SUCK IT!!!! I have finally added some new things to the site yet again. I know how slow I am to get any updates here. I have also started reviewing movies, for now you will be able to find them in Jason's website where he does many many more regular updates. For the time being my movie reviews will appear there but eventually I will post them on my site as well. But knowing how fast I work, it will take a year or 3.
I have now added my Hotel California story (Kaa you can be happy now). You can find it in the link title "The tunes in Paco's head", there will be an obvious link to take you to it.

As for my guestbook, I am thoroughly dissapointed in that I haven't seen ANY new entries in ages. THANKS MONICA! Sign my guestbook puleeeze people! I am starting to think that noone is looking at me anymore *pouts*. So if you haven't seen this page yet, then I strongly suggest that you check out the Saint Andrews Troopers story, since that is the only part of this site that I have really put any effort into anyways.
So yeah, there you have it, the new things on my page, not that much but hey, it's progress nonetheless. So check it out!!! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I assume absolutely no responsibilty for any damage to persons or property that might result in sheer frustration of viewing a site of such crappiness and of such lame content. I also hope that if anyone catches any of the illegal things that I have done on this site (such as all the pic's that I have stolen from other sites), then they please let me know so that I can give credit to them before they decide to sue my ass. As if they'd get anything out of me anyways.

Mah Obsessions

There was a short affair that I had with a particular gal, and I think it is only fair that I give her credit cause she's been around for years. So here is the new First Among Equals

A saying that always picks me up when I'm down is Boom cha, Boom cha, Discotheque!!!!

When I feel the need to get out of my little hole of a town I just hop into Mah Tank!!!!

Beyond the Obsession

I can already hear you saying, "God I'm hungry." Well, I can't help you with that, but perhaps you might find some form of meager enjoyment out of this shitty website. Below are links leading to other places in my twisted brain. Feel free to go see all that is current in the whacky world of Paco.

So far people have seen this piece of crap that passes for a web page

Now that you've seen the 3 main driving forces in my life, I encourage and hope that you aren't fully fed up with this site and you will dare to venture....

Beyond the Obsessions!!!!!

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