Kartyn'dyrysose; SkyFire Denn

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You walk down to another set of K'D denns and find yourself among a group of very different and colorful K'D, but what catchers you attention is there seems to be a very bright, flame-colored K'd male who seems to be stalking a fluffy, small white doe. She squeaks and steps on her tail and sits back, looking like she's about to fall over. The buck has his ears flat, his earrings glinting in the light, and you can't tell if he's growling or not. You're worried that he might hurt the female when she spins around and goes scurrying down into one of the tunnels, he's fast behind her.

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"Don't worry about them," says a small female who's sitting on a tree stump.

"Is he going to hurt her?" you ask, concerned.

She smiles and walks over to another K'd who is lying on a rock, ears perked. "They're just playing, believe me. I'm Earthecho and this is Stormlistener."

The buck hardly acknowledges your presents, his ears twitching.

"He's just listening, there is a storm coming in," she says and looks to the west.

"Oh," you say. "Interesting."

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There are two more females up on the ledge, lounging lazilly.

Kartyn'dyrysose Clearing

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