

By: Chasm

Notes: Okay, I think you guys deserve an explanation for the origins of this story. First of all, let it be said that The Beatles were and are (I don't care if Lennon is dead!!) the best band in the history of history itself. I love others, such as Radiohead, but none could ever parrallel The Beatles. Now, if you are familiar with them (as most are) on the album Abbey Road is a song called "Something". This is an undeniably SAPPY song, but it is just beautiful. I was listening to it one day and I just got, well, inspired. So this came to be.

*...* denotes thought

Munkustrap slid out of his cat door and began to make his way to the Junkyard. Music drifted from his house and he smiled. Usually his pets played horrible stuff, but today the silver rainbow they put in the Big Mouth played some pretty stuff. They kept calling it Beatles but everyone knew that beatles were bugs. But that wasn't important, what was important was the words in the song that had played. He smiled silly and narrowly missed a huge trash can lid. He shook his head to releive the thoughts and entered the Junkyard.

"Hi Munku!" Demeter said, coming up to him and giving him a kiss. He hugged her and went to sit on the pipe in the sun. Laying down he felt her brush up against him and rest her head on his shoulder.

"What's up, Dem?"

"Nothing much. Hey, guess what? Bomb is going to have kittens!! I'm gonna be an aunt!!"

"Wow! That's great! Does that mean I get to be the uncle?"

"Yup. Hehe, it'll be funny, seeing Tugger trying to explain to his kids why so many girls flock around them who aren't their mother."

"Well, maybe he'll get them to lay off."

"Is this the same Tugger we're talking about ?"

"Good point. And speaking of him, does he know?" Demeter opened her mouth to reply when a screech came from across the Junkyard. Demeter smiled.

"He does now."

"Poor tom, give him ten seconds and he'll be here. Ready? 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.."

"Munkustrap!!!" Bombalurina rushed towards him.

"Ack! You turned Tugger into a girl!!!" Demeter screeched and cracked up. Bombalurina shot her sister a look that clearly read 'she has completley and irreversably lost her mind' and turned back to Munkustrap.

"Tugger fainted! I told him and he fainted!! How do I wake him up?!?! You have to help me!!"

"Get Alonzo, I don't feel like doing anything today. And if Alonzo can't wake him-"

"Can't. He's with Jemima and they said on no uncertain terms was anyone to disturb them. He's been so protective of her since she got pregnant. And don't even suggest Pouncival, he's with Etcetera. Ok?"

"Alright. As I was saying, try pouring water on him."

"Okay..." Bomblaurina said and scampered off. Demeter had calmed down by now and licked his ear.

"I'm glad you're taking the day off. You're always so busy."

"Well, Deuteronomy isn't getting younger."

"I know. But you're still a common Jellicle. You won't be leader now for a while." Munkustrap nodded and layed his head down, with Demeter's still on his shoulder. It had been so long since it had just been the two of them, alone and in peace. He closed his eyes, savoring the feel of her fur against his and that song drifted into his head again.

"Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me.."

He smiled, thinking of Demeter again and then drifting back to the song...

"I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now
Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now.."

Demeter purred gently as she drifted off the sleep and Munkustrap raised his head to look at her. She was so beautiful. He licked her nose, and then kissed her very softly. She smiled in her sleep. Again, the song came to mind;

"You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know
Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now..."

He was suprised when he felt a wetness on his paw and realized he was crying. Demeter woke up at a little sniff he gave and looked at him worridly.

"Are you okay?" She said, sitting up abruptly. He nodded and smiled at her.

"I love you Demeter."

"I love you too Munkustrap."

"So, you excited about being an aunt?"

"Am I!!"

"Well, what do you think about becoming a mom?" Demeter squealed with delight and threw her arms around him. He captured her lips in a deep kiss and that line from the song ran through his head:

"Something in the way she knows
and all I have to do is think of her
something in the things she shows me
I don't wanna leave her now
you know I beleive her now..."

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