Mungojerrie To The Rescue

Mungojerrie to the Rescue

By: Jessy

This story is mostly on Mungojerrie and RumpleTeazer. But different things go on at the same time. In my story Misto is in love with Jemima who loves him back. But they can't tell each other.

A loud crash could be heard throughout Vitoria Grove. "It's those 'orrible cats," the Mistress sighed. It was true, Mungojerrie made the crash, but while looking for Rumple. "Teazer, love where are you?" He looked around, beginning to worry. He decided to go to the place he hadn't been to in a while; The Junkyard. The once noisy Junkyard went silent when he entered. Munkustrap looked at him

"What do you want?" He never really liked Mungo due to the fact he was working for Macavity still.

"'as anyone seen Teazer?" Mungo looked around through the crowd looking for the love of his life. Everyone shook their head except for Demeter,

"I saw her earlier, but I turned my head and she disappeared." Mungo hung his head low and tried with all of his might not to cry.

"I miss her." She left right before I woke up, I want to see her." He laid down and put his head in his paws, Demeter laid down next to him.

"We'll find her, I promise," That made Mungo feel a little better but not enough to stop worrying about his love.


RumpleTeazer woke up, she had been knocked out and her head was killing her. All that she remembered was, she was on her way to tell Mungo about something she had found but then got knocked out. She looked at her surroundings curiously. She was in a dark, musty room. Mist filled the air, making it almost inpossible to see.

"Ahh, I see you've finally woken up," a voice came from the mist. Rumple looked to her left and saw to glowing yellow eyes, eyes that sent a shiver run down her back.

"Who are you," Rumple's voice trembled with fear as she asked the question. The Cat step into the only light in the room and revealed himself. He was a large, red, black, and orange cat. Rumple regonized him instantly. "Macavity, you bastard what do you want with me? If you think i'm gonna help you in anyway you'd be better off confronting a pollicle."

Macavity laughed, his laugh was loud and deep it scared RumpleTeazer into backing up. "I don't think so my dear, your very lucky I'm in a good mood. You see, I'm using you to get MungoJerrie back to me." Macavity's voice grew darker as he spoke.

"Why do need Mungo back he still works for you?> Rumple hissed. She hated Macavity for destroying her Mungo's good side and making him one of his agents.

"You mean my dear he hasn't told you? Ever since he met you he left me and told me that I could just find myself a another cat to make his slave." Macavity continued. "But it looks as though I have found someone to keep me laughing and happy, that would be your job." A leering grin spread across his dirty face. "So I hear you're almost to season, that's one of the reasons I took you in, besides getting Mungo back."

Rumple's eyes grew wide, "If you think your gonna get any of that from me, you'd really be better off killing me. I'd rather die than have any kittens with you. You're a bastard."

To be continued...

Uggh. Poor Rumpy!