Mungojerrie to the Rescue

Mungojerrie to the Rescue

By: Jessy

The cold wind blew through the window to Mungo's fur as he laid in his and Teazer's basket. He got up and ran back to the Junkyard where he would be so lonly, all were asleep except Demeter. "'i Dem," He said as he walked towards her. "Ohh Mungo hi, I thought you went home for the night," Demeter said not taking her eyes off the moon.

"I can't stay there not wit'out knowing Teazers alright and plus I'm lonly," Mungo chuckled and the last line, "Teazer always teases me about not being able to stay alone for more than 10 secouds." Dem let out a small chuckle, "I'm sure she's fine. Teazer's strong and can survive almost anything. It's her attitude I'm worried about Macavity's not the kind to take bad atitudes." Mungo brought Demeter's to his, "'ow do you know she's at Macavity's lair?" Dem just looked back up to the moon and said nothing at all.


Mistoffles laid lazily on the old Ford with his best friend Jemima laying next to him. 'How am I going to tell her that I love her,' he thought to himself as he looked down at a the beautiful queen lying next to him.


Rumple was doing not to good herself, she had been beat, tortured, you name she just got it. Macavity walked into the room and Rumple let out a loud hiss, "Don't you come anywhere near me." "Is that how you treat your future mate?," Macavity smiled showing his rotten crooked fangs. "Dang it I killed her." Macavity turned her back to her and started to walk back out. Just then, Teazer(who was playing dead) shot up and land on the mystery cat's back, she scratched his back digging her long nails into him. Macavity roared louder than anything in pain, Teazer just continued to scatch and bite him until he fell to the floor.

"Why your stronger than I thought!"

Macavity whispered for he was in a great amount of pain. A smile sweeped across Teazers face, "you see it's more of brains than strength." Teazer swept a final slap across Macavity's face leaveing scars before rushing out to her freedom. She almost reached the door but was hit on the back by a huge object so it felt like. She opened her eyes faintly and saw it was Sharkspaw. She hiss before falling unconscious.

To be continued...

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