This Page is dedicated to the best movie of the 90s! Braveheart! First off my thanks go out to The Ultimate Braveheart Page( may they RIP) for this background and the script, as well as some of the graphics! .
I will soon add many more links and other areas will soon show up!. Questions? Comments? Use the forum, and I'll get back to you ASAP!
William Wallace is one of the greatest heroes the world has known, a man who turned down the throne to defend his faith that Scotland would be free! This small page is a dedication to William Wallace, and all of the clans that fought with him! May their legend never die! If you have any suggestions on how I can Improve this page please let me know! Check out this stunning painting of Mel Gibson as Sir William Wallace
Check back often, this page is is only getting better! I have over 100 quality images go check em out!
This site was last updated on May 28, 2004 1:22am
It's been FAR to long since i have updated, the real world and all that. But I am BACK and will soon be changing things around here! I'll soon be adding some pages dedicated to Mel Gibson's other movies, starting with his most recent triumph; The Passion! The web address has CHANGED! Change all your links to this site to Just keep looking for some images to be added soon, if you see one you like, copy it down, and use it as you wish! Just let people know where they can find more, right here at "Braveheart..The Unending Dream"!" Till next time God bless, and keep on comin'.
Small update some minor code changes here and there. I am still alive and this page is still alive and well. Bear with me, and it will get better.
It's good to be back,and I hope to keep on going for another FOUR years!
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