz would fall in love with him. He was wrong. And when he realized how wrong he was, he killed himself."


Chapter 34
The days dragged by and became weeks. The doctors' reports continued to be positive, so Liz tried to stay that way and her family offered total support. After all, what could she do but wait -- and hope?

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on.

(She still slept lousy, tossing and turning and crying half the night.)

Far across the distance
and spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.

(Liz leaned on Audrey's shoulder as they sat by Lucky's bed.)

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you opened the door
And you're here in my heart,
and my heart will go on and on.

(Sarah twirled around a dressing room in a ridiculous looking wedding gown, trying to make her sister laugh. She hugs her when she succeeds, but then the laughter turns to tears.)

Love can touch us one time
and last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone.

(Liz was staring out of Lucky's window when Luke and Laura entered. She turned around and they enveloped her in a hug.)

Love was when I loved you,
one true time to hold on to
In my life we'll always go on.

(Emily and Eric took her out to dinner almost every other day.)

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you opened the door
And you're here in my heart,
and my heart will go on and on.

(Lulu sat with her hand on Liz's stomach. When the baby kicked, an expression of joy and amazement crossed her face.)

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on.
We'll stay, forever this way
You are safe in my heart
and my heart will go on and on.
And through all the long days and nights, Liz had hope. She clung to that hope as tightly as she clung to Lucky's hand when she sat by his bed.


Chapter 35
About 3 months after the accident ~ August 26, 2008

Liz sighed inwardly as she walked into GH on a late August day. She hated how familiar this place had became. She felt as though she lived in the chair by Lucky's hospital bed. And it was so frustrating. The doctors continued to say he was totally fine -- he just hadn't woken up yet. Sarah complained about having to plan her wedding in a hospital, but she wanted her sister's help and so she showed up every day too.
Bobbie spotted Liz as she walked in and came out from behind the nurse's station to give her a hug.
"How are you feeling, honey?"
"Hot. And huge. But other than that, I'm fine," Liz joked.
"Oh, you're not that big," Bobbie said with a grin.
"Big enough though. I can't believe there's still a month to go!"
"Not necessarily. Due dates are just an estimate. Really, the baby could potentially come anytime now."
"Yeah, I know." Liz's expression became downcast. "I just hope Lucky will be awake by then."
"I know sweetie. It's what we're all hoping for."
"Thanks Bobbie. Well, I'll see you later."
"Bye, Liz."

Liz walked into Lucky's room and just like every time she did so, she felt her heart break a little. But she pasted her "brave" smile in place and began to speak.
"Hey Luck. It's me. Think you're gonna get up one of these days? I sure hope so. I think the baby hopes so too. He or she's getting pretty restless these days. I guess this kid's about as ready to be born as I am to have it!" She smiled. "Ya know, Lucky, this is a spec--"
Her sentence was cut off as the door opened and Emily stuck her head in.
"Hey! Am I interrupting anything?"
"Oh hi Em. No, I was just thinking about what today is."
"Today? Why? What's today?"
Liz smiled wistfully. "Exactly ten years ago today was the first time Lucky ever kissed me."
"Awww, really?"
"Yeah. Oh Emily, it was so romantic."
"Lucky? Romantic? You're kidding me, right?" Emily said grinning.
"Oh hush. He doesn't like people to know, but he's a total softie," Liz said, grinning back.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. So tell me about this kiss already!"
Liz smiled, her eyes taking on a faraway look.
"Well, like I said, it was ten years ago........."

August 26, 1998

Sarah rushed to answer the knock at the door.
"Oh. It's just you."
"Nice to see you too," Lucky said. "Thanks so much."
"Liz ready yet?"
Sarah laughed. "Are you kidding me? She's not even awake yet."
"Are you for real? It's almost 11:00."
"It's the last day before school starts -- of course she has to sleep in. Anyway, I guess I'll go wake her up."
"Nah, I'll do it."
"Okay, whatever." Sarah shrugged and returned to her magazine as Lucky bounded up the stairs.
He knocked on Liz's door as he opened it and walked in.
"Liz?" he called softly. "Elizabeth, time to get up."
Liz stirred slightly and grumbled something unintelligible into her pillow.
Lucky laughed. "What was that? I couldn't quite hear you."
Liz sat up. "Go away! Why are you here in the middle of the night?"
He laughed again. "More like the middle of the day." He pointed to her alarm clock.
She smiled in spite of herself. "Okay, okay."
"C'mon get up. You've got a doctor's appointment, remember?"
Her eyes glazed over and her face clouded. "How could I forget?" she said dully.
He sat down on the bed next to her. "I know. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I just wish I didn't have to go."
"Look at it this way. After this, just one more test and it'll be over."
She bit her lip, her obvious worry written all over her face.
"Yeah, but Lucky -- what if it's not over? I mean, Robin Scorpio tested negative the first time, didn't she?"
Lucky sighed. "Yeah, but --"
"But what?"
"I know it's scary for you. But it's probably better to know so you can fight it if you have to."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've said all this before. I'm a fighter, blah, blah, blah."
She smiled at him, but there was still a slight sadness in her eyes. Maybe there always would be.
"So you gonna get up?"
"Yeah, sure. You gonna let me get dressed or do I gotta go in my pj's?"
"Nah, you can change. I can wait," he said as he lay back across her bed.
"Um, I think not. Outside Spencer," she said as she pointed to the door. He grinned and stood up. "Whatever you say, Miss Webber. Your wish is my command." He walked into the hallway as she shook her head, smiling, and then got herself ready.


