Minotaur Minotaurs are huge humanoid creatures with the head of a bull. They are viscous, violent and brutal, destroying anything and anyone to get in their way. Their wanting for bloodlust and battle earnt them their feared reputation, and their rage is unequaled throughout the Old World. Although often thought to be related to beastmen they are a race apart. They can speak Dark Tongue and some common, but prefer to use gestures to get their meaning across. Minotaurs aren't really choosy about who or what they fight and have no worries about slaughtering the denizens of any dungeon. Some have been known to battle alone side other races, but this is most definitely to serve their own reasons more than anyone else's. •EQUIPMENT• The Minotaur starts with an Axe inflicting Damage Dice + Strength. When finding armor in the dungeon he should roll a dice. On a 5-6 he finds that it is large enough for him to use, or can be easily bent a bit to fit. He gains all listed benefits of the armour. If the other Warriors wish they can buy large armor from the Settlement, similarly as the Ogre Mercenary can, but the item is double cost and has +2 added to it's availability. The Minotaur can use all two handed weapons as a single handed weapon. He will not use bows or any form of gun. Also, he will never use magic spells of any sort, such as amulets that bestow spells. Items such as rings and bracelets are worn as an earring or some other bodily piercing, like through the nose. The Minotaur is allowed to use any items usable by the Barbarian and Dwarf. •SPECIAL RULES• Fear Minotaurs are able to cause fear in creatures smaller than themselves. Each Monster type must roll 1D6 and add their "Monster Battle Level." The result must be above 5 or they are afraid of him and are at -1 to hit him. When rolling for Fear against Monsters with a higher Fear value than himself the Minotaur adds +2 to the roll. He does not have to roll for Fear of the Fear value of the Monster is less than or equal to his own. Rage Every time the Minotaur is in a battle he may become enraged, fighting with much ferocity, but little accuracy. At the start of a battle roll 1D6. On a 6, "rage" overcomes the Minotaur. Any other number and he fights as normal. At the start of each turn the Minotaur isn't enraged, make the same roll with a +1 modifier. Every turn add 1 to the roll - this is cumulative. When the rage overcomes the Minotaur he is at -1 to hit, may re-roll any one attack and have his maximum damage dice (whether he rolls 5-6 to hit or not!) In addition, when the Minotaur kills an enemy he may charge into it's square for the next victim. Unfortunately, while enraged, the Minotaur sometimes forgets who his enemy is and who is allies are. So if a 1 is rolled to hit the Minotaur attacks a random adjacent model instead, if there is one (if he rolls another 1 he misses). If he fells him he deathblows, (roll for direction) onto the next model, and so on. Also while enraged, the Minotaur can not trade items with the other Warriors or give them bandages or provisions. After the battle is finished roll 1D6. On a 1 he makes a final attack at the closest Warrior, before he realizes the battle is finished and calms down. Battle Roar When in battle, a Minotaur makes a huge amount of noise grunting and roaring. When a battle starts roll an extra 1D6 with the power die. If they both come up the same number an unexpected event occurs. Push/Throw Due to a Minotaur's huge size he is able to push around smaller Warriors and/or enemies. He is also able to lift and throw them. Push The Minotaur chooses an adjacent model, same size or less, once per turn. He then must roll 1D6 and add his Strength. Then subtract the Strength of the model being pushed. The resulting number must be 3 or more. He cannot push Monsters with a Strength of 5 or more. Throwing He must sacrifice an attack and choose an adjacent model of human size or less. Then he must roll 1D6 + Strength and get 7 or over to lift up the target then is able to throw him 1D3 squares in any direction. If the model lands on an occupied square, place it into an adjacent square. If the Minotaur wishes he may sacrifice his entire turn to use both hands to throw an adjacent model the same way as above, only this time for 1D6 squares. Lantern The Minotaur will never carry the lantern, unless he absolutely has to! He can't be bothered with it. Luck Due to the rash, wild, enraged