When the Bell Stopped Ringing

When the Bell Stopped Ringing

He talked to aliens and bigfoot enthusiasts. He confessed to nearly electrocuting his sister when he was 8. He is now the 4th most popular radio show host in America. He is Art Bell, a man who has revolutionized radio. The variety of subjects he covered were almost as large as the universe. He often talks about paranormal matters, and other strange things.

Well, fans of his show were horrified to hear that he quit broadcasting on the night of October 13th, 1998. He said ",This is because of matters I can't go into right now." He says that it was a family matter. Many conspiracy theorists then started bringing out ideas that Art was threatened by the government or something else like that. Art later said that he would return to broadcasting on the 28th. He said it wasn't a publicity stunt and he was getting rather tired of the media frenzy and hundreds of reporters and helicopters surrounding his house.

Art is finally back in business and better than ever! He is back to getting ready for calls from bigots, time travellers, and other strange and unique people. He is back to his old attitude of "the whole world is going to hell." and still has his witty comments. One of the favorite callers is "Steve" a time travelling, interdimensional Area51 employee. Another is J.C., a fundamentalist who says Art is the Devil's Mouthpiece. The first call from him, he said, "Why do you have interest in bigfoot? You're crazy!" Art replies, "I love bigfoot." And so far everything is back to normal, at least in the world of Art Bell...

The Art Bell Web Page
You can go to the Art Bell Web Page!