Chapter 36
Mercy Hospital

Lucky sat in the hospital waiting room, feeling an eerie sense of d_j_ vu. Had it really been only six months since Liz's nightmare began?

" that's pretty much it," Liz's doctor said. "Now you better go tell that boyfriend of yours what's going on!"
"Oh he's not my boyfriend," Liz hurried to say. "He's just a really good friend."
"Well, you're very lucky then to have a supportive friend like that."
"Yeah, I know. Sometimes I can't believe he's real -- I didn't know they really had guys like that in the real world."
"Oh they're out there. You just have to find them!"
They laughed as Liz walked to the door and said, "Thanks doctor. I'll see you in six months."
"Alright Liz. Have a good day!"

Lucky stood up as he saw Liz emerge from the office. She ran over to him and threw her arms around him. It caught him off guard, and, just for a minute, he realized how good and right it felt to have her this close to him. But before he could think about it, she stepped back and said, "I'm okay, Lucky!! I'm still okay!"
The relief washed over him like a wave. "That's great. God, that's so great!"
" about dinner somewhere?"
"You sure you're up for that?"
"Yeah. Sometimes you just have to enjoy being alive." She looked at him with a sly smile.
"That sounds familiar somehow," he mused, playing confused. "I wonder where you heard that from?"
"Oh, this guy I know said it once."
"Oh really? Just some guy?"
"Well, a really nice guy.......and a really great friend. I guess he's a pretty special guy."
They looked at each other for a minute and then Liz, embarrassed, looked away.
"So, um.....dinner?"

Several hours later
After a great meal, (where they carefully kept the conversation on "safe" topics) Liz and Lucky returned to her house and flopped down on the couch.
"Ugh," Liz said. "I can't believe we have to go back to school tomorrow. Already!"
"Yeah, I know. Back to the books, I guess. The summer really flew by, didn't it?"
"Yeah. Yuck, books. But hey, you think you can help me with math again this year?"
"Sure. Gives me an excuse to hang out with you."
Liz blushed and looked down. "Yeah, whatever."
"What -- you think I'm kidding?"
She turned so that she was sitting sideways on the couch, facing him.
"No -- well -- not really -- I mean, I just can't see why you wanna hang out with me. I mean, I'm glad you do -- but I just don't get it."
He reached out and took her hand.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Lizzie. People'd be crazy not to want to spend time with you. You're smart and funny and -- and -- alive. And," his voice got softer, "you're so pretty."
"Really?" Liz asked in an incredulous whisper. "You really think all that about me?"
"Yeah," Lucky said in a hoarse whisper. "Yeah, I really do."
"Whoa. I never thought --"
Her voice trailed off as Lucky gently touched her cheek.
"Elizabeth --" he said softly.
"Yeah?" she answered, just as quietly.
They sat looking at one another for a long, electrically charged minute, and then, without even realizing he was going to do it, Lucky leaned in and kissed her, gently and softly. And after a moment of hesitation, she kissed him back.


Chapter 37
Lucky pulled back first. "Oh God, Liz, I'm sorry, I --"
Despite her spinning head, Liz managed to say, "No -- don't be sorry, it's okay. It's okay."
"Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to hurt you -- or rush you -- or anything --"
Liz smiled. "I'm sure. If I wasn't I wouldn't be sitting here wishing you would kiss me again."
"Yeah, really."
He grinned, a slow, lazy grin that make her heart skip a beat. "Well, in that case..."
She put her arms around his neck as they gave into the emotions that had been building almost unknown for so long.
After what seemed like hours, but was really only a few moments, Lucky said, "I guess I better get going. It is a school night."
Liz groaned as they stood up and walked to the door.
"Ugh, don't remind me."
"Hey, well, at least we'll get to see each other."
"Yeah. Well -- good night," she said, feeling a little awkward.
"Good night Liz."
He quickly leaned over to kiss her once more and then he was gone. Liz closed the door and leaned against it, her smile so big she thought her face would crack.
She ran up to her room, put her Lila McCann CD on and began searching for the perfect "back-to-school" outfit. Finally, for the first time in six months, she felt real again, human. Lucky had saved her, more times and in more ways than he knew. And as the music played in the background, she thought she could never be happier.

