Autumn Dragon This site will primarily be dealing with essays about Astrolgy, Ceremonial Magick, and so forth. At this site, I will be emphasizing theory rather than practice. I have another site dealing with useful links, my magickal practices as they relate to my artistic efforts, primary texts, and so on..but its' a Kettle of Fish and so you'll just have to see for yourself. Check back soon--in the next months this site will be the major focus of my posting efforts. Comments/Questions?


Here is another site on Chinese Astrology that is well worth frequent visits.

Here is A Zodiac Rulership Scheme for the High Octave Planets


Here are the Basics of the Chinese Five Moving Principles usually translated as the Five Chinese Elements though they are Planetary in conception. Crucial to understanding Chinese Astrology and the synthesis that I have attempted with Western Astrology. Here is a chart linking the ten phases of Five Moving Principles to the twelve signs of the Zodiac