life style of the Minotaur, he can never have any Permanent Luck, although he can have temporary Luck due to events etc. White Minotaurs The White Minotaurs of Norsca are ancient enemies of the Minotaur and he will attack them on sight and fight to the death. Needless to say a Minotaur and a white Minotaur can never be in the same adventuring party. Gold The Minotaur never carries any Gold, finding it too bothersome to worry about. All Gold gained from kills is used only for experience. If Gold is rolled for treasure he cannot take this as experience. He will not take Gold from events, and therefore must gain all his experience from battle. •SETTLEMENTS• The Minotaur hates Settlements and will never enter them - of course he would be attacked if he did! He prefers to prowl the wilderness hunting prey and regaining his strength for the next quest. Once the other Warriors leave the Settlement he meets them and they may leave for the next quest. At this time the Minotaur is set back onto full Wounds, for it is assumed that the "Settlement" time spent by the other Warriors was used to heal and rest by the Minotaur. The Docks At some point in the Minotaur's career he will probably want to go overseas - this means stowing away on a ship. To stow away the Minotaur must sneak into the docks under cover of darkness and get aboard. When attempting this roll 1D6. He may try once per day.
Armed with Swords. When the battle is over the Minotaur is forced to return to the wilderness because the commotion of battle brought more guardsmen. 2-4 The Minotaur sees no break in the guards patrols and is unable to enter the Settlement. 5-6 The Minotaur enters the Settlement without incident, and stows away on the ship that the other Warriors are using (they told him earlier). Whilst on board the Minotaur may not take part in any events unless they involve anything thing below deck or where the crew cannot see him. Training When a Minotaur reaches enough experience to train it is assumed he has learnt the new skills throughout his adventures. He can not instantly go to the next level however, he still need time to refine what he has learnt. The training takes 7 days - he may do this while the other Warriors are in the Settlement. Plagues and Illness A Minotaur's body is hardened to the elements and heals quickly. He may heal these hindrances by resting, while the other Warriors are in the Settlement. To heal his ailment he must sacrifice experience equal to the amount of Gold needed to cure it. Provisions Provision for the Minotaur are huge slabs or strips of raw meat that hang from his belt. They heal 3 Wounds, but can only be used on other Warrior to bring them back from zero Wounds (unless they are Minotaurs!) Only a Minotaur can really stomach a slab of raw meat as a provision. The Minotaur starts the game with 1D3+1 of these. Hunting When journeying back to a Settlement with the Warriors the Minotaur may break away from the group for a couple of days to hunt wild game - he rejoins them before the week is out. He may do this once per week of wilderness travel. When the Minotaur decides to hunt roll 2D6 on the next chart after the event has been completed: The Hunt
Armed with Swords. When the battle is won the Minotaur can leave the area. 3 Moving through the wilderness the Minotaur sees the carcass of some dead animal hanging up on a tree. Ravenous from hunger, he charges up to it and begins yanking it down from its secured position. It is then he realizes that it is some kind of crude trap as the ground beneath him gives way. He falls hard losing 1D6+3 unmodified Wounds, but the pit is not deep, and not designed to keep in a Minotaur. Clawing his way out he leaves the area. 4 The smell of roasted meat comes to the Minotaur's nostrils. With his keen sense of smell, he follows it to a campsite with (1 roll on the Monster Table) around it. Over the camp fire cooks a large animals carcass. Thinking more with his stomach than his mind he storms into the clearing prepared to take what he now sees as his. Fight a battle with the rolled creatures as normal. Once the battle is finished he partakes of the cooked meat and regains 2D6 Wounds. 