"I thought you were just a friend
Someone I could talk to when
I needed a shoulder
Seemed like just another night
Somehow you just happened by
But you knew better
I found out when we kissed 
And oh With just one little kiss
Now I know what I've missed
Baby all my life and I was not expecting this
Now you got me where I live
With just one little kiss
They say the things we leave unsaid
They just turn to regrets
When nights get long and lonely
Somehow baby you got through
I've been waiting for you too
I didn't know I found out when we kissed 
And oh With just one little kiss
Now I know what I've missed
Baby all my life and I was not expecting this
Now you got me where I live
With just one little kiss
You think that love forsakes you
Then by surprise it takes a hold
With just one little kiss
Now I know what I've missed
Baby all my life and I was not expecting this
Now you got me where I live
With just one little kiss...."


Chapter 38
August 26, 2008

".....I must have played that song about a zillion times over the next few weeks!" Liz said laughing.
Emily smiled. "That's really sweet. Of course, Lucky always was the original nice guy. He was so great to me when I first moved here."
"Yeah, me too, I guess. Ya know Em, for awhile I was jealous of you back then."
"Of me? Why?"
"Because of your friendship with Lucky. You really mean a lot to him and -- even though I know he loves me, I can't help but feel threatened sometimes." She smiled sheepishly. "Pretty silly huh?"
"Nah, I understand. And, to be honest, I was pretty jealous of you when you and Lucky hooked up. I guess I always, in the back of my mind, hoped we'd get together someday. But then I left PC.....and met Eric.....and, well, don't take this the wrong way, but -- I guess Lucky just didn't matter so much anymore. He's a very good friend -- but that's all he is, ever has been, or ever will be."
"I know that now. And I understand. The rest is history now anyway, I guess." Liz smiled reflectively. "God, when I think of all the times we got yelled at for kissing in the hallway at, we were all so young back then."
Emily smiled. "But also pretty mature for our ages. And we're still young."
"Yeah. I guess we did all grow up pretty fast, didn't we?"
"Yeah --"
"Yeah what?" Sarah asked as she walked in.
"Hey. Oh, we were just talking about high school days."
"Oh. Well, personally, the here and now is much more interesting to me."
"How're the wedding plans coming?" Emily asked.
"Pretty good. Actually, it's why I'm here. I have a meeting with the wedding coordinator. Liz will you please come with me?"
Liz groaned. "Oh Sarah, do I have to? That woman is so irritating and it's like a 45 minute drive. And besides, I want to stay here with Lucky."
"Lizzie, c'mon. Pleeese?"
"I'll stay here if you'd like," Emily said.
"Okay, okay, okay. Let's go Sarah."
As Sarah walked out the door, Liz made a face at Emily, who grinned and stage-whispered, "Good luck! And have fun!"
"Yeah right!"

Emily laughed and shook her head. "Those two!" she thought. "Some things really don't change."
Emily turned and looked at Lucky, still lying motionless.
"Okay, Spencer, this has gone on long enough! You've got a wife who loves you more than anything, you're about to have a baby who will need you and you've got so many friends and family who miss you. Come ON Lucky, wake up damnit!"
As tears filled Emily's eyes, she sat down, one hand covering her face and the other holding Lucky's hand.
As she sat crying silently, suddenly she thought she felt Lucky squeeze her hand.


Chapter 39
A few hours later

Sarah had barely pulled the car out of the wedding coordinator's parking lot when Liz started complaining.
"God, I hate that woman! She's so stuffy and pretentious and --"
"Oh shut up Lizzie. She's the best there is at what she does and God knows a Cassadine wedding has to be perfect. What is with you these days, anyway?"
Liz sighed. "I'm sorry. I know my temper's been pretty short. I guess the stress of worrying about Lucky and being pregnant is getting to me." Not to mention, she added silently, that she still had nightmares about Brian almost every night. She'd never said anything about what had happened the night that he died.
"It's okay Liz. I just worry about you sometimes. And I really appreciate your help with this -- I mean, I may be the big sister, but you're the one who's already had a wedding."
"Yeah, but besides you and Gram, I had Laura and Amy and Bobbie and Carly to help me."
"Laura is helping as much as she can, but she's as worried about Lucky as you are."
"Yeah....." Liz's voice trailed off and then she smiled. "I'm so glad the wedding's at Christmas though -- it's been years since Mom and Dad were able to spend it with us."
"Yeah, that'll be great. I just wish mom was able to be here now!"
"I know. But," Liz said laughing, "that wouldn't be fair! Cuz she wasn't here for my wedding!" Her voice sobered as she said, "Gosh, that seems so long ago."
"Only five years, well, six since you were planning it."
"Yeah, but it seems like a million." She shook her head and turned on the radio. "But anyway."
"You guys were so cute. I still remember the night you got engaged."
"That's funny you should say that. I just realized what this song is -- it always reminds me of that night."

