Web-Site Developement Page

If you plan to create your own web-site, you are going to need to learn about HTML. The following are a list of sites that can teach you how to write HTML:
  1. A Simple Tutorial
  2. Aid4 HTML Tutorials
  3. HTML Tutorial

Once you understand the basics of HTML, you are ready to begin designing your very own web page. I would recommend that you use some sort of web page design software. To build this page, I used a program called Arachnophilia. Click on the link below to download this software.

If you don't like this particular piece of software, then just go to a search engine, and search for an HTML editor. There are many to choose from.

After you have done all of the above, then you must find a place to put your website. This website is on the tripod database. To find out how to get a page on tripod, go to the following site, it has everything you need to know.


I am just beginning to create this site, so bookmark it now, and I will be completed with it soon. Thank you for your cooperation.