A critic of the U.S. Constitution

A writer (I can't, offhand, recollect who) points out that the U.S. Constitution does not aywhere mention or guarantee a right to privacy.

For myself, I'd point out these other significant omissions:

It does not mention the "FTC sponsored Web site (www.consumer.com) where people can learn how to preserve their privacy, prohibit companies from using their credit records...[etc.]"
[-quotation from p. 106 of PC World magazine, September 1998 issue.]

- Nor does it mention the Gettysburg Address or the Declaration of Independence (-?).

Nor does it mention the F.B.I. Nor does it mention C.B.S., T.B.S., A.B.C., nor FoxB.S.

Nor (take a deep breath):
                  Nuclear weapons, S.T.A.R.T., S.A.L.T., fallout, genocide, the rights of surrogate mothers, abortion, shaving cream, terrorism, rape, incest, the Rocky Mountain locust plagues, 'spam', dental insurance, WWII-style 'flight jackets', toothpaste, cake with thick vanilla frosting, Love-Canal-type scenarios, waltzes, late-night TV commercials, Count Dracula, PCs, brain transplants, sui-genericide*, the Klingon Empire, drunk drivers who murder by 'accident', Marxist Communism, farting, being a chatterbox, 'Jim Crow' laws, table manners, 'Geico-style' courteous driving, stop signs, traffic lights, the lowest grade you got in the 3rd grade, information overload, back-fence gossiping, Boss Tweed, juvenile delinquency, your next yard sale, going to the moon.

Nor Dutch Apple pie. Nor Yosemite, nor John Muir, nor Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania, nor Baxter State Park in Maine. Nor spelling bees. Nor lipstick, perfume, your first car and the way the breeze felt when you got it going down your favorite road on a warm day.
Nor those beautiful books you discovered and read, from the children's room in the library before you were 10 years old . . .

Correct me where I'm wrong!

- R.H., (C) September 30, 1998.

(And it doesn't mention filibustering either... so if you have a correction or comment, make it short (this messaging utility cuts off after about the 10th or 15th line anyway !)

" '...You were never told not to get him drunk. You were never told not to shave him bald. You were never told not to skewer him with a fine-edged Tav curve. ...' "
[-near the end of Chapter 3 of The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov.]

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[ - version of November 18, 1998. - Webmaster.]