".....Near and far
Closer together
I will be with you 
I will do for you
You've got the most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen
You've got me almost melting away
As we lay there, under a blue sky of pure, white stars
Exalted sweetness, and magical touch
Say it, say it again
I love you, always forever
Near and far
Closer together
I will be with you 
I will do for you..."

Liz laughed. "Of course, I couldn't just wait and call you in the morning. I had to come to your apartment and wake you up at 1 AM!"
"Yup. Ya know, I don't think you ever told me how he proposed. You just said he did. And how does that song remind you of it?"
"Oh, cuz he proposed in the park -- and because he does have really blue eyes," Liz said laughing. "But I never told you this? Really?"
"Nope. So tell me now -- we've got time to kill."
"Okay, well, it was the week after I got back from North Carolina and Lucky took me out for my 19th birthday, since I'd been at school in April....."

May 2002

"Lucky, this has been the best birthday ever," Liz said as they sat on a blanket in the park. The stars were just beginning to show in the sky and she lay down to look at them, her head in Lucky's lap.
"And I haven't even given you your gift yet!" he said, stroking her hair. She smiled. "Just being here, home, with you, is enough of a gift for me." He reached for his jacket and pulled a small, wrapped box from the pocket.
"Gee, I guess you don't want this, then?"
"Well -- as long as you've got it here, I might as well."
She sat up, unwrapped the box and found a small jewelry box. She stared at it in disbelief.
"Lucky --"
"Open it," he said in barely a whisper.
She did so to find a perfect diamond ring. Lucky knelt in front of her, taking both her hands in his.
"I love you Liz. I have for so long, maybe even since the day we met and I just didn't know it. I just survived a year without you. I don't ever want to do that again. Elizabeth Audrey Webber, will you marry me?"
Tears filled her eyes, as she nodded yes, not trusting her voice.
"Would that be a yes?" Lucky asked with a grin.
"Yes!" she choked out. "Of course it's a yes!"
He slid the ring on her finger and pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Lucky," she whispered as he kissed her. He broke away to put a CD in the portable player and then kissed her again as they lay back on the blanket. The world seemed to disappear and as the music played and she was in the arms of the man she loved, once again, she thought she could never be happier.

"I've never been so sure about anything before
But this loving feeling's gonna be a feelin I feel forevermore
Looking in your eyes
Tomorrow's all I see
Long as there's forever baby
I will always be
Saving forever for you baby
You are the only one I'll ever give forever to
Love for a lifetime won't do baby
Wanna always stay together
So I'm saving forever for you
You'll be my world as long as there's a world turning round
And you'll be my heaven baby till the heavens all come falling down
Look inside my heart
Love is all you'll see
And as long as there's forever baby
I will always be
Saving forever for you baby
You are the only one I'll ever give forever to
Love for a lifetime won't do baby
Wanna always stay together
So I'm saving forever for you
Forever, I'll be loving you
And as the time passes by I'll be standing by you
All through it all I'll be standing by you
Saving forever for you baby
You are the only one I'll ever give forever to
Love for a lifetime won't do baby
Wanna always stay together
So I'm saving forever for you........"


Chapter 40
August 26, 2008 -- Back at GH, a few hours earlier

Emily slowly took her hand away from her face.
"Lucky?" she whispered. "Lucky?!?"
His eyelids fluttered and then opened.
"Oh my God you're awake! Oh Lucky!"
"Em -- Emily?? Where am I?? What are you doing here??"
"You're at GH, Lucky. You've been in a coma for almost three months."
"You're telling me I've been asleep since June? What day is it?"
"August 26, 2008. Wait here, I've gotta go get a doctor!"
Emily ran out of the room and literally ran right into Bobbie.
"Emily! What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong -- in fact, it's wonderfully right! He woke up!"
"Oh thank God." She hugged her. "Is Liz with him?"
"No, she went somewhere with Sarah."
"Oh no. Well, at least he's awake. I'm gonna call Luke and Laura -- will you get a doctor? He'll need to be checked -- he knew who you were?? No amnesia?"
"Not that I know of. I'll call a doctor right away."