5 The Minotaur tries to sneak up on a four legged deer-like animal. Roll 1D6 and add his Initiative. Then roll 1D6 and adds the deer's Initiative of 5. If the deer has the highest number it runs off. If the Minotaur's number is higher he pounces on it and breaks its neck. He makes 1 provision from it. 6 The Minotaur spends the day chasing around a small herd of animals, but eventually they evade him. 7 The Minotaur comes across the carcass of an animal he has never seen before. If he wishes to eat most of it roll 1D6: 2-4 The carcass has already started rotting, but ails the Minotaur only with a disgusting taste in his mouth. 5-6 The carcass turns out to be eatable, and the Minotaur regains 1D3 Wounds. 8 After hours of tracking a set of tracks he finds that they end at a cliffs edge. 9 Jumping from nearby trees the Minotaur grabs a startled deer-like animal and breaks its neck. He makes 1 provision from it. 10 After finding a well travelled path in the undergrowth, the Minotaur digs a pit on it and covers it with long leaves, then he waits in the bushes. Roll 1D6 to see what comes along. 3 Rabbit. The trap catches a rabbit, nothing more. The Minotaur snatches it up and eats it, regaining one Wound. 4-5 Deer. A deer falls right into the trap. The deer falls right into the pit and the Minotaur rips it up for 2 provisions. 6 Buffalo. Amazingly a buffalo falls victim to the trap. The Minotaur makes 3 provisions from it. 11 Stalking a buffalo, the Minotaur leaps on it and kills it. He then manages to make two provisions from it. 12 Stalking a buffalo, the Minotaur comes across a heard of buffalo drinking. Leaping at the chance, he manages to kill 2 before the rest scatter. He makes 4 provisions from the corpses. Norsca Hunting is more difficult in Norsca due to the extreme cold and lack of edible wildlife, so subtract -2 to the hunting roll. Lost Kingdoms Hunting in the Lost Kingdoms is easier for the Minotaur due to the rich wildlife throughout it's lush jungles. He may add +1 to the hunting roll. Nehekara Hunting in Nehekara is quite difficult, due to there being a thin spread of animals thoughout the desert. He must subtract -2 to the hunting roll. •SKILLS• 2 BLOOD LUST The Minotaur has developed a real taste for blood and devours his victims regularly. During a battle when the Minotaur kills an enemy roll 1D6. On a 1-2 (1 if enraged) he can't resist the temptation to feed and bites into it's flesh, tearing off chunks and eating them. Doing this takes up the remainder of his turn - it will also heal him 1D2 Wounds. He can choose to devour the enemy, with no need to roll. This can also be done once, directly after battle. The Minotaur will not eat Undead, Chaos or Daemonic creatures, or any other Monsters not suitable for eating (eg. Treeman etc.) 3 GORE When the Minotaur gores an opponent, he rips his horns into him mercilessly and brutally. He may do this once per adventure and it inflicts 2D6 + Strength + Battle Level Wounds, unmodified for Toughness or Armor. 4 DEATH CHARGE When using this attack the Minotaur ducks his head and charges his opponents, knocking them asunder like rag dolls. He must run in a straight line at least 2 squares before contacting an opponent. When hitting an opponent of humanoid size roll 1D6 on the following table. When hitting an opponent goblin size or smaller, roll on the following table with +1 modifier. When hitting an opponent the size of an Ogre or Bull Centaur, roll on the next table with -2 modifier. When hitting an opponent larger than a Minotaur go directly to the 1-2 result on the next table. He must sacrifice all other attacks to do this. 3-4 The opponent is knocked clear off his feet and is badly hit by the Minotaur's horns for 2D6 + Minotaur's Strength + Battle Level Wounds. Place him in an adjacent square if possible. Do not place him in front of the Minotaur's charge! 5 The opponent is horrifically impaled by the Minotaur's horns for 3D6 + Minotaur's Strength + Battle Level Wounds. Place him in an adjacent square if possible. Do not place him in front of the Minotaur's charge! 6 The Minotaur dips his head as he impales this opponent with his horns, inflicting 4D6 + Strength + Battle Level Wounds. He then flicks his powerful head back throwing his impaled enemy asunder. Roll for a random direction (1D8) and 1D3 for how many squares traveled. If the square landed on is occupied then both models take 1D6 Wounds (unless the thrown enemy is the size of a Rat, Bat , Giant Spider , Snotling or smaller, in which case they are crushed!) The falling enemy is then placed in an adjacent square, moving other models out of the way if necessary. 