"nothing dazzles me, i am in his dreams nothing is shocking, transparent human being"
-Supersattelite, Our Lady Peace

Welcome to the very first Our Lady Peace webring. The purpose of this ring is to join/connect all the olp pages on the net, so people can just surf right through to see em' all. This ring is dedicated to my fav' band, Our Lady Peace. To join, fill out the form below, copy the Ring Fragment to your page. I will check out your page and if I approve (99.9% chance I will) I'll add you! Because of people sending me in really crappy submissions of pages with very little on it, or even none at all, I have to make up a few more rules (Sorry)

1.) Your page must be on Our Lady Peace.
2.) It must be a page that has been worked on hard so people ACTUALLY have something to look at.
3.) Please don't submit your site until it is fully complete, no 'just starting out pages'.
4.) Your page MUST have the ring HTML on it within a week or you will be deleted from the Queue.

(Sorry about these, I thought most of these rules would be fairly obvious but I guess not, so if your page follows these guidlines please join, all the other ring members and I will be glad to have you.)

The ring mistress, Sherilyn

Ring of Transparent Human Beings
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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

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"The Ring Of Transparent Human Beings".

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