A few hours later, after running dozens of tests, the doctor walked into the room where Luke, Laura, Lulu, Nik, Emily, and Bobbie were sitting with Lucky.
"Well. Mr. Spencer?"
"Yeah?" said both Luke and Lucky at the same time. They all laughed as Luke said, "Sorry, son, I guess he means you."
The doctor smiled and continued.
"You appear to be perfectly fine. As soon as your wife arrives, she'll be free to take you home."
Lucky grinned in relief. "That's great. Where is she anyway?"
"Worrying about wedding stuff with Sarah," Emily told him.
"Whoa. Who's getting married?"
"I am," Nikolas said.
"Well, it's about time," Lucky told him.
Nikolas grinned at that. "Funny, that's what Liz told me."
"I've always said I had a smart wife."
"Hey, there's Sarah's car," Lulu said, looking out the window.
"Maybe we should all clear out of here?" Emily suggested.
"You're right," Laura said. "Come on, everyone, we'll see Lucky later."


Chapter 41
"And then I came to see you," Liz concluded.
"So that's why you picked that song to be your wedding song," Sarah commented as she pulled into the GH parking lot.
"Yeah. Hey isn't that Nik's car?"
"Yeah, it is. And there's Emily's beside it."
"And there's Luke's. Oh God. Something must have happened." Liz clambered out of the car and flew into the hospital as fast as her pregnant body would carry her.
She got off the elevator and for the second time that day, Bobbie was run into.
"Liz! Thank God you're here."
"Why? Bobbie, what's wrong? What's happened to him??" Liz's voice grew shrill in her panic.
"Liz, honey, calm down. He's okay," Bobbie said gently. "He's more than okay -- he woke up and he's ready to go home."
Liz was speechless. Tears welled up in her eyes and her hands flew to her mouth.
"Oh -- oh my God -- he -- he's awake? Really? He can go home?"
Bobbie smiled. "Yes, he really can. Go on -- he's been waiting to see you."


Chapter 42
Liz slowly pushed open the door of Lucky's room and saw him standing by the window. Her breath caught at the sight. Lucky had his back to the door, looking outside. He turned around at the sound of the door and the next thing she knew, they were in each other's arms, laughing and crying and kissing and trying to talk all at once.
"Oh Lucky, I missed you so much! I was so scared."
"I'm so sorry sweetheart. If only I'd been driving slower --"
"No, don't be sorry Lucky, it wasn't your fault at all. God, there's a lot to tell you."
He stepped back and took his first real look at her. "I have to say, I think you've gained some weight since I last saw you. You look just a little bit bigger than I remember," he teased.
"Oh hush." She grinned. "I am huge though, aren't I?"
"Nah. You still look beautiful."
She blushed. "Anyway, I'm just so glad you're awake in time. I was so afraid you wouldn't be here."
"Yeah, me too."
"So you ready to go home?"
"Are you kidding me? Of course I am!"

They sat up for a long time that night as she told him about Brian and everything he'd done and the subsequent nightmares.
"It's a good thing that lousy good-for-nothing is dead, cuz if he wasn't I'd kill him myself."
"Lucky --" she said in a warning tone. Then she grinned. "Well, I have to say, I probly wouldn't have stopped you. Thank God for Emily that Eric is nothing like him."
"Ain't that the truth. Well, we better go to sleep. It's been a busy day. No nightmares tonight, right?"
"I sure hope not. Good night, Lucky."
"Night, Liz."
He kissed her and they both drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 43
Later that night, around 1 AM

Lucky, half-asleep, rolled over, expecting to find Liz beside him. But the bed was empty.
"Liz?" he called sleepily. "Are you okay?"
She appeared in the bathroom doorway, looking a little scared.
"Did you have another nightmare?"
She shook her head. "My water broke, Lucky."
He leaped out of bed, suddenly wide-awake.
"Are you sure? Are you okay? Are you having contractions?"
"Yeah." She winced. "There was another one. I thought at first maybe it was just back pain or something -- from the craziness of today -- but --"
"Okay, how far apart are they?"
"About ten minutes, maybe?"
"Okay, well, I'll call Dr. Klenz and then we'll go okay? Can you get to the car or do you need help?"
"No, I'm okay. They always say first babies take awhile, right?"


