A Few Hunting Pictures..
As always, click to enlarge..
First kill of the 1999 deer season, naturally it's a bow kill as bow season is the first big game season to open every year here in NC.
Click on the picture for a closer view. The bow is the only bow I shoot these days, it's a Matthews MQ-1, it's extremely accurate and consistent.
This is my five-pointer from the 1998 season. I killed it with my favorite deer gun, a Thompson Center Contender (lying across his antlers) in 7-30 Waters. He dropped in his tracks with one shot about 45 yards out.
These two pics are of a 5 pointer I shot with my Matthews bow. Nicest buck I've taken with a bow. For some reason they grow 'em tall and narrow in my neck o' the woods.
Coming soon.... Hunting pics so old that I'll have to scan 'em to put 'em up here.
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