(Mouse) Painted Unicorns
Charity Ivinie'Moanie

Click here for Buriinda'talsta and Cath'preakon's stats.

Down the next path you come across four more little unicorns. Like the previous batch they are beautiful, colorful and hyper. The little mares have engaged in a game of tag with the stallions around a large fountain. They run along the stone edge, through the water and even hide behind the sheets of falling water. Someone squeals with laughter in the flowers and a grey and pink stallion comes running out, tail held high and watching his back, as a flushed little purple mare chases him out and tries to bite as his rump.

Click here for Fali'lidi and Shexlin'riv's stats.

The other unicorns laugh and run every which way to avoid the purple mare. A dark blue and fire-maned stallion darts by, snorting and whinnying and quickly darts between your legs to avoid the mare. You jump in alarm, not wanting to get in the middle of the game and quickly run past the fountain and down another path...

~ The Silver Unicorn ~

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