*Must have the HTML Fragment installed on your respective websites.
If you wish to join our ring then please go HERE to submit your site, if you havent already done so.
Once you submit your site, you will be returned to this page, to choose the WEBRING PANEL you would like on your site.
Then just grab the HTML fragment from the panel of your choice, and place it on the web page you submitted to the ring.
Once you have the codes on your page, you will need to edit it in 3 different places.
*Where you see the 4 XXXX, type in your site id #, which was given to you after you submitted your site. You will also recieve an email, if you haven't already, with this #
*Where you see putyouremailaddyhere, type in your email address.
*Where you see putyournamehere, type in your name.
You will not see your site in the ring, until you have been approved.
When you have the HTML fragment on your web page, please EMAIL US, and let us know.
You will be notified by email, when you are approved.