"Miss Terry of the Odd Essay"

A Mystical Mythological tale embedded with hidden secrets

by P McBrearty dms.astrol.

GOTO Teen Goddess- 'easy access page"

#personal profile

#main characters

This story actually began as a letter to my brother Charles, which I was writing while resting and meditating during 'off-season' time in the Mediterranian Island of "Cyprus".

During the period mentioned, there were few English speaking people around, which made things so much more restful for me. As it was before the time of the Vernal Equinox, I was fortunate enough to be there to witness the festival, or, celebration of what is known as "Green Monday" -- or was it 'Clean Monday'? I still am not sure to this day as I have never actually delved into this again for some reason! I suppose it is the equivalent of our 'Easter' celebrations!?! -- but again, please don't quote me on this, I am not pretending to have any great knowledge of Cypriot culture!

I am an 'Astrologer', #me a ' Musician' and 'Artist' , but if you would like to know more of me you can discover some personal details by clicking here --- #personal profile


I had been out driving in the lush, green Cypriot hills one morning when suddenly, I turned a corner where a bushy area was blocking my view and got a bit of a fright! -- there before me as far as the eye could see were thousands of people! all of whom appeared to be in 'fancy dress'! and it was instantly obvious that this was no set-up 'Tourist Attraction'! like a 'Mardi Gras' or some other carnival that towns put on to attract tourists.


People of all ages were sitting on their trucks and on car bonnets, in the grass etc. eating baskets full of fruit and drinking what appeared to be wine. They were dancing and laughing, some of the girls were wearing soldier's uniforms, some older men had flourescent long-haired wigs, boys on motorcycles were wearing blonde wigs and the children were running and playing, and singing and, .... well, there was certainly a lesson here on how to let-go and have natural fun!


However, I had no way of driving 'back' and so had to continue right in amongst them! My slight fear was that I was the only outsider, and my imagination took over by thinking they might 'Sacrafice' me or something!!!

Completely ludicrous of course, as they were only celebrating the begining of the year, the Spring Equinox was bringing in the summer, and they were celebrating the onset of the year and a fruitful season etc.

From that point on something happened to me inside that was not tangible, not explainable, not trivial! Like an awareness or a prod with an electric stun-gun to my temples, I'd had my consciousness shifted or re-set, or who knows what! -- People are forever classifying everything from types of clothes-pegs! to states of consciousness, and they want to break everything down into neat little 'workable' portions so they can understand, and 'control' them! and if there is not enough money to be had, they can then easily throw them on the scrap heap and 'forget' them!


Certain items, people, and areas of the locality began to draw me to them quite powerfully! yet inexplicably !

I suddenly found myself jumping up at around 5 pm. and going to my car and driving to some beach or other and photographing the sun-set! -- nothing unusual in that I suppose, but I knew inside that I 'HAD' to go and do it, -- not like a plan I had cultivated throughout the day, but very 'suddenly' it would wrench me from the chair and off along the road in my car!


Often, the places I found myself at were located next to little churches, and I also noted that there were usually a few people around who would speak to me about, ... who knows!?! ... I can't remember now at all! .. but some of them were very attractive in an odd way which I still can't grasp mentally!


Anyway, the whole thing about this page was only to give an outline of the story as an 'Introduction' --- but as is becoming usual for me, I got carried away! I'll leave it at that for now my friends, so on with the 'Intro'...........................

The following blurb describes a rough layout of both the origins of the story of "Miss Terry", as well as giving some brief details of the characters involved. Visual aids shall be used to enable the reader to have a more clear idea of some of these rather obscure creatures.

THE MAIN CHARACTERS #personal profile

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