5 ARC OF CARNAGE When using this skill the Minotaur must sacrifice his attacks. He lets out a loud below and swings his weapon in a murderous circle. Every adjacent model is hit for 2D6 + Minotaur's Strength + Battle Level Wounds. When coming to a fellow Warrior, he may stop his arc of carnage (unless enraged, where he continues hitting the Warrior like any other foe). 6 RIPPING BITE With this skill the Minotaur picks up an adjacent human sized opponent and rips a huge chunk of flesh from them. Roll 1D6 on the table below to find the area bitten by the Minotaur and the effects it has. He may use this skill once per combat but must sacrifice all of his Attacks. 2 The Minotaur grabs his enemies leg and tears a chunk of flesh from his thigh. The victim takes 1D3 unmodified Wounds and is at -1 Move. 3 The Minotaur latches onto his enemies weapon arm with his mighty jaws. Tearing viciously he rips off the entire bicep rendering his arm useless. He takes 1D6+2 unmodified damage and is at -2 to hit, having to use his other arm to attack with. 4 The Minotaur's massive jaws latch around his victim's shoulder. There is the sound of breaking bone and tearing flesh, as he rips a big chunk off, inflicting 2D6 + 2 unmodified Wounds, and giving him -1 to hit. 5 Lifting his opponent up to him, he bites into his victims side, crushing ribs and organs as he tears strips of flesh off. The victim takes 3D6 unmodified Wounds. 6 Grabbing his victim with one hand the Minotaur clasp's his powerful jaws around his entire face. The victims horrifying scream is muffled by the sounds of his skull cracking and breaking, as the Minotaur brutally rips the entire front of his skull and face off his head! Spitting it out the Minotaur, back hands the corpses remaining head, sending it sprawling to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut. 7 BATTLE RAGE Battle Rage sends the Minotaur into an absolute killing frenzy! He is out for blood, and anyone wanting to see another sunset better run! Firstly the Minotaur must be "enraged." Then at the beginning of every turn after, roll 1D6. On a roll of 6 he enters the Battle Rage. He must roll every turn, until activation. While the Minotaur is in the Battle Rage he must attack an enemy if one is adjacent. He attacks a random adjacent model every attack. He gains an extra Damage Dice while doing this. Once an opponent is killed roll 1D6. On a 3-6 continue a deathblow in a random direction. On a 1-2 the Minotaur charges into the victims square. Once all adjacent Monsters are killed he will move to attack the nearest enemy in the appropriate phases. He is still subject to the normal rage rules also. He can never run away from combat while in the Battle Rage. 8 IMPALE This skill can be used once per adventure, on a humanoid creature. With this skill the Minotaur grabs onto the victim and slams his horns into him. Roll 1D6 for where it hits, and what it punctures. 2 The horns rip though muscle and sinew across his victims chest, for 1D6+5 unmodified Wounds. 3 The horns puncture the victims kidney, inflicting 2D6 unmodified Wounds, and reducing his Initiative by 1. If the Monster's Initiative is reduced to 0 he is dead from a punctured brain. 4 The horns rip through one of the victims lungs, inflicting 3D6+4 unmodified Wounds, and reducing the victims Weapon Skill to 1, as he is wheezing and coughing up blood. 5 The horn impales one of the victim's major arteries. He takes 2D6 Wounds (unmodified). He also takes 1D6 Wounds unmodified per turn from the pumping out of his blood. 6 The horn rips up through the victims throat under his chin. It drives up into the victims brain, killing it. 9 DEADLY BLOW The Minotaur sums up all of his strength into one deadly blow. Sacrificing all attacks he may attack with one blow, which inflicts 1D6 damage per Battle Level, up to a maximum of 8D6. He may use this skill once per adventure. 10 SAVAGE BITE The Minotaur may now attempt to bite a foe after his normal attacks. The bite is at -1 to hit, with normal damage dice and 3 Strength. 11 FEARLESS The Minotaur feared little before, but now, after his many victories he fears nothing. The Minotaur can add an extra dice when rolling for all Fear rolls. 12 TRAMPLE Once per adventure this skill can be used. The Minotaur knocks any adjacent model to the ground, (not Large Monsters) and begins trampling him with his powerful legs. He inflicts 3D6 + Strength unmodified Wounds on the victim. •ROLEPLAY MODIFIERS•