Chapter 44
Dr. Klenz was waiting for them at the hospital.
"How ya doing, Liz?"
"I'm okay."
"The contractions are coming pretty fast," Lucky added.
"Okay, that's a little unusual so soon, but it's okay. Let's get her in a room."
Once she was in a room, Dr. Klenz checked her and said, "Looks good. I'll be back as soon as I check on another new mom."
As she left the room, Liz suddenly panicked. "New mom? Oh God Lucky, I'm not ready to be a mom -- I --" She looked at him, frantic worry in her eyes.
He sat down next to her. "Shh, Liz. It'll be okay. You're gonna be a great mom and our kid's gonna be just fine. Look at me. If I could survive childhood on the run with the world's most unconventional parents, our kid'll be even better living in a home with lots of family around."
Liz managed a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess -- ow!" She was cut off as a contraction began. "Lucky they're coming harder now and quicker," she said when it was over. "I know. I'm sure Dr. Klenz will be back soon."
At 2:30 AM, the doctor came back and checked Liz again. "Well, this is it you two," she said. "You're ready for delivery. One of the fastest labors I've seen, but that's not exactly a bad thing."
Liz grumbled, "I shoulda known a Spencer kid wouldn't go by the book."
Lucky laughed. "You're doin great Liz. Let's go, Doc."
By the time they reached the delivery room, Liz was gripping Lucky's hand so tightly he thought the circulation might be cut off and she was really starting to regret the decision not to have drugs.
"Lucky, I can't do this, I can't--" Liz moaned.
"Yes, you can, Lizzie! Fighter, remember?"
"Yeah, sure. You try this sometime!"
Dr. Klenz broke in. "Okay, I need you to push, Liz. Okay? When the next contraction starts, just bear down as hard as you can. It shouldn't be too long now, I think I see the head. You ready, Liz?"
"Yeah," she gasped, as the contraction started and she pushed.
Lucky brushed a stray lock of hair off her face. "You're doing great, sweetie."
"Okay, one more Liz!"
With a groan that became a scream, Liz pushed once more and suddenly the sound of crying filled the air.
"Congratulations! It's a girl!"


Chapter 45
August 27, 2008 -- 3:07 AM

The nurses let Lucky cut the umbilical cord, they cleaned up the baby and then placed her in her daddy's arms. He looked at her in amazement and then, with an equally amazed look at his wife, he handed her their daughter.
"You did it baby. You did it!"
She smiled through the tears that ran down her cheeks.
"Yeah, I guess so. But I couldn't have done it without you. WE did it Lucky."
"Okay then. God, Liz, you have no idea how incredible you are to me at this moment. I love you so much Lizzie."
"I love you too, Lucky."
He leaned over and kissed her and then kissed the baby's head too.
"I think we've got some family to call."
"Shouldn't we wait till morning?"
"Oh yeah."
Dr. Klenz reappeared in the room.
"How's the new little family doing?"
Liz beamed. "We're great."
"Good. I just came to tell you you're free to go whenever you're ready."
"Thanks Doc."
"Well, I don't know about you Lucky, but we've spent the last three months in this hospital and I want to go home."
Lucky took the baby back from her and laughed. "You heard your mother, darlin. Let's go home!"


Chapter 46
That afternoon all the important family and friends had been gathered at Liz and Lucky's house. Lucky got everyone's attention and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my deepest pleasure to introduce to you your new granddaughter, great-grand-daughter, niece, great-niece, cousin, or god-daughter -- and if I forgot any form of relation, please accept my apology -- Miss Lauren Elaine Spencer!"
Liz appeared in the doorway, the baby in her arms.
"Named for," she said, "her grandmothers, Laura Spencer and Elaine Webber. And we're going to call her Laina."
Everyone applauded and the conversations resumed as everyone waited for their turn to hold Laina. Lucky put his arm around Liz and she leaned into him. Life was perfect again. Oh she knew the next few months -- make that the rest of their lives -- wouldn't always be easy. There'd be midnight feedings and crying jags. There was Sarah's wedding yet to be dealt with. But she had her husband back and they had their baby. She knew they'd get through whatever life had in store.


