Sarita is one of our Fan Fiction Ring writer's who has done an excellent job
of what we call - in-betweener's. By that we mean, what happened between ep 4
and ep 5 - or ep 8 and ep 9. Sarita has written 3 in-betweener's and Crossroads.
Crossroads is a what-if, what if this decision was made instead of that one - and
what would have happened then. Read and enjoy! Sarita has just started a new
series - Eden's Heirs. Chapters 1 to 9 are done - be sure to take a look.

Ep 4.5 - Reverie

Ep 8.5 - Awakening

Ep 11.5 - Mirror Images


Eden's Heirs - Posted October 13, 1998 Chap 1-3

Eden's Heirs - Posted October 21, 1998 Chap 4-6

Eden's Heirs - Posted January 27, 1999 Chap 7-9

Download all of Sarita's stories in 1 zipped file. (98.5kb)
Comments may be made to Tory.

Disclaimer stuff. We don't own Tom, Sloan, Ed, or Prey.
We’re just borrowing them to play.
They belong to ABC and we promise to give them back when we’re done.

The graphics on this page were created by Moyra.