Chapter 47
December 23, 2008

The first four months of Laina's life were surprisingly easy. Lucky was an adoring father and Liz had been amazed by how easily she adapted to motherhood. She and Lucky could spend hours just looking at her, holding her, counting her little fingers and toes. Liz couldn't wait to show her to her parents when they arrived the next day, on Christmas Eve, for Sarah's December 25 wedding.
The doorbell rang as Liz was laying on the floor with Laina, who was mesmerized by the Christmas tree lights.
She opened the door and, to her shock, her parents were standing there.
"Mom! Dad! You guys are early!"
"I know!" Elaine Webber said. "We wanted to surprise you and your sister."
"Well, you certainly have -- come in!" She hugged them and led them to the living room. She picked up Laina.
"Hey Laina. Guess what? There's some special people here to meet you. Yeah. Look Laina, this is Grandma Elaine and Grandpa Jeff."
Elaine reached for her. "Oh Elizabeth, she's beautiful."
"She certainly is," Jeff agreed. "So where's Lucky?"
"At work. He should be home any min--"
"Hey Liz?" Lucky called from the back door. "Who's car is that?" He entered the room. "Oh! I guess it'd be your parents?"
"Yeah. They decided to surprise us."
"Mom, Dad, you remember Lucky of course?"
"Yes of course," Elaine said.
"Nice to see you again," Lucky said. "Hey how's my girl?"
Jeff handed him the baby, who gurgled happily.
"Hey sweetie, daddy's home."
Elaine smiled. "Something tells me that baby's more spoiled than you and Sarah ever were." Liz grinned. "Oh yeah. Between mom and daddy, Grandma Laura and Grandpa Luke, Great-gram Audrey, Aunts Amy, Bobbie, Sarah, and Lu, Uncles Nik and Tom, Cousins Carly, Michael, Tommy, and Lucas, and godparents Emily and Eric, -- oh and Tommy's girlfriend Maxie Jones, -- she's got more attention than she knows what to do with!"
"Well, I'm glad there's so many people looking after my grandchild!" Elaine declared.
"Well, come on. Let's go get dinner ready and get caught up!"
"Is your sister coming to dinner? I can't wait to see her!"
Liz gritted her teeth. "I'm sure it can be arranged. Lucky, you wanna call Nik?"


Chapter 48
"Okay, we'll see you in a few then."
Lucky hung up the phone and turned around to see Liz in the doorway.
"They're coming?"
"Yeah. You gonna be okay?"
"I think so. It's just so ironic. I spent all this time being so anxious for Mom to get here and I managed to totally block out that of course Sarah would still be number one. I mean, two seconds with their granddaughter and then it's "Where's Sarah?? Invite her to dinner, blah, blah, blah."
Lucky hugged her and then rested his chin on her head.
"I understand where you're coming from, I really do. But -- and don't take this the wrong way -- but isn't it about time you and Sarah got past this? I mean, if Nik and I can become more or less friends --"
"But that's just it, it's not about me and Sarah. It's about me and Mom. I mean can you believe what she said?? 'She's a wonderful baby Elizabeth. But then, first children always are. It's the second child that's a real hassle.' And of course, she apologized as soon as she realized what she'd said, but I know better. I always was a little hellion compared to Sarah. It's crazy isn't it? The way your parents can still get to you after so many years. But Lucky, I just don't get it. I mean, when I think about the possibility of another child, I can't imagine loving him or her more than Laina, but even more than that, I can't imagine loving it less. Do you get what I'm saying?" "Yeah, I understand. And I wish I had the solution, but there's nothing you can do to change your mom. I guess you just have to get through the next couple days as best you can and it'll work out somehow."
"I wish I could fix this for you, but I guess all I can do is try to help you through it."
"Thanks Lucky. And that's all you have to do, that means more than you know. Somehow, you've always managed to make my problems seem smaller."
"It's a gift." He grinned, she laughed, and they headed downstairs as the doorbell rang.


Chapter 49
Lucky opened the door and let Nik and Sarah in.
Sarah and Elaine squealed with excitement and hugged each other as the men watched in amusement and Liz, holding Laina, tried not to look upset.
"Oh Sarah, that ring is huge! It's beautiful!" Elaine gushed.
"I know. It's a Cassadine heirloom. Okay, mom, dad, this is my fianc_, Nikolas Cassadine. Nik, my parents Jeff and Elaine Webber."
They all shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. After dinner, Elaine stood and said, "Well, girls, I want to hear all about the plans for the wedding."
Lucky shot a look at Nik. "I think that's a cue for us to disappear. Anyone else up for an evening at Luke's?"
The other two men agreed and got up to get their coats as Sarah ran out to the car to get her wedding notebook. Lucky leaned down to whisper in Liz's ear, "You gonna be okay?"
She smiled gratefully at his concern. "Yeah, I'll survive. Hey, be nice to my dad!"
"Of course." He kissed her then and the guys left. Sarah returned and she and Elaine headed to the living room.
"You coming Liz?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go put Laina down for bed."
"Oh, okay."
Liz picked up her daughter and carried her upstairs, cooing nonsense words to her. She kissed her head and laid her in her crib once she was ready for bed.
"Good night sweet girl. Mommy loves you."
She turned out the light and with a sigh, headed downstairs.


Chapter 50
December 24, 2008

"Children carry through the streets
A brightly painted star
Angels gather round the hearth
Strumming on guitar
Men of great renown and faith 
Say prayers on boulevards
It's the night before Christmas..."

Liz stood by her daughter's crib, watching Laina sleep. She reached out to adjust the blanket as Lucky walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing the top of her head.

"...But you don't have to be an angel
To sing harmony
You don't have to be a child
To love the mystery
And you don't have to be a wise man
On bended knee
The heart of this Christmas 
Is in you and me
The night before Christmas
The night before Christmas..."

Laura sat on her couch, her head on Luke's shoulder. Smiling, they watched Lulu gaze out the window at the softly falling snow.

"...If your heart's been longing
You've been afraid to try
Sorrow's kept you company
And the dance has passed you by
I'll lift you up and blaze with you
Across a moonlit sky
On the night before Christmas..."

Nikolas and Sarah sat curled up on a couch, happily discussing the next day's wedding and their future.

"...But you don't have to be an angel
To sing harmony
You don't have to be a child
To love the mystery
And you don't have to be a wise man
On bended knee
The heart of this Christmas 
Is in you and me..."

Emily and Eric laughed happily as they decorated their first Christmas tree together and placed gifts underneath it.

"...The night before Christmas
The night before Christmas..."

Christmas Eve in Port Charles. For once the place was peaceful.


Chapter 51
December 25, 2008

"Well, you survived it, baby."
"Yeah. And I have to admit, it was a lovely wedding," Liz said as they drove home.
"Yeah. Too bad you missed half the reception calling home to check on Laina," Lucky teased.
"Hey now. You're the one who told me to call in the first place."
"Yeah, I know."
"Maxie understood though. She said her mom used to be protective of her too."
"Yeah, ever since her heart problem a zillion years ago. Man I can't believe how old she's gotten. Do you know she wanted to marry me when she was like seven?"
"No -- really? How cute!"
"Shoulda known that's what you'd say."
"Oh face it Lucky," she laughed. "You've just got a way with women."
"Yeah, something like that."


Chapter 52
March 7, 2009

Liz stood in Laina's doorway, watching Lucky put Laina to bed.
"Good night, sweet girl. Yeah. You're a sweet girl, daddy's little angel. Go to sleep sweetie, daddy loves you."
She couldn't help it. She had to laugh at Mr. Cool Spencer talking baby talk.
Lucky turned his head. "And what are you laughing at?"
"You." She walked over and hugged him from behind and then stood beside him, her arm around his waist and her head lying on his shoulder. "You're just too cute," she teased.
"Oh is that so?"
They fell silent as they looked at their little girl.
"She's so beautiful Lucky."
"Just like her mama."
Liz blushed. Lucky grinned as they left the room and walked to their bedroom.
"Now that is cute."
"How after all this time you still get embarrassed when I pay you a compliment."
She blushed again. "Oh, well --"
"Anyway, happy anniversary Liz."
"Yeah. Happy anniversary. We've come a long way this year, huh?"
"You can say that again."
He turned to put a CD in the stereo and then held out his hand.
"May I have this dance, Mrs. Spencer?"
She smiled. "But of course."

"The first time I saw you
I saw love
And the first time you touched me
I felt love
And after all this time
You're still the one I love..."

"Do you remember when we met, Lucky?"
"Of course."


August 8, 1997

"Hi, I'm Lucky."
"We'll see....."


Liz smiled at the memory.
"Guess I got lucky after all, huh?" he asked.
"Nah. I got Lucky, cowboy -- and I intend to keep it that way," she said with a wicked grin.

"...Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
But we knew we'd get there someday
They said
I bet
They'll never make it
But just look at us holdin on
We're still together
Still goin strong..."

"Okay, so we both got lucky. God I was dumb back then."
"No you weren't. Just a little blind and dense maybe," she smiled.

"...You're still the one
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
You're still the one

Ain't nothin better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missing
They said
I bet 
They'll never make it
But just look at us holdin on
We're still together 
Still goin strong..."

"We have come a long way though."
"And been through a hell of lot together. To think that my biggest problem used to be that you were hopelessly gaga over my sister."
"What was I thinking, anyway? Sometimes I still feel so dumb, chasing after Sarah like that when the Webber that I really wanted was right in front of me all along. And now I can't imagine life without you."
"Me either. You give me love Lucky, but more importantly, you give me strength."

"...You're still the one
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
You're still the one

You're still the one
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
You're still the one..."

"I love you, Elizabeth Webber Spencer."
"Love you too, Lucas Lorenzo, Junior."
They laughed as he kissed her. The kiss deepened and their passion intensified as they sank onto their bed and the world disappeared.

"...I'm so glad we made it
Look how far we've come my baby..."


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